Is an Extrovert or an Introvert the best leader? INFJs are likable though, because they listen and understand and make great, loyal friends — but they also have a universe inside them that the other 99 percent aren't even close to comprehending. I expected more INFJs to be 1s, since many INFJs live up to the moralistic perfectionist that carries out their ideals. 3 years ago. Work on your self-esteem and learn to appreciate yourself and your relationships. I'm in a constant battle with myself, and trying to explain the thoughts that either bring me trouble, or leave others terribly confused. As an INFJ myself, it's hard. When most of us think of Christmas music, we imagine the traditional songs in the public domain. But then something popped up that caught my eye: And I felt connected to the quote, something worthy enough to debate about going on my quote wall. I have quotes such as Andy Warhol's, ''Don't think about making art, just get it done. Join our INFJ tribe and get articles and webinars we never share on the blog. Things the INFJ Hates 1. 2020 has been a rollercoaster ride of a year, with each month throwing us all in for a new loop. We process information and think deeply but you can’t see any of those things. Which Personality Types Earn the Most Money. [INFJ] Jump to Latest Follow 21 - 40 of 50 Posts. Trying to find the perfect gifts for your loved ones, picking out the best tree and trimming it to the nines. Save … If you go here, there's a chart on page 14 that shows the difference between the "reported type" and the "best-fit type." That means when someone becomes involved with you, they are connecting with a unique, perceptive, complex, and sometimes mysterious personality. INFJs are very intuitive, almost like mind readers, they understand almost too much of the world, both the good and bad. So I fed my racing thoughts by Pinteresting. You’ll also get a free 20-page INFJ Relationship Guide. My mind surprisingly agreed to help me out, and brought me back to high school when my therapist and psychiatrist and school counselor all forced personality tests down my throat until I was blue in the face. The NT's design shit and lead organizations. INFJs entertain themselves by thinking about the meaning of life and like Alice In Wonderland have fallen into many a rabbit hole of deep contemplation. ;). 29 ‘INFJ Problems’ That Make This Rare Personality Type Truly Special | Thought Catalog Menu Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. Bake all the treats and yumminess for the entire family. This personality type loves to focus on the future. While there are many things that INFJs can tolerate — generally, they’re more sympathetic than most — even INFJs have their limits. If you struggle with anxiety and depression, get help from a professional as soon as possible. So what makes INFJs “weird” and wonderful? Consider these top five personality traits of INFJs. Enneagram 4 seems very Fi. Next is maybe a cultural component. I painted them, one by one, upon my graham cracker colored wall with use of various sized paint brushes to give a variety of letter sizes and shape. Jennifer Kustanovich, SUNY Stony Brook5. Add Chevy Chase into the mix and you have one of the funniest Christmas movies of all time. They appear self absorbed and think they are special snowflakes. So a new quote is a big deal for me because I'm constantly looking for new wall-quote-worthy contenders, but only a limited few make the cut. Why do I love being alone, but fear being lonely? Being someone who is rare can make it challenging to connect with people, since most don’t operate or see the world in the same way. INFJs seem much more well suited for modern society than ancient ones if only by a little bit. I felt like it spoke to me, I started searching INFJ all over Pinterest and found these quotes that made me feel content, and intrigued. INFJ Is The Rarest And Perhaps Most Fascinating Personality Type, The Top 10 Modern Christmas Songs You Need On Your Playlist, It's Been Almost A Year Since The Pandemic Began, And I Still Haven't Adjusted To My 'New Normal', I Interviewed My Best Friend About Her COVID-19 Experience, And It Made Me More Appreciative, 17 Quotes From 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation' That Are A 2020 Mood, COVID Doesn’t Magically Leave For The Holidays, So Celebrate With Caution, I Interviewed Harry Shum Jr. And Jessica Rothe About 'All My Life' And It'll Break Your Heart In The Best Way, 25 Quotes From ‘Christmas Vacation’ That Perfectly Encapsulate Your Mental State In 2020, 5 Ways To Get Into The Christmas Spirit This Year. Make this holiday even better with these festive hits! Some famous INFJs include Plato, Gandhi, George Harrison, Lady Gaga, and Oprah Winfrey to name a few. They might feel like there is something wrong because they are so different from their peers. Many of an INTJ’s personality traits are inward-focused. I spoke to my best friend, a class of 2020 senior at Neshaminy High School, and I truly learned how people aside from myself felt about the pandemic that ended the senior year so quickly. And every time I resulted in the INFJ personality — Introversion, intuition, feeling, judging. These people are usually the outcasts, the quirky ones, the crazy dreamers but also the accomplished doers. ", INFJs are hard to condense but in short this comment under a. " So, my theory is that, a lot of people who are actually INFPs and INFJs choose to live as other types. That's why INFJs need to take care of themselves first and foremost. They are introverted people who want to be with people — well the right people. #1: Extremely Private As introverts, INFJs keep their personal thoughts and feelings close to the vest. “INFJ” is an initialism that stands for Introversion (I), Intuition (N), Feeling (F), and Judgment (J), which describes the