In fact, the right hand is reserved for handling food, and reaching for food with the left hand is considered to be an insult to one's host.

The onions are not for throwing but for gorging on; celebrating the calcot onions, or “calcotades” in the town of Valls. 30+ Weird Christmas Traditions Around The World [infographic] infographic by If you have anything to say about this list of most weird Christmas traditions around the world, you can share your views in the comments form below. By Adam Lapetina. They believe that by ingesting the remains of a love one, his spirit will live within them forever. It's also seen as the height of rudeness to wave chopsticks in someone's direction, or even to leave them on the table pointing directly at someone else.


You probably think forks should be used to spear food from your plate in order to place it in your mouth. Arachnophobes, steer clear of the fried spiders! Fried caterpillars on Christmas may seem like one of the weirdest Christmas traditions around the world, but these caterpillars aren't just the run-of-the-mill variety you find in the garden. Unlike the fork needs to push food onto the spoon. 5 Festive Food Traditions From Around the World. When you travel around the world, you will learn about several cultures that are very different from yours. For you, they may seem odd and crazy but … Sometimes, you will find weird traditions that you never heard of. Many are guilty of this: rubbing wood chopsticks together to get rid of splinters. Imagine the stories, imagine... © Copyright © 1998-2019 Flight Centre (UK) Limited Company Registration No: 2937210Website Development by Umi Digital | Managing Editor Will Jones, You have the right to withdraw your consent to this processing your data at any time. © Corus Entertainment Inc., 2020. 10 Weird Holiday Traditions Celebrated Around The World By Maria Perez On 12/23/17 at 10:00 AM EST A holiday tradition in Japan is eating KFC Chicken on December 25. For $17 you can watch a wet t-shirt contest, chug beer and see contestants go at it in a ball eating championship – it’s all very classy. China is proud of something they call “Thousand Year Egg” which is pretty self-explanatory, although not quite a thousand years, these duck, chicken and quail eggs are buried in a mixture of ash, salt, rice and clay for several weeks or months. But if you can consume a piece of rotten shark without bringing it back up again, then you’ve the strength and bravery of a Viking! While ordering a milky beverage after a meal in Italy won't incite outrage, it will out you as a tourist.


When drinking tea in Britain, there are a lot of rules to observe — many involving the teaspoon. Think of your holiday traditions. Japan: Don't Rub Your Chopsticks Together. The different things people eat around the world is absolutely fascinating. At dinner, speeches are held, poems are recited and food is eaten. Share Share Tweet Email Comment. Learn a thing or two before your next trip, and you'll know how to eat like a local. If you thought some of America's traditions were crazy, try going to some other countries, which feature everything from baby-jumping to chucking furniture out the window.

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In Portugal, asking for salt and pepper in a restaurant is a huge offense to the chef and their cooking abilities.


Leaving your chopsticks sticking upright in a bowl of rice is seen as gauche in China, as that's how ceremonial rice is typically left as an offering at funerals. Asia’s weird food is for the stomachs of steel, the champions of extreme eating and if you’re looking to challenge yourself (and your gag reflexes) then this is where you do it. 8 Austria: Scary Santa In many countries, we have Santa Claus. Yule meals themselves are very varied too. For a place known for ‘safe’ foods like burgers and hotdogs, the US has its fair share of stomach-churning food traditions. 9 of 10. Mexico also has to answer for the grim dish, escamoles (ant larvae). Okay, deep breath. We've stamped our passports in six specific nations to reveal some of the wackiest, if intriguing, customs found around the globe that have their traditions rooted in history. We’ve travelled the world and tried a lot of weird food things…from black garlic in Japan, to snail soup in Morocco, but the most unusual food that we’ve tasted so far has to be, percebes, a rare seafood delicacy popular in Portugal. But not everyone around the world tucks into a turkey, cranberry sauce and pigs in blankets. Corus Lifestyle. Of course, they might look at us here in England and think our Yorkshire pudding and spotted dick is totally bonkers too. Here are some weird and wonderful New Year’s Eve traditions from around the globe. Learn a thing or two before your next trip, and you'll know how to eat like a local. Asia’s weird food is for the stomachs of steel, the champions of extreme eating and if you’re looking to challenge yourself (and your gag reflexes) then this is where you do it. Whether it's flipping a fish on a plate, slurping noodles or asking for salt and pepper, there are many ways to offend with food that you aren't even aware of. See what shows are casting today. 50 Weird Food Festivals Around the World. Be on a Food Network Canada show! But what we consider a festive treat, might not do it for others. The Testicle Festival, also known as “Testy Festy” in Montana, dedicates itself to deep fried bulls balls. The Night of the Radishes is very much a party; starting off just a couple of days before Christmas, giant radishes are carved into nativity scenes and all sorts of designs. The world is beautiful because it is varied! 10 Of The Weirdest Dishes From Around The World (& Where To Try Them) Trying new food is one of the joys of travel, but these ten weird dishes from around the world will make your jaw drop in shock. Feeding the dead is a tradition of romans, they pour honey, wine and food stuff into the grave of the dead through this pipe. Simply click the unsubscribe link at the end of our emails. Photo: Yi Chen Considering how many places it’s eaten, perhaps it’s unfair to deem this weird. In China, for example, it's seen as a message that your host didn't feed you enough, and it's considered rude to not leave at least a bit of uneaten food on the plate.


