No student can learn to fly any maneuver by simply observing a CFI’s demonstration. If you didn't pay attention to ACS during earlier training, get into those books fast. Bob Schmelzer is a Chicago-area designated pilot examiner, and a retired United Airlines captain and Boeing 777 line check airman. Standards (ACS) document to communicate the aeronautical knowledge, risk management, and flight proficiency standards for the instrument rating in the airplane category, single-engine land and sea; and multiengine land and sea classes. Since the aeronautical experience required for private pilots is specified at a minimum of three hours, a filling-the-square mentality is frequently displayed when exactly 3.0 hours of training has been provided. ii ASA Instructor Test Prep Instructor Test Prep 2020 Edition ... ASA-TP-CFI-20-PD PDF eBook ISBN 978-1-61954-787-2 Print Book ISBN 978-1-61954-786-5 About the Contributor ... for more than 25 years, including participation in the ACS development committees. fication Standards (ACS) are much thicker than the PTS or ACS for other ratings and there is a lot of material that has to be covered. 07/2020: CFII - Removed NTAP references and replaced with new information/links Option one: Create an account and access the updated lessons at anytime through your account on our website. For example, my app currently says "content updated May 14, 2020," yet there was an AIM update July 16 that has never been imported. He has been an active gold seal flight instructor since 1972. We will be using the new Private Pilot Airman Certification Standards (ACS) issued in June, 2019. A condition of eligibility for the extension is that the pilot must have been current in March 2020, logged at least 10 hours of pilot in command time within the 12 calendar months preceding the month the flight review was due, in an aircraft for which that pilot is rated. This ACS incorporates and supersedes FAA-S-ACS-8A Instrument Rating – Airplane Airman Certification Standards. Instrument Flight; 07/2020: CFI- Rewrote all Takeoffs, Landings, and Go-Arounds lessons, and all Fundamental of Flight lessons Removed NTAP information and replaced with new info Incorporated other minor updates. We'll do the work to keep your lesson plans current! During the Pre-Solo phase of training you’ll specifically want to study the Gleam – Private ACS & Oral Exam book. Hard to believe, but under the guise of safety and risk management, there are actually flight schools out there that prohibit their students from practicing these demanding skills, only permitting their CFIs to “demonstrate” once, each of these until the very end of their training—then, they seem to hope that the DPE will not notice their students’ deficiencies. This scenario does not involve a first-time instructor applicant. I've emailed Sporty's several times about it being out of date at various times. Some form of simulated emergency should be presented during nearly every training session, the exception being during the very early phases of training. It is unrealistic to believe that the sole purpose for learning basic instrument skills for private pilots—surviving an accidental IMC encounter—can be learned in precisely the same time for every student, just like every student cannot be expected to solo with exactly 10 hours’ instruction. This leads to never really practicing them enough to get comfortable doing them to the ACS specifications, which require recovery after a full stall, and then recovering at the appropriate climb airspeed. ASA TEST PREP 2020: CERTIFIED FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR Includes study questions for Fundamentals of Instructing (FOI), Flight, Ground, Military and Sport Instructor FAA Knowledge exams, supported with answers and explanations. And if you’re headed for a career in aviation, being well-compensated for something you love doing is great, too! Example: CFI ASEL to CFII ASEL. The FAA views the ACS as the foundation of its transition to a more integrated and systematic approach to airman certification.