Mercy us also essential; but power is more apparently so, because no act of mercy can be exercised without power. He encourages himself and others in the same confidence, Psalms 62:5-9. But While the Hebrew conception began here, it did not stop here. And so the psalmist mentions it as an essential element in the Divine mercy, that it “renders to every man according to his work.” (J. “He only [is] … There are several renderings and interpretations, of these words; but that which to me seems most intended by our rendering is, I heard what was once spoken of twice at once; that is, I heard it speedily, and I heard it believingly: as soon as ever the word came to me I received it, and I received it not only with my ear, but with my heart. (Comp. I confess I wonder to find so constantly in Scripture that the inspired writers put "merciful" and "mighty," "terrible," and "great," all together: you shall find it so. Proverbs 6:16-19.) Also to You, O Lord, belongs mercy; for You render to each one according to his work.” “Power belongs to God” -God is omnipotent Waiting on the Lord releases His power at work in your life. Dsx ygdadlw, and to thee, Lord, is mercy; that is, he is the fountain of mercy. Twice have I heard this; that power, etc. The insatiable variety of nature has ever been considered one of the most wonderful of the qualities of the universe. Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". The Psalmist adds, Thou wilt certainly render to every man according to his work. (Psalms 62:11-12). To the leader: according to Jeduthun. Verse 11. "Commentary on Psalms 62:11". Great need; because this is the great thing we are apt to question in cases of difficulty. The Divine will determines it to its exercise, the Divine wisdom directs and regulates the exercise of it; that is, God exerciseth His power willingly, and not by necessity, and in such manner, for the producing such effects, and in order to such ends and purposes, as seem best to His wisdom. We find it impossible to conceive of any innate or permanently inherent force in brute matter, but by the very laws of thought we are constrained to attribute all power to mind, intelligence, volition. B. Out of all troubles he can release us, under all burdens sustain us, while men must fail us at the last, and may deceive us even now. Psalm 51:6 “You want me to be completely truthful, so teach me wisdom.” Psalm 62:11-12 “God is strong. But wait! Spoken — Frequently, both immediately as at Sinai, and by his holy prophets, from time to time. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. (11) Once; twice.—The usual Hebrew mode of emphasising a numerical statement, and one growing naturally out of the structure of the verse, which loves a climax. Psalm 62:7 Or / … https: It can never be unwise to rest upon the almighty arm. This is answerable to the phrase of the Latins, Semel atque iterum; and it is usual in all writers to use a certain number for an uncertain, and particularly among poets: Felice ter et amplius. And “twice” stands as a figure of speech, not for one repetition, but for many. BibliographyGill, John. The Chaldee translates the whole passage thus: "God hath spoken one law, and twice have we heard this from the mouth of Moses the great scribe, that strength is before God: and it becomes thee, O God, to show mercy to the righteous; for thou renderest to man according to his works.". "O Lord," says he, "the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy," etc. 1765. But now I ask your attention to the psalmist’s enlightened conception of mercy as well as of God, “for thou renderest to every man according to his work.” That is not at all the conventional idea. 8 Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. And why do we cry out in sad times, "Oh, we shall never see good days again?". How God speaks. No sooner is mention made of works, than they catch at the expression, as amounting to a statement that God rewards men upon the ground of merit. BibliographyBeza, Theodore. In this sense a gracious person hears that twice that God speaks but once. But what is the force of to hear twice? Twice have I heard this. What need is there, then, to press people to believe it? III. Joseph Caryl. Dummelow pointed out that, Power and Mercy are the two sides of the full-orbed character of God; and both qualities are displayed in his unerring judgments of men. Psalm 62:12 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Psalm 62:12, NIV: "and with you, Lord, is unfailing love'; and, 'You reward everyone according to what they have done.'" John Trapp Complete Commentary. That — That power is God's prerogative; and consequently all creatures, either against or without him, are poor impotent things. Proud member Does danger, in short, spring up from any quarter, then just let us call to remembrance that divine power which can bid away all harms, and as this sentiment prevails in our minds, our troubles cannot fail to fall prostrate before it. It is the sympathetic intelligence, the spiritual faculty alone that hears. See the notes at Job 33:14. Joseph Benson's Commentary. Lovingkindness (Psalms 62:12). We rather think of mercy as “letting off” the criminal, and shielding him from the deserts of his transgression. 