He will be saved, —saved dexterously, decidedly, divinely; he has no doubt about it. Spurgeon's wife said that if Spurgeon had never written any other work, this would have been a permanent literary memorial. Ver. 5. 231 and 1506: "Faith in Perfection", and, "Choice Comfort for a Young Believer.". God’s rescues demand our grateful songs: his deliverances our new anthems of exultant praise. 3. These are but the fringes of th… Our hope for the final perseverance of the believer lies in the final perseverance of believer's God. By his word and Spirit the Lord can make the trembler brave, the sick whole, the weary bright. 1. Someone has said that there are few in heaven who wore crowns on earth; and I am afraid it is true that, of all who are crowned on earth, few ever get to that land where all are kings and priests unto God. When we are somewhat in trouble it is bad enough, but it is worse to penetrate into the centre of that dark continent and traverse its midst: yet in such a case the believer makes progress, for he walks; he keeps to a quiet pace, for he does no more than walk; and he is not without the best of company, for his God is near to pour fresh life into him. Thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever. David, the king, cared for kings' souls, and it will be wise for each man to look first after those who are of his own order. In his providential dealings, also, is much of his wisdom and goodness exhibited. Ver. And truly it is no more than needs, if we consider the temptations of our afflicted condition; we are prone then to be suspicious that our best friends forget us, and to think every stay a delay, and neglect of us; therefore God chooseth to show himself most kind at such a time. All the kings of the earth shall praise thee. He who fills the heavens, nay all things, will be our abiding guest and friend if we will but welcome him. They who hear the words of God will know God. 2. For thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. —David Dickson. Read Psalm 138 commentary using The Treasury of David. What think you, sirs, was God's design in election, in redemption, in the whole of the gospel dispensation, and in all the ordinances thereof? Whole Psalm. —Annotated Paragraph Bible. There, as it is well expressed, "Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other": Psalms 85:10. 2. What an assembly! As a standard, to which everything may be referred. 3. They who praise God will walk in his ways. “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: Psalms 138:7. the meaning is, "Before, or in the presence of, the gods of the heathen, i.e., in scorn of, in sight of, the idols, who can do nothing, I will praise Jehovah, who does miracles for me and his people." He is not only "high" above men, but above angels: cherubims and seraphims are his ministering spirits. They who know God will praise him, however exalted they may be amongst men: "All the kings, "etc. —J.W. 1. Historic accuracy. 6. Hengstenberg. Therefore we find Daniel opening his windows toward the temple, where he prayed three times a day; and we find Jonah saying, "Yet will I look again toward thy holy temple." There is nothing which God expects us to do for him, which is not there most explicitly declared: nothing which he engages to do for us, that does not form the subject of a distinct promise. Here is a double wonder—kings in God's ways, and kings singing there. He would sooner allow all his other perfections to come to naught, than for his faithfulness to fail. We see this in nature. Do they deny the Divinity of our Lord? He who has gone so far will surely persevere with us to the end. The soul's noblest exercise: "worship", "praise.". He shall throw his strength into the deed. 2. Psalms 138:8. Psalm 137 – The Mournful Song of the Exiles. Faith in divine purpose no hindrance to prayer, but rather an encouragement in it: "The Lord will perfect." The Christian stays not till he comes to heaven for all his comfort. The worshipper's argument. Psalms 138:6. The Hallelujah Legion will win the day. It does not appear, nor is it material to enquire, upon what occasion David penned this psalm; but in it, I. What is this spiritual strength? The mother may draw whole stores of comfort from a realization of the condescending thoughtfulness of God. God does not leave off till he has finished. He is said to be too stern, too terrible, and therefore "modern thought" displaces the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and sets up an effeminate deity of its own making. 2. Praising and singing are our armour against the idolatries of heresy, our comfort under the depression caused by insolent attacks upon the truth, and our weapons for defending the gospel. This soul might will continue: the man having been strengthened for one emergency remains vigorous for life, and is prepared for all future labours and sufferings; unless, indeed, he throw away his force by unbelief, or pride, or some other sin. Our whole nature perfect. Ver. Ver. Ver. Concerning this there is abundant room for praise. Ver. And yet he has "magnified" something "above his name" —his word — his truth. