In non-alive Prakriti, the alive God’s power works to create the third thing i.e., universe and this sought of pious deed of creation is also called Yajyen. Jai says we have ... they are still trafficking women and that deserves punishment. The general mass of people have no interest in God, and any remnant of religion they might still follow is simply for the purpose of economic development. The oldest name of Chunar was Charanadri as Lord Vishnu had taken his first step in his Vaman in carnation in the dynasty of Great King Bali in the age of Satyug. I concluded for him. Atharvaveda 9/10/14 declares “Ayam Yajyo Vishwasya Bhuvnasya Nabhihi”, i.e., Yajyen is the naval (centre of importance) of entire world. […]. Lord Hanuman is Alive! It is our joy to be alive today to witness the dawning of the Golden Age promised by Krishna when He left the planet at the end of His incarnation, about 5,000 years ago. Eventually the individual adopts the diet of Sat Yuga. not sure why blawant kept them alive, theories? This person was and still a gift from Allah. The same holds true for extra marital affairs.” There is no date of creation of the following: (A) Almighty God who is alive, immortal, formless, creates, nurses and destroys the universe. The caloric intake will be reduced by 90% and most days there will be no food and occasionally, once or twice a week, one may eat a light meal. It is our joy to be alive today to witness the dawning of the Golden Age promised by Krishna when He left the planet at the end of His incarnation, about 5,000 years ago. Mythological characters still aliveOne of the oldest languages in India Sanskrit tells us that Chiran means long or permanent and jivi means living. maybe balwant doesn't want him to find out about satyug because there's something else and not just naageshwari. 1 Likes this REPLY QUOTE. Three friends, all of them statisticians, are out hunting. I found a medical tourism company called satyug medical tourism.Mr. lord kalki is known as the diety of the hindu lord Vishnu (the creator), who destryed ravana (god of underworld) in satyug (old era). Hindus have divided time into four ages. maybe it's related to his parents? The child has no past, he has only a future. So Guruji’s ultimate plan is to start a nuclear war between India and Pakistan, triggering off a chain of events that will lead to a nuclear holocaust. The age of Kalyug is 4,32,000 years and present kalyug arrival is just after departure of Lord Sri Krishna to his Param Dham from this earth. Here is a list of all the features of this Programme: Click here to enroll in the Satyug Kaya Kalpa Programme. You can help by visiting book stores in your area and encouraging them to stock the book. The Satyug Kaya Kalpa Programme has been designed to empower you to transition your physiology from a 100 year maximum lifespan Kali Yuga Physiology to a 100,000 year, perfect health Satyug Physiology. 3. When the Sat Yuga Physiology process is triggered, Kundalini takes over to transform the physiology to increase the pranic energy engine and decrease the physical food energy engine, and almost all dependence on physical food suddenly ends. The cycle will end with Judgment, after which the Christian elect enter the New Jerusalem and Muslims the Garden of Paradise. continue >>. What I am teaching here: Live so totally that you transform even that phenomenon of death into a door, a new opening for more abundant life. not sure why blawant kept them alive, theories? However, some individuals may retain an attachment to physical food due to the exercise of their free-will. This classic phrase, which opens A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, seems to exactly relay the situation before us in our present day: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisd ... : Atmavedi Crystals - creating and activating new devas to populate your S’rî Chakra: Initial Sattvic diet of organic vegetarian cooked food, raw milk Kefir and raw organic juice. People still possess characteristics of youth in old age. They started creating doubt. This results in sluggish, barely alive cells and organ systems and an overall lack of vitality and accelerated aging. Satyug- The bowl of cherries We are often reminded by some Sikh Scholars-Katha vaachaks about 4 eras or eons-Satyug, Treyta,Duaaper and Kaljug when they pontificate Hindu mythology and try to link it with Sikhi. This period is all about feeling alive, feeling loved and wanted. but then there's something in satyug connected to his parents right? continue >>, There is one objective for human life - Moksha. Ramayana happened in previous treta yuga while mahabharata war was fought in this dwapara yuga. Hare Krishna ! To us, the universe and our lives may seem real, solid and definitely not an illusion. Ray Maor went for 1 year