First, we need to recognize why God calls us to wait. We’re on a mission to change that. Waiting for a loved one to heal. We’re doing a lot of waiting. Waiting for graduation, for work, for a boyfriend, for a trip, for an idea, for the next big thing. It creates a level of maturity and character that we will take with us into the future, and it enables us to enjoy his future blessings all the more. His life, death, and resurrection are pictures of faithful waiting. He encourages us and is working in us things that have lasting, eternal value. How? What can we learn about walking in faith while in isolation? W hat can we learn in our waiting? To increase our trust. We often do that in our own waiting periods. If you have had a faith journey that involved “waiting”, you are not alone! Working… “In our waiting God is working.” “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply.” Hudson Taylor . Some of the greatest figures in the Bible — Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David — had to wait for many years for God’s promises. I used to think I was a patient person, but waiting revealed just how impatient I was. So anxious are we for that “next step,” we languish in despair. God invites us to trust in his goodness today and his faithfulness tomorrow. In this powerful personal testimony, Blair Balehowsky shares a song he wrote… God's Working in Our Waiting: Powerful Special Music by Blair Balehowsky on Vimeo We live in an accomplishment-driven culture where value is measured and marked by productivity. … As we seek to accept and rejoice in God’s handling of our lives, including his timing, we can ask God to work in us two main things, so that our waiting is not in vain: humility and trust. So anxious are we for that “next step,” we languish in despair. That waiting can take a significant toll on us. Waiting for answers is a fact of life—nobody gets out of it. If you have a testimony or story you would like to share or if you have a prayer request, please use the form below. 1. She is the author of. What did Daniel learn while in isolation? Waiting for God to provide, guide, move, heal, direct, answer, reveal. But James 1:4 reminds us to “let patience have her perfect work.” Times of uncertainty and doubt are useful periods in which we can draw into God, hone our skills and prepare for the time when that big promotion comes. The promises of God are clear on this matter—in waiting on God, we find our strength renewed (Isaiah 40:31). Save. To crucify our idols. They became, in effect, their own god. recent posts art Christian craft diy freebies giveaways recycling typography. In Romans 8 Paul talks about how all of creation and all of humanity is waiting with an innate, inward longing for Jesus to redeem all things. Along with making us more humble, God uses waiting to make us more patient. ... post on FB that adoption was a beautiful thing and that if anyone was home study ready and waiting, he knew of a situation in which a sweet baby needed to find their forever home. Your Daily Verse - 2 John 1:6. Yet he is much more than our example; he is our hope. God is in charge, and we are not. Then, when they reached their promise, they were blessed beyond measure. Are we putting our worth in our plans and productivity, or in God (Galatians 6:9)? But we are human, and we live in a fast-paced culture that demands everything now. Simply feeling deep, complex emotions in waiting — especially for significant things, like a pregnancy or a job — is not necessarily sinful in itself. He does it for his glory and to make us more like Jesus, whose whole life could be called a waiting game. As humans, we crave control, yet waiting pulls that from our grasp. Waiting out things in the workplace. Too often, this is exactly what we do today. I used to think I was a patient person, but waiting revealed just how impatient I was. Even during that long road of silence, God cares deeply for us. As humans, we crave control, yet waiting pulls that from our grasp. It’s easy to say we … I am waiting, and I am trusting, and I am changing, and ultimately I am growing more like Jesus. The truth is, even outside of our present circumstances, so much of our life with Jesus is marked by waiting. Waiting pries our fingers from the ledge and confronts us with an uncomfortable question: “Will we give up on ourselves and trust God wholly?”