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me. Ver. 1. —Thomas Watson. Of God's will we know nothing, but from the word: "we know neither good nor evil from all that is before us." He hath respect unto the lowly. It is beyond all revelation by creation and providence, for it is—. You may take the words either as meaning that God has magnified his Word, his eternal Son— above all his great name, that is, he has set Jesus on high above all the other perfections of his majesty; or take it as meaning his written word, which is written in the sacred Scriptures. Because they think little of themselves he thinks much of them. David strengthens prayer upon this argument: "Forsake not the works of thine own hands." Commentary. This is the first of a series of eight Psalms (Psalms 138:1-8; Psalms 139:1-24; Psalms 140:1-13; Psalms 141:1-10; Psalms 142:1-7; Psalms 143:1-12; Psalms 144:1-15; Psalms 145:1-21), probably the last composed by David, a kind of commentary on the great Messianic promise in 2 Samuel 7:1-29. The verb is by some translated made me proud, i.e., elated me, not with a vain or selfish pride, but with a lofty and exhilarating hope. Unto his hands let us commend our spirits, sure that even though the works of our hands have made void the works of his hands, yet his hands will again make perfect all that our hands have unmade. God has sent his word to us. Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the Lord: for great is the glory of the LORD. While we walk with God, what sweet music doth the bird of conscience make in our breast! 3. And Luther's usual prayer was, Confirm, O God, in us that thou hast wrought, and perfect the work that thou hast begun in us, to thy glory. Ver. 1. in the day. Thy holy temple. The Treasury of David by Charles Spurgeon is a Bible commentary on the book of Psalms chapters. And praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth. TITLE. —James Nalton, 1664. Though a walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive. A pure influx into the mind of an apostle is no sufficient guarantee for the instruction of the world, unless there be a pure afflux also; for not the doctrine that has flowed in, but the doctrine that has flowed out, is truly all that we have to do with. When we are under such afflictions as threaten to ruin us, 'tis seasonable to tell the Lord he made us. In full confidence David is prepared to own his God before the gods of the heathen, or before angels or rulers (Psalms 138:1-3); he declares that he will instruct and convert kings and nations, till on very highway men shall sing the praises of the Lord (Psalms 138:4-5). A strengthened soul is sometimes the best answer to prayer: "Strengthened me with strength.". Psalms 138:1. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world": Psalms 19:3-4. David was a king, and he danced before the ark, and he anticipated the time when other kings should not be ashamed of exuberant rejoicing in the King of kings. This psalm of thanksgiving — one of those songs that was composed after its author had come through a rather tight scrape — offers praise to the Lord in response to an experience of deliverance. It is a happy circumstance that, if God be away at any other time, yet he is pledged to be with us in trying hours: "when thou passest through the rivers I will be with thee." Ver. 2. God loves to show his wisdom when human help and wisdom fail. None find such quick despatch at the throne of grace as suffering saints. And in proof of the same comes, finally, the near relationship in which it stands with the other Psalms of David, especially those which likewise refer to the promise of the everlasting kingdom; and with David's thanksgiving in 2 Samuel 7:1-29, the conclusion of which remarkably agrees with the conclusion of our Psalm: "And now, Lord God, the word which thou hast spoken upon thy servant and upon his house, that fulfil even to eternity, and do as thou hast spoken." See "Spurgeon's Sermons", Nos. 5. When I called, you answered me; you greatly emboldened me. A. It sings the omniscience and omnipresence of God, inferring from these the overthrow of the powers of wickedness, since he who sees and hears the —James Anderson's Note to Calvin in loc. And strengthenedst me with strength in my soul. It may mean literally in an idolatrous country, in the very temples of false gods, as so many Christian martyrs bore testimony to the faith. Clarke's Commentary on the Bible. LET US LOOK AT THE SPEAKER. But, in the sacred volume, all is written as with a sunbeam. These eight Psalms are the devout Israelite's Manual of private prayer and praise. Psalms 138 Commentary, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary is from the most widely read and often quoted preacher in history, Charles Haddon Spurgeon Certainty of promises. A Psalm of David. In the midst of trouble thou wilt revive me. God's right hand cannot forget its cunning; Jerusalem is his chief joy, and he will defend his own elect. —John Lillie. Ver. Where