INFJ’s core characteristics. So why do we over-analyze? Kristen Haddox, Penn State University4. It's very hard for me to pinpoint what it is exactly--an INFJs writing style is very distinctly soft, quietly philosophical, very detailed, with a long-train of thought in one subject at a time, and I'm always in awe. The INFJ is thought to be the rarest Myers-Briggs personality type, making up only 1-3 percent of the population. I mean, are MOST people extroverts? Hollywood has gifted us with the classic "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" film starring Chevy Chase and Beverly D'Angelo 31 years ago, but it is still relevant and a magnificent delight, even in the times of the COVID-19 global pandemic. contribute their personal ideas and thought in the workplace environment, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. Yeah there is a few good infjs, so what infjs are not so special if you don’t fall for some of their crazy ideals. If INFJs are so rare, why are there so many here? Perhaps it’s because they’re quiet and reserved and tend to share their deepest thoughts and feelings only with select people. It feels like Christmas snuck up on everyone, especially if you have been using Winter Break to sleep in and not worry about your day to day routine (totally not talking from experience). After much thinking and deliberation, I arrived to a possible theory about why INFJ's are so rare in our current society. We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising" and also in accordance to amazon associates programme operating agreement. I know it doesn't change much, I'm still the same person, but being able to see an outpour of other INFJs try to explain the same life I'm leading makes me feel a little less weird, kinda cool, and a lot understood. I felt like it spoke to me, I started searching INFJ all over Pinterest and found these quotes that made me feel content, and intrigued. "Hallelujah! The question is - why are we (the INFJs) so rare? Why do I feel everyone is worthy and lovable but yet I can claw your eyes out if you do one thing I deem "immoral"? It can be very confusing for the INFJ, as we often don’t quite know what it is we want or need. Open-minded while seeming standoffish. Brittany Morgan, National Writer's Society2. I think the reason why high Ni users are so rare is that most people are on a Si-Ne axis for one. Take the test. I think EVERYONE thinks they are a special snowflake!! 1. But people with all personality types can work out and be good looking, so your appearence doesn't necessarily reflect your personality type. INFJs are a unique gift to the world. If so, you are one of the rarest personality types of all. :D . INFJs are extremely rare, and have a unique combination of traits. While celebrating this magnum opus, I would like to share 25 quotes that mirror our 2020 mental state to the core. I would love to hear your thoughts why are INFJs drawn to sadness. Because he is GOD. Do you think it’s because of our past experiences, or the fact that we’re so rare? We seek meaning in everything It's like American Idol and I'm Simon Cowell. But this week, I found my Pinterest scroll worth while and eye-opening. This fact didn't fascinate me that much either, it was the quotes on Pinterest written by fellow INFJs that made me feel understood, at home, and it explained everything that I was as a person in a few "Pins. Learn to pay attention to your feelings, wants, and needs. Here’s why INTJs are so rare and also the traits that make them appear odd to the outside world. However, the past five decades have seen a whole new wave of Christmas classics in pop culture. INFJs are hard to condense but in short this comment under a Pin explains them well, "As the rarest type in the population, INFJs tend have very contradicting personality traits such as wanting to be noticed but hating attention, or having a logically oriented mindset but disregarding logic in situations where their intuition tells them something different. For those of you that don't know, Pinterest acts as a personalized Internet feed; you choose what categories you want to see and by liking or "pinning" content, you allow the site to learn your interests (hence the name Pinterest.) The way we're living is not the way we're supposed to live. As Introverts who want to I don't know how to describe it, but INFJs have an "open" and vulnerable, quick to self-disclose, soft writer's voice that's like sunshine. These idealistic people with high moral standards are a rare personality type. Those songs have existed so long, people don't remember a time without them. Statistically, we have low distribution of NFs. A difficulty many INFJs struggle with is balancing their contrasting personas. This film is a must-watch every year as it brings forth the enthusiasm and holiday vibes in the hearts of every family during the holiday season! Clare Regelbrugge, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. While they are deciding, make even more art'' saying as well as Buddha's "The trouble is, you think you have time" mantra and even a quote my yoga teachers and I came up with, "The opposite of love is love." Why INFJs Over-Analyze. I was working as a news anchor for Friday Morning News, my high school's television show, on March 12, 2020. Christmas just has to look a little different. To be honest, I was thinking more about what I would make for breakfast in the morning and if my dog was actually comfortable sleeping upside down on my bony knees, than anything my glaring phone had to offer. The students with the highest GPAs and who are most likely to graduate college are those who have the INFJ personality. As … What three unusual characteristics make them stand out? This intense behavior can have its drawbacks, quite a few of them. Anywho, I opened my Pinterest app and decided to casually scroll through. I mean Jane Fonda’s wishy washy beliefs and might I add she was wrong most of the time. The first point lies in statistics. Traditions are hard to break, especially when it comes to the holiday season. I'm an INFJ (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) and apparently this is the rarest of the sixteen personality types. Last year I decided to designate one wall in my bedroom for all of my favorite quotes. INFJs are so scatter-minded that they’re often incoherent and illogical in conversations. Here's some different things to do to make you feel the Christmas magic. They represent 1-3% of the population. And simply make sure everyone is having the "hap-hap-happiest Christmas.". More likely though, it’s because they are walking, talking contradictions. 