. Julie McCarter shares what God has been teaching her. He waited for his disciples, he waited for the crowds, he waited for his parents, he waited for crucifixion, he waited for glorification, and he is waiting to return. He knew Joseph needed years of languishing in prison and cycling through suffering to learn humility and forgiveness. As our eyes are taken off ourselves and our idols, waiting changes us. Whether it’s waiting in line, waiting in traffic, waiting for food service, or waiting for marriage, biding our time is more counter-cultural than ever. In this talk we talk about the presence of God making a difference in a … God uses waiting to make us more humble. Relinquishing control to him is the main route to experience his love and peace. If you would like someone from our staff to call you, please include your phone number. That is the lesson this “go-getter” is learning. When we grasp that fact, waiting on God is not only made less difficult, it actually becomes joyful. Choosing at the Crossroads The story of Adam and Eve is a story of rebellion against God. First and most foundationally, he uses waiting to increase our trust in him and loosen our perceived control. The first in the series on 1 Samuel. In … He does it for his glory and to make us more like Jesus, whose whole life could be called a waiting game. I can either ungratefully fight it or contentedly embrace it. We need these periods to sanctify us. We often do that in our own waiting periods. We may still carry the ache of unfulfilled longing with us wherever we go. In our waiting God is working SVG, Religious Shirts, Bible Quotes SVG, Miracle worker svg Add to Favorites Click to zoom UnbrokenCutFiles 10,735 sales 10,735 sales | 5 out of 5 stars. Audio post. Address. It’s where our Upper Class customers and Gold Card holders go to relax before their flight, and enjoy fine dining, carefully curated cocktails and some pampering at our Clubhouse Spa. Even our first responders need some fun in the snow. God is working in our waiting Watch Pastor Herb Ruby continues his sermon series on Encouragement from the Psalms with a reflection on Psalm 27: 7-14, reminding us of the … Cancel Unsubscribe. Waiting reminds us we’re at the mercy (literally) of God’s timing, and we have no power to change that. I’ve been known to work overtime (w/o pay) just to feel I’ve accomplished what I should have done all day. What did Daniel learn while in isolation? But why did he have to take on flesh that first Christmas? It is coming to realize that we are a breath and God owes us nothing (Psalm 39:5; Luke 17:7–10). But waiting is like a seat belt that buckles me into being patient, a forced lesson in patience. We may not respond with the same emotional outbursts as children, but most of us still hate waiting for what we want. He will say, “Go,” when we need to go—but not before then. This “dis-ease” of waiting follows most of us into our adult years. But God does hear those prayers, and He’s working out the answers even though we may not know all the details. Our situation can change suddenly—quickly without warning! We are not used to waiting, and the more our technology caters to our immediate desires, the less we feel willing to wait. Directed by Rob McKittrick. Share, pin and save today's encouraging Bible Scripture. waiting. all all all all waiting, waiting. But James 1:4 reminds us to “let patience have her perfect work.” Times of uncertainty and doubt are useful periods in which we can draw into God, hone our skills and prepare for the time when that big promotion comes. [Tweet “God’s grace will help you persevere through the waiting, and will abound when you don’t wait well.”]. be strong, and let your heart take courage; Abraham and Sarah waited for a son (so did Rachel and Hannah). Link. With Ryan Reynolds, Anna Faris, John Francis Daley, Justin Long. God doesn’t make us wait out of capricious malice but in loving wisdom, and he is working through our waiting. But what is it like to work in the best airline lounge in the world? Such is our dilemma as Christians. Julie McCarter shares what God has been teaching her. His empowering grace will help you persevere through the waiting, and will abound when you don’t wait well. I can’t be emailing them every five minutes to find out if they love my work. Working in Our Waiting Tuesday, November 17, 2015. Home art Christian music In our Waiting, God is Working art Christian music In our Waiting, God is Working But waiting destroys that. I am waiting, and I am trusting, and I am changing, and ultimately I am growing more like Jesus. Something actually happens while nothing is happening. There is beauty in our tears And You meet us in our mourning With a love that casts out fear You are working in our waiting You're sanctifying us When beyond our understanding You're teaching us to trust Your plans are still to prosper You have not forgotten us You're with us in the fire and the flood You're faithful forever Perfect in love It’s not impetuous, and it’s not despairing.”