humility is the corner stone, there glory shall be the top stone. Moreover, the Lord lays all the rest of his name under tribute to his word: his wisdom, power, love, and all his other attributes combine to carry out his word. Ver. Thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands. interpret these words of the angels, and compare Psalms 29:1; but it is doubtful if the Hebrew word Elohim, used nakedly and without any explanation, can have this meaning: it is also, as it would seem, in this connection, pointless: others (Rabbins, Flamin., Delitzsch, etc.) Now this "tenderness in action" is a great part of the lovingkindness of God; it is meet that a thoughtful mind and tender hand should go together in the perfection of love. 3. God bids us serve him, and he will enable us to serve him, Ezekiel 36:27 : "I will cause you to walk in my statutes." 7. Go to, To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use our convenient, Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible, Commentary Critical and Explanatory - Unabridged, Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible, Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures. Those Psalms were the united utterances of national devotion. There is much diversity in the meaning assigned to "gods" in this verse. And praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth. c) That he will do this in providence; if it be properly a concern of ours. By the rivers of Babylon, There we sat down, yea, we wept This is it which brings peace, Acts 9:31 : "Walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost." But the proud he knoweth afar off. We are told that Christ was "meek and lowly"; "he did not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the streets"; though he was "the brightness of his Father's glory", yet he was content to appear "in the form of a servant"; though he was rich, yet he was content to become poor, that we through his poverty might be rich. I will praise thee. Ver. Bitterness is forbidden, and controversy is apt to advertise the heresy; the very best method is to go on personally worshipping the Lord with unvarying zeal, singing with heart and voice his royal praises. If the Lord begins to build, and does not finish, it will not be his honour. This was a true answer to his prayer. —John Goodwin, 1593-1665. 1. We are told that the very hairs of our head are all numbered; and if the hairs of our head, then surely all else beside. I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart; before the “gods” I will sing your praise. Walking with God is a pleasant walk: the ways of wisdom are called "ways of pleasantness": Proverbs 3:17. Thus it is that God has magnified his word; and thus it is that he will magnify it, to the end of time; yea, through eternity will it be acknowledged as the one source of all blessings that shall ever be enjoyed. All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O LORD, when they hear the words of thy mouth. He looks forward with comfort, in hopes, 1. David himself rehearses the words of Jehovah. Proud men boast loudly of their culture and "the freedom of thought", and even dare to criticize their Maker: but he knows them from afar, and will keep them at arm's length in this life, and shut them up in hell in the next. If others do not praise the Lord, there is all the more reason why we should do so, and should do so with enthusiastic eagerness. "The Philistines are in the land." ", 3. He looks back with thankfulness upon the experiences he had had of God's goodness to him . Ver. —Alexander Maclaren, Sermon in "Wesleyan Methodist Magazine", 1879. Every man has a standard to which he may refer, for the rectifying of his judgment in every particular: so that nothing can be added for the instruction of our minds, or the regulation of our future expectations. Now, this lowliness and humility of spirit suits best unto God's design of exalting the freedom of his grace. Well might the Psalmist say, "I will worship" when he felt bound to say "thou answeredst me." They know whence they came out. When we can praise God with our whole heart, we need not be unwilling for the whole world to witness our gratitude and joy in him... View the entire commentary. Thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in. Perhaps when the Lord sends us a King David to preach, we shall yet see monarchs converted and hear their voices raised in devout adoration. He was not pleased that such gods were set up; but he intended to express at once his contempt of them, and his own absorption in the worship of the living Jehovah by continuing most earnestly to sing wherever he might be. Here is a man so to be depended upon, so faithful to his word, that he will sacrifice anything sooner than depart from it: that man will give up his property, or life itself, rather than forfeit his word. Right hand salvation. God's work in us will abide unto perfection because God's mercy towards us thus abideth. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: —. Sometimes God melts away the spirits of his enemies. Note the combination. His Sabbath is the Sabbath of an achieved purpose, of a fulfilled counsel. Give me the homely vessel of humility, which God shall preserve, and fill with the wine of his grace; rather than the varnished cup of pride, which he will dash in pieces, like a potter's vessel. Psalms 138:8. 2. His wrath soon quenches their wrath; his hand stays their hand. —John Trapp. Chapter 138. Probably (Aq., Symm., Jer., etc.) The person of Jesus is the temple of the Godhead, and therein we behold the glory of the Father, "full of grace and truth." What volumes of blessedness and truth are contained therein! “Feet have they,” but they cannot come to the help of their votaries. Psalms 138:4. 2. —Christopher Wordsworth. The LORD hath respect unto the lowly. The refrain of the former Psalm is in his ears, and he repeats it as his own personal conviction and consolation. They have strength, safety, guidance, provision, comfort. II. —William Greenhill. The Lord answered it, but what answer can there be to a cry? 6. Ver. To my mind it is one of the most remarkable expressions in the whole book of God. ... See "Spurgeon's Sermons", No. —E.W. As man laid on trouble, so Christ laid in consolation: both tides rose and fell together; when it was spring tide with him in affliction, it was so with him in his joy. I will worship toward thy holy temple. These are both included in "loving kindness." Copyright StatementThese files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that is available on the Christian Classics Ethereal Library Website. Condescension of thought marks all the dealings of God with his people. Psalm 138:1-2. I will praise thee. In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul. The Psalm is evidently of a Davidic character, exhibiting all the fidelity, courage, and decision of that King of Israel and Prince of Psalmists. I will praise thee with my whole heart — With uprightness of intention, and fervency of affection. b) Truth. 2. Finding the new version too difficult to understand? Thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/tod/psalms-138.html. Ver. Free Bible Commentary on Psalm 138 in EasyEnglish. It is not with the truth merely excogitated, but with the truth expressed, that we have any concern; not with the truth as seen by our inspired teacher, but with the truth as by him spoken to us. Satan, knowing this, sets all his wits to work to deface this and disfigure it by unsound doctrine. What worshipper of idols could ever say that of his god? In this Aramaizing Psalm what the preceding Psalm says (Ps 138:6) comes to be carried into effect, viz. He knows well enough how vile he is even at the greatest distance. And then to "magnify" this "word" of promise seems to signify two things; 1, the making very great and excellent promises, and then, 2, the performing them most punctually; and the doing it above all his name is promising and performing most superlative mercies above all that is famed or spoken or believed of God. By David. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive, Thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine. "In the day that I cried", saith David, "thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul." Let us the more fervently adore him. In short our immediate concern is with, not what apostles conceive inwardly, but what they bring forth outwardly—not with the schemes or the systems which they have been made to apprehend, but with the books which they have written; and had the whole force and effect of this observation been sufficiently pondered, we feel persuaded that the advocates of a mitigated inspiration would not have dissevered, as they have done, the inspiration of sentiment from the inspiration of language. (1-3) Mourning by Babylon’s rivers. The Lord had ordained a centre of unity, a place of sacrifice, a house of his indwelling; and David accepted the way of worship enjoined by revelation. Not of works, lest any man should boast. Let us adore the Lord who has spoken to us by his word, and by his Son; and in the presence of unbelievers let us both praise his holy name and extol his holy word. Ver. The word of promise made to David was in his eyes more glorious than all else that he had seen of the Most High. 1. For this worship and praise are for ever due! d) Realizing God himself, for it is to God he speaks. : For Jahve is exalted and he seeth the lowly, and the proud he knoweth from afar. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/spe/psalms-138.html. 3. The Story of Psalm 138. So be it. 8. (Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to my Students: Commenting and Commentaries)Rosscup adds: This is one of the more thorough older exegetical … Ver. “No,” says David, “I will worship thee, and I will praise thee, whoever may oppose me.”. Our heavenly Father is able to interpret tears, and cries, and he replies to their inner sense in such a way as fully meets the case. Commentaries for Psalm Chapter 138 The psalmist praises God for answering prayer. 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