If served a whole fish in China, the worst thing you can do is flip it over to get at the other side. Weird and Wonderful Christmas Food From Around the World Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without delicious food. But even granting that ‘weird’ is definitely a relative term, there are some Christmas traditions that go way farther than others. The ash and bone powder is mix into a plantain soup. Unlike the fork needs to push food onto the spoon.  Once considered the equivalent of caviar to Aztecs, this dish of nutty flavoured ant eggs is usually served in tacos or with butter and spices, as horrid sounding as it is, the general review of them is that they are “quite tasty”. So let’s take a look at some of the strange traditions around the world, and keep in mind that what may seem so weird to you feels totally normal to other cultures. Think you have what it takes? Twenty-Eight Weird Cultures in the World. Published on 1/27/2014 at 11:00 PM. Weird, strange, unique and interesting foods are what we live for here at Travel Food Atlas. In Thailand it is considered crass to put food in your mouth using a fork. They turn around and toss the shoe over their shoulders, if the shoe faces the door, it is implied that the woman will get married in the coming year. But in Hawaii, they worship the spam and will even kick off the carnival with some fireworks to show it. In a world with so many countries, religions, tribes and customs, it is impossible for everyone to like everything. If the danglies of a bull aren’t weird enough for you, head to West Virginia for the Road Kill Cook Off festival. The Pine Tree Emperor Moth, or Christmas caterpillar, is covered in very festive hues - giving all who swallow a little extra luck in the coming year. All rights reserved. They’re pretty tasty when flavoured properly, but the bones get on your nerves after a while. There is plenty of street dancing to be had but at this festival, it’s not so much about eating them, but about how creative people get with them, working away for the prize of the best radish art piece. 4 … Each household has a different way of celebrating Christmas, and while some enjoy exchanging gifts, singing carols and drinking eggnog, others prefer to attend church, help in soup kitchens or skip Christmas altogether.

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In Japan and India, cleaning one's plate is seen as honouring your host, expressing how much you enjoyed the meal. By Alec Slovenec Jun 27, 2019. Korea has a wine and it’s got baby mice in it, that’s right, baby mice that are plunged (still alive) into a rice wine; it supposedly tastes like gasoline but the Korean swear that it is a “health tonic”. It’s cured for months by being buried under sand and when it’s good and rotten, it is strung up to dry out for a few months more. So you’ve tried your bull testicles and your possum stew, what other gross festivals can you hit in the States? Venezuela. The Japanese have a cuisine that is creative, full of flavour and incredibly interesting and most people who love Japanese food are willing to cheat death by eating Fugu, the infamous deadly blowfish, prepared by speciality chefs trained to get the amount of poison just right so that it tickles the lips but doesn’t kill. Iceland is not only proud of its Hákarl, but also its delicacy of Puffin heart. In fact, other cultures have many long-standing traditions that simply don’t involve a sugar rush. The Bug Eating Festival in Texas, that’s what; join thousands of people in sampling grasshoppers the size of rabbits and locusts, extra crispy. Here are 20 traditions from across the world will make you go WTF. I think weird food is also a type of cultural imprint. Check out the World’s Most Dubious Delicacies. In some parts of the world eating dog is normal, in others they like to eat posionous fish. Weird traditions around the world From the crucifixions in the Philippines to the ancient European and Asian rituals, these are weird traditions around the world. But they’re all worthy of delving into at this festive time of year. Flipping a fish is superstitiously known to symbolize capsizing a boat — never a good thing.

, 10 Popular (and Delicious!) For information about how we handle your data, please read our. Weird and wonderful New Year’s Eve traditions around the world It's almost time to ring in the new year! According to myths and legends, the Yule Cat is a ferocious creature that wanders around during the winter time and eats anyone who hasn't gotten new clothes to wear on Christmas Eve. While Americans celebrate Christmas a certain way, this holiday looks really, really different around the world. Weird food traditions from around the world The Planet D — December 24, 2015 The other day we were watching “The Goldbergs,” the ABC sitcom that takes place in the 1980s, and the episode was about how Chinese food had arrived in their town.