. Sports. We can be like David and remind ourselves, “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” (Psalm 27:14). In other words, you're waiting … 1 Samuel; Related posts; Living in the Promise; Audio post. Yet I should be, because waiting is not a pattern unique to me. No, there is much work that takes place in the waiting season of the harvest. May 6, 2020 Author: Tukker. Moses waited to lead the Israelites out of slavery. I am a full-throttle go-getter who wants to move from thing to thing with speed and efficiency, and waiting feels like a massive speed bump that kills my momentum and drive. Therefore, we have no reason for pride or boasting. It creates distance in our relationship with him. Therefore, we have no reason for pride or boasting. You are not at the mercy of your circumstances. You may not be able to see it. He is capable of both helping us and changing things. Are we putting our worth in our plans and productivity, or in God (Galatians 6:9)? But we can decide where those emotions take us. God uses waiting to test, teach, and train us for what lies ahead. We have lonely people to befriend, refugees to welcome, Sunday school classes to teach, and younger believers to disciple. I despise delayed gratification; I don’t want to be left wondering and guessing. Waiting is hard work and, at times, can even test our faith. I can either ungratefully fight it or contentedly embrace it. Download Audio. Recently Featured Inspirations. It means that his judgment and timing is always perfectly good. We can’t always maximize efficiency if we’re waiting on God—and that’s okay. It means that he is faithful to help us right now and bring us blessings later. And proclaiming it “the hardest part” resonates deeply. As a writer, I have to wait for editors to make their moves. In short, he assures them that God is working while they wait. We're We're We're We're we. In the person of Jesus Christ, we encounter incarnate Deity. We don’t start out willing to wait. Waiting for the right moment to… Oh, the anxiety of waiting-lines, and yet, we have hope. While You are Waiting, God is Working. It causes us to get into trouble and brings pain. But God does hear those prayers, and He’s working out the answers even though we may not know all the details. I have been reading through Exodus and all I see is a chapter about God working through the lives of His children. Working in Our Waiting Tuesday, November 17, 2015. God’s radical love for you, as shown through his Son’s sacrifice, means he’s not going to leave you on your own, and his wisdom means he knows waiting is best for you. Believing God is loving means that there is care and purpose behind all that he does. The waiting on God secures the working of God for us and in us, out of which our work must spring. but the. It’s especially difficult when there are no guarantees that our waiting will ever end in this lifetime. "This Week at Unlocking the Bible" features new articles, radio programs, devotionals, and ministry updates. We have the choice, then, to take a deep breath, release our clenched hands, and let God be God. May 6, 2020 Author: Tukker. We can decide to exalt these feelings. How? He is Working in Our Waiting by Julie McCarter. Instead, we should embrace our weakness in the form of humility and approach God with a proper view of ourselves (Psalm 8:3-4). Waiting reminds us we’re at the mercy (literally) of God’s timing, and we have no power to change that. Faithful preparation is not bad, but how can we do that when we’re not even sure what we’re preparing for? We can’t always maximize efficiency if we’re waiting on God—and that’s okay. It unites our hearts with his. all all all all waiting, waiting. Realizing why God makes us wait, and what he’s doing through the waiting, is the start of trusting him in this tension between waiting and preparation for the season ahead. Make sure to then listen to the song, "Sovereign Over Us." God wants us to learn how to follow him and put down our demanding selves — to calm that screaming child in us. Our situation can change suddenly—quickly without warning! To lead us to the mysterious “Next Thing”—the next step, person, place, or plan. Working in our Waiting . Your Daily Verse - Psalm 121:5-6. I have been known to work 10-12 hour workdays which, I realize, is simply ridiculous. Everything that happened in the meantime was used to prepare them, inwardly as well as outwardly. The two passages teach the great lesson, that as waiting on God lies at the root of all true working for God, so working for God must be the fruit of all true waiting on Him. Your Daily Verse - Matthew 7:14. He says, "With the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day. And then there were 3. She is…, Jaquelle Crowe is a writer from eastern Canada. And so we need to learn to wait—I need to learn to wait—and recognize how God is working through the waiting. What is the difference between sin, sins, and trespasses in the Bible? The next in our series on 1 Samuel. Our Heathrow Clubhouse is a calm oasis amid the hustle and bustle of Terminal 3. Celebrate Impact: Take a bold stance with Unlocking the Bible to proclaim Christ mightily in 2021! And we are invited to continue hoping in his greatness. How do we live in the tension between waiting and preparation for the season ahead? God Is Working in Your Waiting God Works While We Wait Comments. As humans, we crave control, yet waiting … We're We're We're We're we. But waiting destroys that. God uses waiting to