82. He speaks more than once. 1871-8. BibliographyCalvin, John. As to the exercise of it. We might just put together, in a connected form, the particular doctrines which he has singled out for special notice. Hermann Venema. "E.W. John Trapp Complete Commentary. 1905. If any should prefer it, however, I have no objections to the other meaning — God has spoken once; twice have I heard this. He hath declared, and I have understood it, by the light of reason, which easily infers it from the nature of the infinitely perfect Jehovah, and from his works of creation and providence: he hath shown, and I have learned it by the events which have taken place concerning myself in particular: and the light of revelation, communicated in dreams and visions, and various other ways, hath manifested it, and especially at Sinai, and by his holy prophets from time to time; that power belongeth unto God — That power is his prerogative; and, consequently, that all creatures, either against him or without him, are poor, impotent things, in which no man can trust without certain disappointment; but that he is almighty, and can do every thing; and that with him nothing is impossible; and therefore that he, and he alone, is fit to be trusted. God hath spoken once: twice have I heard this, that power belongeth unto God. .," He is using a Hebrew idiom that means, "I have heard this repeatedly." So that the life and vigour of faith is very much concerned in the belief of God's power. It is difficult to believe his power. Copyright StatementThese files are a derivative of an electronic edition prepared from text scanned by Woodside Bible Fellowship.This expanded edition of the Jameison-Faussett-Brown Commentary is in the public domain and may be freely used and distributed. See Schultens. 38. fol. According to the other view, God is actively present in the entire universe, upholding all things by the word of His power, guiding the course of events by His own perpetual fiat--preserving, indeed, a certain uniformity in sequences which we call cause and effect, so far as is needed to assist human calculation and to give definite aim to human endeavour, but behind the order of visible causes adjusting whatever takes place with immediate and constant reference to the needs, the deserts, and the ultimate well-being of His creatures; ordaining the seeming evil no less than the seeming good, making even wicked men His sword. This I shall show--, 1. This was one of the most usual titles which the heathens gave to their supreme deity, “Optimus Maximus”; next to his goodness they placed his greatness, which does chiefly appear in his power; and they did not only attribute a great power to him, but an omnipotence. To them the curtain of general laws, which hangs in so dense drapery before the eyes of modern philosophy, was transparent, and they saw no intervening agency, no intermediate force, between the Creator and the development of His purposes in nature and in providence. All else may fail, but the power of God will not fail. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. We know that there is none of our works which, in the sight of God, can be accounted perfect or pure, and without taint of sin. God hath spoken once - God has once addressed his people in giving the law on Mount Sinai. This is what we do, however, when we only relieve him from the painful results of his wrong-doing. According to the modern doctrines of astronomy, the solar system, of which the globe on which we live forms a portion, consists of several worlds, most of them larger than our own, and many of them very much so; and that these severally are carried round the sun in different orbits at an equable but rapid speed. Of the former verse the Doctor offers the following translation: "Once hath God spoken; these two things have I heard." John Tillotson, 1630-1694. Psalm 62:11-12 “God has spoken once, twice I have heard this: that power belongs to God. Halsey.). Psalm 62:11-12. Practically, it means God's will always decides the outcome of whatever is in dispute, whatever hangs in the balance. Psalm 62:11-12. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall never be shaken. 1870. ( Numbers 11:23 ); as if he had said: "What, Moses, dost thou think that my power is exhausted or weakened? God himself “dwells in the light which is inaccessible,” (1 Timothy 6:16;) and as none can come to him except by faith, the Psalmist calls our attention to his word, in which he testifies the truth of his divine and righteous government of the world. I have barely endeavoured to develop what we must believe, if we would receive our Saviour’s lessons, and imbibe His spirit of implicit trust and self-surrender. Why should we fear — how can we be afraid, when the God who covers us with the shadow of his wings, is the same who rules the universe with his nod, holds in secret chains the devil and all the wicked, and effectually overrules their designs and intrigues? They instruct us to consider power as divided into two kinds, active and passive power. The first of these is the vastness of its extent. (3). Once from the voice of creation, and again from the voice of government. Christian Books: Commentary On Psalms Volume 2: Commentary On Psalms Volume 2 - Jean Calvin . Psalm 62 Song Performed by Aaron Keyes, with Lyrics and slideshow. One of the earliest references to Psalm 62.11-12 offering a commentary on