without taking any food and very little water. : Atmavedi Crystals - creating and activating new devas to populate your S’rî Chakra: Initial Sattvic diet of organic vegetarian cooked food, raw milk Kefir and raw organic juice. The word has the same root. The Prophet(SAW) said:Allah will bring out from concealment al-Mahdi from my family and just before the day of Judgment; even if only one day were to remain in the life of the world, and he will spread on this earth justice and … continue >>, Humanity has been under what has been called “the great global deception” for the last 500 years. My body is transitioning to live on prana for about 90% of its needs. The curriculum in an MahaVideha School addresses the whole development of the child in a Satyug environment. They destroyed the belief in God; they destroyed their very foundation, they destroyed the belief in the Vedas as created by God. Somebody steps on your feet — and that’s enough, your intelligence has gone, and you are holding the man by the neck to kill him. and then every 1 will live happily. Once the body has reached maturity at the age of 24, the physical body is fully developed and transitions from a creation phase, where physical food is required, to a maintenance phase where all energy that is required by the body comes from the Prana field. There would be no costs to us, and they are looking for people either ex, or still currently following a sect etc. continue >>, We need a better understanding of the nature of this “relative” universe that we live in, so we can come out of the matrix of illusion and see the world for what it is. @AnilKumar Still 24th is prior to 28 I didn't remember exact numbers so I said previous mahayugas, anyway thankyou for information. Living life in full human potential is the norm and all around there is only unconditional love and acceptance. – Yogi Feb 12 '16 at 10:21. Once the pranic energy transition occurs, the individual spontaneously adopts a lifestyle where all maintenance energy required by the body comes from the Prana field. He shows an experience conducted during one of these courses. According to Hindus this is the most fallen stage. Treta yuga has only three legs. However, we know from our dail ... It is the age of darkness and ignorance. The entire Satyug Kaya Kalpa Programme is designed to point the life in the direction of balancing the food intake karmic traces so that the lifespan of the individual may revert to its normal 100,000 years. The 'chand pe daag' refers to Veer's elder brother Teer, whereas the spotless moon refers to Veeranshu. Kalyug smapt honey par punaha satyug aa jaata hai itiyadi. Lord Kalki is the tenth and last incarnation of Lord Vishnu who is supposed to be in charge of the day to day life (Stidi) of every living being. It is explained in Murlis. This lifestyle is viewed as "impossible" by modern science and skeptics abound. Now the table has lost two legs and on only two legs, how can you make it balanced? Usually the food grown in Kali Yuga is deficient in essential vitamins and minerals so these supplements are required. Living life in full human potential is the norm and all around there is only unconditional love and acceptance. Jai tells that Nageshwari became icchadhari naag first and everywhere she was praised in Satyug. The one last time. it is believed that the evil will once again keep on rising till kalyug then lord kalki will once again come to destroy the evil. : Atmavedi Crystals - creating and activating new devas to populate your S’rî Chakra: Initial Sattvic diet of organic vegetarian cooked food, raw milk Kefir and raw organic juice. Is it possible to live without any taking any food or water? It is a Sanskrit-oriented language; so is German, so is Swedish, so is French, so is Italian, so is Russian. Things To Do » South India » Delhi. Even if you assume that due to “Survival of the fittest” if some of them survive, still they would be mostly concerned about his bodily needs only, no matter how hard they try. But Hindus look at sat yuga as the golden age. nandighosh purohit says: at . You can visit TV and radio stations and give a copy of the book to encourage a report on the Goloka Project. It is in the treta that Hindus think Jainism, Buddhism — this type of religion — arose, because to them these religions are very destructive. Hriday's death in Satyug is still doubtful. Jai Shree Krishn. As we advance through the Levels of Consciousness, it is normal to abandon the meat diet of Kala Yuga and first adopt the cooked food vegetarian diet of Dwapara Yuga, then some will progress to the raw food diet of Trita Yuga. This yuga starts with humans having an average lifespan of 1000 years and stature of 7 cubits (11 ft, 2 inches). Their Kingdom is still … Vikram from satyug medical tourism arranged treatment facility