change us. In a season that feels as though there is no movement, there is still work to be done. Make sure to then listen to the song, "Sovereign Over Us." His life, death, and resurrection are pictures of faithful waiting. Every Christian’s life is woven with spiritual, mental, and physical waiting. Loading... Unsubscribe from Hope Church LV? waiting. is the lesson this “go-getter” is learning. He is our example when waiting seems so horribly hard and contentment feels just out of reach. (click here to complete form) RALEIGH, N.C. – North Carolina elections officials are looking for “democracy heroes” to work at polling places and early voting sites in 2020. Instead, we should embrace our weakness in the form of humility and approach God with a proper view of ourselves (Psalm 8:3-4), Along with making us more humble, God uses waiting to make us more patient. We will never sell or misuse your information. Faithful preparation is not bad, but how can we do that when we’re not even sure what we’re preparing for? While society makes every attempt to make our life easier and faster, God works on a very different timetable. The Waiting Room feature allows the host to control when a participant joins the meeting by placing participants in a Waiting Room prior to joining the session. When we grasp that fact, waiting on God is not only made less difficult, it actually becomes joyful. Waiting for answers is a fact of life—nobody gets out of it. We live in an accomplishment-driven culture where value is measured and marked by productivity. In his mind, nothing is wrong with waiting. I want what I want, and I want it now. He waited for his disciples, he waited for the crowds, he waited for his parents, he waited for crucifixion, he waited for glorification, and he is waiting to return. It stops working for downloading previously "nonpurchased" apps a week ago, roughly a month after I bought Lumia in the US (coincidence maybe). Waiting pries our fingers from the ledge and confronts us with an uncomfortable question: “Will we give up on ourselves and trust God wholly?”. And then there were 3. Message in the story line of Ruth is one where we see not only that God's in control and he's his invisible hand of Providence is working and moving, but listen God is working in our waiting. How much you get done defines your worth, and we can be guilty of making that an idol. but the. It’s easy to let waiting distract us or pressure us to false-start before God says, “Go,” but that’s not what we’re called to. The promises of God are clear on this matter—in waiting on God, we find our strength renewed (Isaiah 40:31). In our waiting God is working. That’s one reason why waiting on God is difficult. As waiting reveals our spectacular lack of control, it exposes our weakness and vulnerability. Young employees at Shenaniganz restaurant collectively stave off … Regardless of our situation, God has work for us to do in our waiting. We have offended against Your holy laws. ... post on FB that adoption was a beautiful thing and that if anyone was home study ready and waiting, he knew of a situation in which a sweet baby needed to find their forever home. There is beauty in our tears And You meet us in our mourning With a love that casts out fear You are working in our waiting You're sanctifying us When beyond our understanding You're teaching us to trust Your plans are still to prosper You have not forgotten us You're with us in the fire and the flood You're faithful forever Perfect in love Waiting for a relationship to develop. God uses waiting to change us. God is fighting for you as we speak. Message in the story line of Ruth is one where we see not only that God's in control and he's his invisible hand of Providence is working and moving, but listen God is working in our waiting. Patience says we are faithfully trusting in the Lord’s timing, not our own: “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” (Psalm 27:14). Second, God uses waiting to crucify our idol of efficiency. God doesn’t make us wait out of capricious malice but in loving wisdom, and he is working through our waiting. Phone (702) 896-5924 I want what I want, and I want it, But waiting is like a seat belt that buckles me into being patient, a forced lesson in patience. Share Tweet. What good is it to gain the whole world now — whatever it is we think we want — and forfeit our souls’ intimacy with God (Mark 8:36)? Or, by God’s grace, we can choose to wait as he intends. Sometimes life can be unbearable! Desires we long for, prayers we’ve been praying, and news we’re waiting to hear can tempt us to be impatient, discouraged, to worry, and even to wonder if God cares. ... Do employers have to file unemployment for workers waiting for COVID-19 test results? I still can download and install apps that I had installed before on any device I had for years (My apps)! But added to the difficulty of waiting is a deep desire for control and comfort, which makes us want to earnestly prepare for the “nexts.”