3 Weird and Wonderful Secrets About the INFJ Personality Type INFJs Foresee Future Implications with Uncanny Accuracy. I wonder why so many INFJs are Type 4s on the enneagram? A difficulty many INFJs struggle with is balancing their … For the INFJ … Although co-stars Jessica Rothe and Harry Shum Jr. acted in hits such as "Happy Death Day" and "Crazy Rich Asians," respectively, the two decided to try an unglamorous take on unconditional love during a time when we needed it most., . Well I think JESUS was all personality types. It makes sense why I chose to become a writer, and how I see the world. INFJs are the most susceptible to mental disorders like depression because they are so deeply emotional — either all in or all out. Surprised? If everyone is special then that means no one is special. These warm shy individuals are dubbed as being socially inept because they are quiet and rarely initiate conversation in social situations. The stars of this movie talk about the reality of cinematic representation and star-crossed relationships. One of the reasons INFJ personality type is so difficult to understand is that many of our characteristics seem completely contradictory. Is it because of our perfectionistic tendencies or idealistic expectations? Memes on the Internet compare the INFJ’s mind to that of a computer that cannot work properly because it has 100 tabs open. Where have I heard that before? Or maybe it’s because they are so rare—personality test research shows they make up less than 1% of the population. It's nice to understand yourself, and how your brain is wired. They want to see their work make real impacts and transform other people’s lives, which is also the reason why this personality type … Is this the case? INFJs are just a big complexity, using both the right and left side of their brain equally, jumping back and forth from the creative side and analytical side with almost every thought. I've been reading a lot about my personality over the past day and it helps answer the questions I always asked myself. It was the following 'Pins' that made me think that someone was reading my mind, making my thoughts visual and beautiful. Highly perceptive of people’s feelings, INFJS are very attentive and empathetic listeners who enjoy helping others realize their potential." The current trend in the literature promotes Introverts as the best. Scrolling through Pinterest during the small hours of the morning usually leads to cute little dog pictures, gorgeous shoes I pin but can never afford, and DIY crafts that I have no intention of making. We have all been through so much with COVID and no one goes unappreciated. The following are some of the reasons why INFs are so rare. So, if personality is genetic, traits for INFJs would have been weeded out over time. Why are INFJs so vulnerable when writing? Our brains are typically wired to be more practical and Se would have been a much more practical function than Ni for almost all of human history. It makes sense. Instead, I will share a couple of positives it can bring, as I explain why INFJs are so intense. Your email address will not be published. I like to view it as a psychological horoscope, but instead of predicting your future, it helps explain why you act a certain way. Prev. Why are INFJ 1s kind of rare (approximately 5-12% of INFJs). INFJs are known to be the rarest personality type, which is exactly what can make them be seen as weird. We don’t really talk about what we’re thinking so INTJs come across as aloof and even mean at times. Eventually the feed can become so personalized that it looks like a little part of the internet was created just for you, because it was — through the pinning and viewing and clicking — you did most of the work and helped make your own feed. That is not true. I know that these tests are not to be taken too seriously, but I still find it interesting. They are both soft-spoken and willing to fight for what they believe in. Not sure what your personality type is? A Rare Personality. Also, I have a theory that it's the cosmic design. Here are 12 things most INFJs absolutely hate. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire designed to indicate psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. INFJs are hard to condense but in short this comment under a Pin explains them well, "As the rarest type in the population, INFJs tend have very contradicting personality traits such as wanting to be noticed but hating attention, or having a logically oriented mindset but disregarding logic in situations where their intuition tells them something different. That’s why we have a community of INFJs. There is a constant conflict between our inner and outer worlds. Staying on the surface. "I don't know what to say, but it's Christmas, and we're all in misery. They’re also quiet, sensitive people who are full of contradictions and can seem like several different people, even to those who’ve known them for years. I didn't pay much attention to it, until a couple nights ago on Pinterest when I discovered INFJs make up only one percent of the population, being the rarest personality type out of the 16 the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator has. Find ways to relax and try not to take on too much. INFJs make up about one to three percent of the total population. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. "All My Life" is not your typical romance blockbuster. Jesus is said to be an infj, you got to be kidding how do they know that. Anyway, I think most people would be happier if they just quit focusing on themselves and demonstrated love for others, our earth, and animals. Take our new personality questionnaire here. Or you can take the official MBTI® here. This helps explain my depression, anxiety, and bipolar. If you think about it, we need the SJs and SPs to get the world going. Songs About Being 17Grey's Anatomy QuotesVine Quotes4 Leaf CloverSelf Respect, 1. If you look at the functions INFJs have extraverted sensing which means they are more likely to work out and be "show offs" than the ISxJ, ESxJ, INxP and ENxP types who all have introverted sensing. ", We all know the holidays can be a very stressful time for, well, everyone. INFJs are unique for many reasons, and not just because they’re rare. Maybe it’s because we are empaths, and we absorb other people’s emotions, so we don’t want to burden them with ours. I honestly don’t think so. But I won’t talk about them. I think the root of our over-analysis is we have a lot of insecurity around our own emotions. My wall is almost full, and I am very selective on what quotes I put up. The kind where you are tossing and turning and you almost wish those voices in your head could have the decency to take form as monsters or boogie men because at least then you could turn on the lights and they'd disappear. It's fun and interesting to see what you are categorized as, or don't take it - that's fine too — I don't want to exclude anyone, it's not who I am. But we only need small number of architects and leaders. Archives. Unfortunately, some setbacks like COVID-19, online school, and quarantine as a whole have made the Holiday Season feel inadequate this year. This fact didn't fascinate me that much either, it was the quotes on Pinterest written by fellow INFJs that made me feel understood, at home, and it explained everything that I was as a person in a few "Pins.". Most people on the Se-Ni axis are high Se users because Se is more practical than Ni, at least in my opinion. If you purchase a product or service linked from this site, we may receive an "affiliate commission". From the rock stars of the 70's to the pop stars of today, here are ten modern Christmas songs you need on your playlist. The only time I sound coherent is when I prepare in advance. Reactions: Grac3, Lady Nurture and Misha. Why are INFJs so Special? But, the mind is a persistent little thing, and it wanted me to stay up and play. Not feeling the Holiday spirit in 2020? At times it is like we are two different people. INFJs are a rare kind of personality type, which is sad, because they are always looking for ways to help the greater good. This might be a long post, due to my long-winded writing style, but if you can stick it out, it may just be a fun theory to discuss! I hate when I have so much to say, but I can't put any of it into words. It was the following 'Pins' that made me think that someone was reading my mind, making my thoughts visual and beautiful. This is how I feel when talking to people I don’t know well — I don’t function very well. INFJs often feel misunderstood. Are INFJs Rare? It was 2:30 a.m. by now and I was asking my brain to remember this random four letter acronym. It was one of those 2 o'clock in the morning nights. It's what every family feels and deals with during the holidays during normal times, even your snobby neighbors. Why are INFJs so sexy? This can be difficult for the INFJ growing up especially, since they even view themselves as strange. INFJs analyze almost everything, so we can spend days pondering why a person, object, or event is so important to us. Where's the Tylenol?". Let’s take a look! Björk's quote was easily a Hollywood-worthy quote and I kept on looking under the tags that went with Björk's six words and I saw, "INFJ personality" pop up again and again. It's great how technology nowadays can make the excluded feel included, and how it can help connect you to other people that are experiencing the same situations you face. My favorite Christmas movie is "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation," which is SO underrated compared with other Christmas movies, and the best quotes from the movie are too relatable this year. This may explain why there are more female INFJs han male ones. You have to hang all the stockings (with care) and wrap all the presents. I am an INFJ and I think INFJs aren't rare simply because I've met quite a few "INTPs" who actually appear to be INFJs to me. INFJ? —-Leadership. Radhi, SUNY Stony Brook3. As soon as I saw Björk's simple but dense quote, "I am half child, half ancient," I felt a little jump in my heart and I instantly thought Maybe I can add this beautiful mixture of words to my wall! It is actually quite eerie how well the description fits me. Holy shi*t! One of the explanations that has been put forth for why INFJs are so rare is that they are misidentified more than other types. ^This explains my social complex to the core. If everyone is special then that means no one is special then that when. Work on your self-esteem and learn to appreciate yourself and your relationships think it ’ s because they introverted. From this site, we imagine the traditional songs in the public domain INFJs to. 'Re living is not the way we 're living is not the way we 're living is the... 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