for me india. This is a somewhat irrational way to explain karma. During this exercise phase it will be necessary to take some food, then when the desired weight is attained the pranic energy can maintain the body at this new level. But a few things started happening which were not good. This diet is a major factor that decreases the lifespan from 1,000 years to 100 years. Even though they have said "in the UK", I think it is still worth contacting them about our experiences, as the BKs are worldwide, and we all experience similar things. He has survived till now. […]. Then, Tretha yug after that Dwapar Yug and next Kaliyug. I have lost most of my body fat and feel very good and strong. I have studied many of them, including Creationism from the Christian Tradition, Creationism from the Vedic Tradition, Catastrophism, and Darwinism, and also researched this topic i ... Satyug Kaya Kalpa Programme First, some background on this revolutionary program to transform an aging, limited Kali yuga physiology into a vibrantly healthy, youthful Satya yuga physiology. There is just a little light that you call your intelligence, rationality — but just a little light which can be gone within a second; just a blow of the wind and it is gone. Radha follows. continue >>, Religions often refer to God's Judgment and how He metes out punishment for sins and transgressions against Him. When Dasharath gets knowledge that the incarnation of God is going to take birth in his house, to prepare for that he conducts ‘Putra-kameshti' yajna and prepares 4 cups of ‘Prasad' for giving to 3 queens.But in the meantime eagle lifts part of it from one of the cup and that part falls in the hands of Anjani (H As the individual's Level of Consciousness rises, the diet changes to more and more sattvic yugas. This 10,000 years is a brief Sat Yuga period that Maharishi has identified as Heaven on Earth. Soul is alive, ... bodies of other living beings etc., are created. The pranic energy lifestyle is known by the name "breatharian" in popular media. Krishna C60 Amrita - the amazing supplement that transforms the Kaliyug physiology into the fully alive physiology of Satyug. maybe it's related to his parents? I wrote this book to try to convey my sense of awe and excitement about the times we live in today. After their marriage, their names changes to Lakshmi and Narayan and they are the King and the Queen of Golden age in Bharat. Krishna is the first child born in the age of Satyug (first child born with the power of Yog). In non-alive Prakriti, the alive God’s power works to create the third thing i.e., universe and this sought of pious deed of creation is also called Yajyen. But the dark is still not too thick; there is a little light, hence subconscious… a candlelight perhaps in the dark night. I have to say that without Vikram, the healthcare facilitator, it could be so difficult to do anything. The transition has been amazing! This is because we are embedded in the ill ... Dwapar means the second. If you like, you can further decrease your dependency on food to 100%, but probably social pressures will require that you eat something occasionally. Dwapar means the second. The oldest name of Chunar was Charanadri, as according to Hindu scripture, Lord Vishnu had taken his first step in his Vaman incarnation in the dynasty of Great King Bali in the age of Satyug. Soul of Satyug: You guessed correctly. May 9, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal . Contrary to most religions, God is not jealous, or wrathful, and is n ... Hence, universe is the result of Yajyen. Another Sat Yug is the Yug when Sat(God) lived here on this planet Earth. Then that age also disappeared. Man became really sick. [better source needed] Kali Yuga: the last yuga in a cycle. This person was and still a gift from Allah. continue >>, The pralaya is now here, starting with the amazing world-wide quarantine for COVID-19, which has proven be engineered mass hysteria instead of a real threat to life by a virus. something is wrong. ... “As long as you feel pain, you’re still alive. Mythological characters still aliveOne of the oldest languages in India Sanskrit tells us that Chiran means long or permanent and jivi means living. ... As it need to surpass at least 4,27,000 years to reach the end of Kaliyug and make way for pious Satyug. Dwa is exactly twa, two. But it is difficult due to the lack of support one receives from the Kali Yuga environment. By Govindan K. August 28, 2019. When the individual has dependence on food, then that food must be of the highest nutritional quality to maintain the health. During Kali Yuga, where we are today, it is possible to trigger the body to transition to a Sat Yuga Physiology, which more closely mirrors the ideal human body at the start of Sat Yuga, modeled after the Absolute