Italians will give you the evil eye if you order a frothy cappuccino after dinner, as drinking milk after a meal is seen as hindering indigestion. Percebes or goose barnacles are crustaceans that live and grow on rocks and ships in the Atlantic Ocean. In Portugal, asking for salt and pepper in a restaurant is a huge offense to the chef and their cooking abilities. That food consists of such delicacies as singed lamb heads, cured ram's testicles and the notorious schnapps known as Brennivin. Foodie Bucket List: 30 Things Every Food Lover Must Do Weird Food Bucket List: 60 Strange Foods From Around the World Getting Reservations at Napa’s The French Laundry & What to Expect Bucket List of 23 Bugs Around the World to Eat Eat Worm Cakes (& Other Vietnamese Street Food) in Hanoi Drink a Shot of Snake Whiskey in Laos "When in Rome" (or wherever you're travelling) you're bound to encounter food customs you never knew existed. Each dish comes with its own story and is surrounded by interesting culture. Possibly the world’s biggest food fight, La Tomatina pulls in thousands from across the world on the last Wednesday of each August. The food festivals in Europe can be fun, like the world-famous tomato throwing festival in Spain – La Tomatina – or the Battle of Oranges festival in Italy. Something less attractive to try is a tuna eyeball which can be found packaged up in the supermarket as if it were a pie. 1. Be the first to know about brand-new shows, the freshest recipes and exciting contests. 1 of 12 Slurp Loud, Slurp Proud Not so in Thailand, however, where it's considered crude to eat this way, when everybody knows the only use for this utensil is to push food onto a spoon, which is then placed into the mouth. Here are 28 of such weird cultures in the world. Here are some of the more unusual Christmas foods from across the globe. Things have changed over the years, too—in fact, Christmas used to be a time for the sharing of spooky ghost stories! It comes down generations from when people would have walked at great lengths across a desert, drinking animal’s blood was thought to give the traveller strength and stamina. Well, let’s start with Tomatina, seeing as I’ve mentioned it.

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Most North Americans might think nothing of adding grated Parmesan to a plate of shrimp linguine, or any type of seafood pasta, but this is unheard of in Italy, where the idea of combining cheese and seafood is seen as a culinary catastrophe.


In South Korea, it's seen as a sign of great respect to refrain from beginning to eat until the oldest person at the table has had his or her first bite. So let’s take a glance at weird Christmas traditions from around the world. The Philippines, Thailand and Cambodia have got a few things on their menus that aren’t for the faint-hearted. Iceland and Greenland are not just places to brave the cold and the dark in, but also they test your stomach strength by offering the dish called Hákarl – aka fermented shark. La Tomatina. These are soaked in t… When a Yanomami dies, his body is burned. For example, when stirring tea, the spoon should never touch the sides of the cup, thus avoiding that annoying tinkling sound (and possibly chipping fine-bone china). People are expected not to gossip around the mother because it would negatively influence the baby, and they keep knives under the bed as a way of protecting the toddler from monsters. But this isn't true everywhere. Today, people around the globe enjoy a range of tasty traditions over the holiday season. They probably include stringing lights on an evergreen, rushing to the mall throughout the season to find the perfect gift and eating more Christmas cookies than you could ever imagine. Boil it up and season for a dish that can look at you as you eat it. 1. Topping the baby mice wine in the ick factor is live octopus, how do you fancy your seafood turning up whole in a bowl, its tentacles undulating before you? Weird Cultures in India. Down in Mexico there’s a very special food festival indeed; if you love radishes then you’ll be in radish heaven at “Noche de Rabanos”! The world has clearly got a lot of weird, interesting, bizarre and down-right unappetizing foods. This festival boasts an assortment of dishes made with the kind of creatures you’d often find stuck to a car tire, including: possum, porcupine and squirrel which are fried, skewered and stewed. Many rules and traditions surround the arrival of a newborn . Christmas food traditions vary widely across the world and no two families sit down to the exact same meal. 8 weird food customs from around the world. Only then can everyone else join in.

Everyone was in love with its exotic dishes made by the matriarch of the Kim family. These are a regional delicacy in the town of Skuon in Cambodia and these species of tarantula are the size of a human palm. It’s all about eating, drinking and partying, and most festival goers can be found wearing bibs, slathered in onion and barbecue sauce.

While you probably consider slurping noodles to be rude, this is not the case in Japan. Still, it’s made mostly of skin making it a little gelatinous in texture. 15 Shocking and Weird Traditions Feeding The Dead (Roman) In the Vatican of Roman burial grounds, graves contain pipes that led to the outside of the Graveyard. Supposedly tasty, like a fishy version of duck, puffin heart is eaten raw after the neck of the bird is snapped – but most people wouldn’t eat it just because puffins are just too cute to butcher! Food, it's believed, should never be eaten with one's hands.

A big fat turkey fresh out of the oven, with mountains of seasonal veg and lashings of gravy. If there is an odd, bizarre, gross or disgusting food being eaten in some culture in some country anywhere in the world, we will be there to document it! But Spain has got its strange ones, like the Festival of Onions. The US also has its less strange festivals such as the Garlic Festival in California but one of the most specific has to be the spam festival in Hawaii called Spam Jam! It covers EVERYTHING. It’s a dream come true for a large portion of the western world. A traditional holiday celebration looks very different in different places around the world. And remember that if you look for the deep meaning behind these strange traditions, you will probably find that they make weird sense, regardless of their eccentricity. If these aren’t enough to whet your appetite then how about virgin eggs?

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