. Second, God uses waiting to crucify our idol of efficiency. As waiting reveals our spectacular lack of control, it exposes our weakness and vulnerability. Sometimes, when I’ve found myself getting impatient and upset, I will remind myself that God is the one who put me here. Or perhaps we will not act, but we’ll make an idol out of the good for which we are waiting — every passing day is another log on the fires of bitterness, impatience, ingratitude, perhaps even resentment against the God who won’t give us what we want. Fortunately, God is gracious and merciful, understanding of our tendencies. As our eyes are taken off ourselves and our idols, waiting changes us. View While You are Waiting, God is Working - Your Daily Verse. First and most foundationally, he uses waiting to increase our trust in him and loosen our perceived control. I have no choice; I have to be patient. When waiting saps you of joy and you feel empty, overwhelmed, and afraid, Jesus is the brother and friend who will give you the strength you need. Believing God is powerful means that we know he is in charge of what’s happening; things are not arbitrary or out of his control. Waiting reminds us we’re at the mercy (literally) of God’s timing, and we have no power to change that. “This Week at Unlocking the Bible” features new articles, radio programs, devotionals, and ministry updates, Jaquelle Crowe is a writer from eastern Canada. Waiting is a common pattern in my life. “Waiting on the Lord is the opposite of running ahead of the Lord, and it’s the opposite of bailing out on the Lord,” writes John Piper. Our natural response to waiting is often anger or doubt. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. And I find this terribly inconvenient. He will say, “Go,” when we need to go—but not before then. All was working fine for years on multiple Windows 8, 8.1, 10 (1511) PC's and Phones. God is in charge, and we are not. Multiple people responded to this post, Leigh being one of those posters on our behalf. But while you’re waiting for that answer to prayer, for that thing to change, for the circumstances to be different, God is working—and he’s working on you. In fact, waiting can actually be a positive good that he often uses to make us more like his Son. How much you get done defines your worth, and we can be guilty of making that an idol. Work in Elections (join our waiting list) Work in Elections Serve Democracy - Work in Elections! It wasn’t glamorous, showy, or especially exciting, but it was preparing them for what lay ahead. God knows what we need, and if he wants us to wait, it’s always for our good. He knew Moses needed 40 years as a country shepherd before he could shepherd God’s people, just like Joshua needed his 40 years assisting Moses to learn leadership and courage. need to learn to wait—and recognize how God is working through the waiting. And if we trust in him, we know that he will direct our steps and point us to our next destination. God is working in our waiting Call to Worship Confession of Sin Almighty and merciful Father; We have erred and strayed from Your ways like lost sheep. And God is always working… We find ourselves in a proverbial waiting line… Waiting for a job to open up. True, he owes us nothing, yet he has promised to give us everything we need (Philippians 4:19). We are not alone in our waiting...He is with us, giving us His strength, comfort and grace. Then comes trust, which means believing at least two things about God: he is powerful, and he is loving. Patience says we are faithfully trusting in the Lord’s timing, not our own: “. This is humility. In a season of waiting, in a season of uncertainty, in a season that feels chaotic, GOD – IS – STILL – WORKING. But one thing is certain: Before God moves suddenly, we will wait. Then, as we wait we focus on living faithfully in the present. The last thing kids want to hear is Mom say, “Not now.” It can prompt anger, frustration, even hopelessness. We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts. “It’s staying at your appointed place while he says stay, or it’s going at his appointed pace while he says go. That’s how he’s always worked for his people: In those times of waiting, these people were called to serve their families and those around them; learn about and listen expectantly to God; pray without ceasing; not grumble or complain; and fulfill the ordinary work God called them to. waiting. We don’t start out willing to wait. Have been known to work in the Bible to proclaim working in our waiting mightily in 2021 at times, even... I don ’ t want to wait as he intends are a breath and God owes nothing! Has been teaching her being patient, a forced lesson in patience powerfully ever... On God, we find our strength renewed ( Isaiah 40:31 ) has for! It was preparing them for what lay ahead contentment feels just out of it every Christian ’ not! 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