Body illustrated below. No, we want to thrive during this period and use this time wisely to develop spiritually and physically for the joys awaiting us in the Satyug Age. As Krishna predicted, we are now in a transition period into a new Golden Age that will persist for 10,000 years. When Kali Yuga dawns the population is addicted to eating meat and seafood, both raw and cooked, with very little cooked vegetables and fruit, and large amounts of grain is consumed. So things went down, but still there was something valuable. This has been adequate for me so far. A Saptarsi Calendar, still in use in India, counted time in the Kali Yuga starting from 3976 BC, which coincides with the beginning of the transitional period. Before the age of 24, and for those at the Level of Consciousness below 400, the body may need physical food for growth. A Satyug Physiology is the ideal body that we all once had at the dawn of Creation. There are some who pretend to live this lifestyle and that has also been championed by the skeptics. So his God doesn’t want to see him the oncoming Satyug. The Satyug will come soon (... a world free from the BKs. We are very fortunate to be alive today, because in our lifetime we have the opportunity to work directly with Krishna and create a wonderful, peaceful and progressive world for our entire human family. The two moons symbolise twin brothers Veer and Teer. guys if balwant isnt his father, then those two in the room are his parents. Despite the circumstances, Sita Devi still insisted on being referred to with her royal title; even her Rolls-Royce sported the armorial insignia of Baroda. 3 0. suryaaag. I feel very content with this new lifestyle. Bodies that had a decreasing lifespan, less capability, less intelligence, and more and more restrictions on the innate Freedom, Bliss, Abundance and Joy that is our birthright. It is fear. Satyug medical tourism excels in providing medical assistance services for international patients in world-class standard care of our associated hospitals.. We make customized incredible treatment packages for each patient and for each specialty. Everyone is taking in some energy from the Prana field, perhaps 10%, and the remaining 90% is derived from the digestion of food. If there is a desire for more body weight, exercise can be adopted to increase muscle mass. Krishna C60 Amrita - the amazing supplement that transforms the Kaliyug physiology into the fully alive physiology of Satyug. but then there's something in satyug connected to his parents right? He tells that he knew that someone was with him in Satyug and that’s why searched her in Kalyug. And doubt, to the faithful, is one of the greatest diseases; it destroys his belief. In the early days of this transition there may be occasions where the body needs a certain food and the individual will take some food. But most of it is covered with darkness. There has always been change, sometimes to a great degree, sometimes to a lesser degree, because unless there is change there is no life. This yuga starts with humans having an average lifespan of 1000 years and stature of 7 cubits (11 ft, 2 inches). Discover (and save!) Allow the body to utilize prana for 90% of its maintenance needs and food for only 10%. It became almost impossible to have balance. continue >>, Visvamitra is the name given to me by Guru Dev when he accepted responsibility for my evolution and existence in September 1994. And after this period ends, it starts to get boring. She lived the rest of her days in luxury, hobnobbing with her European upper-crust clique, but the last four years were fraught with grief following the suicide of her only son with Gaekwar. The latest enhancement, This is because our Universe and all of the other innumerable Universes are all projections of the one Absolute Universe, Goloka, Initial Sattvic diet of organic vegetarian cooked food, raw milk Kefir and raw organic juice. In Kali Yuga everyone is born with a dependence on physical food to sustain life. Karma-Ateet Meaning: Ateet (away/above) from the results of our own Karma. This person was and still a gift from Allah. Atharvaveda 9/10/14 declares “Ayam Yajyo Vishwasya Bhuvnasya Nabhihi”, i.e., Yajyen is … I do occasionally eat a bite or two of food if I am with someone who is eating a meal, just to be sociable. Granted, this may seem fantastic to some, but almost everything in this book is fantastic: from the realizatio ... And then began the fall. I found a medical tourism company called satyug medical tourism.Mr. But the consuming of food is a highly inefficient way to nourish the body and most of the food is passed out as waste plus the body uses very large amounts of energy in the digestion process. It is common for the Guru to give the new disciple a name as an ideal to become. Jack Huston portrays him in the CBS series Manhunt: Deadly Games. The first is called sat yuga, the age of truth. This transition will bring considerable destruction to the planet and its inhabitants. continue >>, There are various accounts of the age and origin of our universe from ancient scriptures and scientific theories. Here is an experience from an individual who experierienced a spontaneous transition to the Sat Yuga Physiology after some time on the Satyug Kaya Kalpa Programme: I have been following the protocol of the Satyug Kaya Kalpa Programme for a few years. Satyug is a time when there is total balance in Nature, when all individuals live in perfect harmony with each other and with God. Yes, there are those who do this now, in Kali Yuga. In treta yuga — treta means three, the third; the English word third comes from the same root as treta, three, that has become three — the superconscious disappeared, the best part in man. something is wrong. Jai tells that he is Aadi Naag and makes a plan with her to get Aadi Naagin powers. Satyug is a time when there is total balance in Nature, when all individuals live in perfect harmony with each other and with God. Satyug Kindergarten is another feather in the journey of satyug Group of Institutions – Satyug Darshan Vidyalaya, Satug Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology and Satyug Darshan Institute of Education & Research. People stop following dharma and lack virtue. Sacred Games’ Guruji’s Plan For Satyug Is Super Stupid. Somebody hits you and your intelligence has gone, and you are behaving completely like an animal. But every once in a while, this eternal process of change reaches a zenith – and then there is a real revolution. Understand []. In dwapar man lives subconsciously. He helped me with almost every single thing. Since the end of the course, my body has been satisfied by drinking about 8 ounces of Kefir and Almond Milk with a banana blended in, 2 or 3 times a week. In Dwapara Yuga the people have a cooked vegetable and raw fruit diet with the addition of legumes and nuts. Today’s forestation is monumental proof of Satyugi blessings. Nan In said to the archbishop, “Whoever has written these sentences will become a buddha in some future life.”, Events / Workshops Char yug Satyug, Treta, Dwapur aur Kalyug hotey hain. So all the old religions are past-oriented. But this dependence has not always been the case. No historical record exists about it, no other kind of evidence exists for it; in fact, everything that exists gives evidence against it, because a man like Krishna, whom Hindus worship as the descendant of God in all his aspects, in his totality, even this man is not a man of truth. People still possess characteristics of youth in old age. Hence, universe is the result of Yajyen. That is the only worthwhile endeavor because Moksha brings freedom, freedom from struggle, freedom fro ... After the transition to the pranic energy lifestyle, the Prana field supplies up to 90% of the required energy. Lv 4. The book Returning to Goloka is an excellent way to reach these people. Hanuman's birth story is like this. He believes that humanity is in the ‘Kaliyug’ and that there must be an apocalypse to … The decline of this manifestation is based on the Karmic principles of Yug; Satyug, Tretayug, Dwaparyug and Kaliyug. He aims to build his ‘Satyug’ from this nuclear rubble. In the sat yuga there was the collective unconscious mind, the subconscious mind, the conscious mind and the superconscious mind, and the superconscious mind was in power. They started joking and laughing about the Vedas, criticizing, and started asking for proof. continue >>, By now, in the depths of Kali yuga, almost everyone is trapped in this illusion matrix created by gove ... Posts about satyug written by satyugaurislam. Osho, From Unconsciousness to Consciousness, Ch 12, Q 1 (excerpts). mahayuga) described in the Sanskrit scriptures. And this is the time. Now the question arises, what is the main ingredient of Kalyug? : Atmavedi Crystals - creating and activating new devas to populate your S’rî Chakra: Initial Sattvic diet of organic vegetarian cooked food, raw milk Kefir and raw organic juice. The 'chand pe daag ' refers to Veer 's elder brother Teer, whereas spotless. ( first child born with the will of the lifespan from 1,000 years chunar has a triangular form the... You have to understand this process we need to surpass at least 4,27,000 years to years! Still aliveOne of the habit of eating food and very little water while. Real perpetrator of the Satyug Kaya Kalpa Programme the taste of food but i do desire., illusion and deeds ( good or bad good and strong: 1 ) pranic energy, in! Name ‘ Satsukrit ’ that Dwapar Yug and next Kaliyug four legs Yuga everyone is born the! 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