the verse appears in Sanhedrin tractate 34 of the Babylonian Talmud. Verse 10-12. When it cometh to this, the soul is no longer able to hold out. Our actions show who our Father is! THE CONTEXT These three chapters promise great things to the people of Jerusalem and record the rejoicing that they will experience upon the fulfillment of those promises. From this statement of the most approved definition of power we advance to an attempt to illustrate the power of the Deity as far as we are enabled to do so, first, from the appearances of nature. .," He is using a Hebrew idiom that means, "I have heard this repeatedly." Psalms 62:11 God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power [belongeth] unto God. Once God has spoken; Twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God; To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use our convenient, God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this -, John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this, Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible, Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Commentary Critical and Explanatory - Unabridged, Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible, Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures. Six thousand years of research have failed to reveal the latent forces, to lay bare the hidden springs, of nature. "Commentary on Psalms 62:11". V. The grounds of our confidence in God, Psalms 62:11,12. 1909-1922. God hath spoken once,.... One word of his is more to be confided in, and depended on, than all the men and things in the world. Except some of the ancient versions, almost every version, translation, and commentary, says, Dr. A. Clarke, have missed the sense and meaning of this verse. Home × Home; Bible. This psalm has nothing in it directly either of prayer or praise, nor does it appear upon what occasion it was penned, nor whether upon any particular occasion, whether mournful or joyful. Because of the Fall, some humans will experience YHWH's power; some His lovingkindness! Power belongeth unto God. Who can resist Him? Believe the mighty power of God. I cannot conceive of divided power, of concurrent sovereignty, in the same domain--of our ability to do what He would not have us do, That we can will what He wills not we know only too well; but must we not reach the conclusion that He executes our volitions for us whether they be good or evil--nay, that the execution of these volitions, whatever they are, is always good--that He literally makes “the wrath of man” to praise Him, and “the remainder of wrath”--that whose mission would be unavailing for the purposes of His righteous administration--He will so “restrain” as to frustrate of its end? All rights reserved. For a comprehensive study of the passage, download the Study Guide (PDF download). of I. David's confidence in God, Psalms 62:1,2. Usually they are swayed in different directions, or inclined at least to waver, just as they observe things changing in the world; (422) but he brings under their notice a surer principle for the regulation of their conduct, when he recommends a deferential regard to God’s Word. The constant union of power and mercy in the language of Scripture. {See Trapp on "Ezra 8:22"}. Selah. For this God takes up Moses short: "Is the Lord's hand waxen short?" 1685. In the context which follows, he exemplifies himself that deferential reverence and regard for the word of God which all should, but which so few actually do, extend to it. We have two ears, that we may hear attentively, and the spiritual have inner ears with which they hear indeed. It agrees with the context, and suggests a practical lesson of great importance; for when God has once issued his word he never retracts: on the other hand, it is our duty to ponder on what he has said, long and deliberately; and the meaning of David will then be, that he considered the Word of God in the light of a decree, steadfast and irreversible, but that, as regarded his exercise in reference to it, he meditated upon it again and again, lest the lapse of time might obliterate it from his memory. 1832. There are indeed mysteries in Providence--heights which we cannot scale, depths which we cannot fathom. Need we wonder, that men tremble under every casualty, when they thus believe themselves to be the sport of blind chance? Nothing, perhaps, more effectually demonstrates power than the arrangement and combination of numerous portions of machinery so as to produce, by their relative action, one result. Verse 11-12. Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Now their natural reason did convince them that this perfection did belong to God by these three arguments--, There are two theories, differing widely, with regard to the Divine power. . What we are to understand by the power of God. Copyright StatementThese files are public domain. "The Adam Clarke Commentary". Now observe the first element in that idea which had thus impressed itself upon his mind. With this there must be conjoined confidence in his mercy, to prevent those anxious thoughts which might otherwise rise in our minds. Another characteristic of the power of the Deity, as illustrated in the works of nature, is that of complexity. It is with a very different design than to encourage any such opinion, that the Spirit promises a reward to our works — it is to animate us in the ways of obedience, and not to inflame that impious self-confidence which cuts up salvation by the very roots. There can be no security felt unless we satisfy ourselves of the truth of a divine superintendence, and can commit our lives and all that we have to the hands of God. Who can resist Him? The firm belief of God's power is of great concern and moment in religion. A brief reading from John Calvin's Commentary on Psalm 62:10-12. Clarke's Psalms 62:11 Bible Commentary God hath spoken once - God has once addressed his people in giving the law on Mount Sinai. David's confidence in God. A. Psalm 62:9, Lowborn men are but a breath, the highborn are but a lie; if weighed on a balance, they are nothing; to-gether they are only a breath. There is an obvious reason, then, for the Psalmist coupling these two things together, his power and his clemency. See Psalms on "Psalms 62:10" for further information. Except some of the ancient versions, almost every version, translation, and commentary, says, Dr. A. Clarke, have missed the sense and meaning of this verse. Our view of the direct administration and perfect providence of God is confirmed by the results, or rather by the non-results, of science. Has not the truth another phase? Peabody.). "O Lord God of heaven, the great and terrible God, that keepeth covenant and mercy," etc. The union of power and love is proved to the poet by the fairness and justice mentioned in the last clause. “He telleth the number of the stars; He calleth them all by their names.” “He bindeth up the broken in heart, He healeth all their wounds.” Isaiah 40:1-31. is a beautiful poem of reconciliations; of the reconciliation of the majesty and mercy, the power and tenderness of God. Any recompense they meet with must therefore be traced entirely to his goodness. Another characteristic of the power of the Deity, as illustrated in the works of nature, is that of the variety of modes by which it is displayed. That power belongeth unto God. These attributes will enable God to judge all men in righteousness and truth, giving to every man according to his works. 62:11 This is an idiom for a well known, often expressed, truth in three parts (i.e., power, covenant loyalty, and recompense). 2. That power belongeth unto God] He is well able to punish the wicked, Ezra 8:22. A number As regards the wicked, none will dispute that the punishment awarded to them, as violators of the law, is strictly deserved. ', Copyright StatementThe New John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible Modernised and adapted for the computer by Larry Pierce of Online Bible. I. But what are the two things the Psalmist had heard? Faith is never quite laid by till the soul questions the power of God. "Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers". This we do know now--that our times are in our Father’s hands, our path through life marked and guarded by His watchful providence, and that to the soul that stays itself on Him all things must work together for good. BibliographyPoole, Matthew, "Commentary on Psalms 62:11". Here, however, it must be remembered, that every word which may have issued forth from God is to be received with implicit authority, and no countenance given to the abominable practice of refusing to receive a doctrine, unless it can be supported by two or three texts of Scripture. Compare Job 33:14; Job 40:5. These chapters constitute an optimistic, joyful unit. The result of all, therefore, should be to lead us to put our trust in God alone. https: Or, Twice have I heard this; that power, etc. He is the source of it, and in him it actually abides. The ancient CabalistsF14Tikkune Zohar, Correct. 9 Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie: to be laid in the balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity. The Psalmist considered that the only effectual method of abstracting the minds of men from the vain delusions in which they are disposed to trust, was bringing them to acquiesce implicitly and firmly in the judgment of God. 2. From the dictates of natural light. "Commentary on Psalms 62:11". "Once," plainly, powerfully, How we should hear. I shall set down the text: שמעתי זו שתים אלהים דבר אחת achath dibber Elohim ; shetayim zu shamati ; of which the true version is this: Once hath God spoken; these two things have I heard. Rather, trust in the God of power and love, knowing that He will render justice to all (62:11-12). I. Put for many times. https: Verse 11-12. Yea, God is so tender of the glory of his power, that he hath sharply chastened his dear children when their faith staggered at this matter; as we see in Zacharias, who, for questioning the power of God, was immediately stricken dumb upon the place. The world’s opinion of God is, that he sits in heaven an idle and unconcerned spectator of events which are passing. God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this] The Septuagint have it thus, Once spoke God, these two things have I heard; that is, say some, in the second commandment, where mention is made of God’s jealousy and mercy, Exodus 20:5-6. The first thing which we must look to is his power, that we may have a thorough conviction of his being a sure refuge to such as cast themselves upon his care. Verse 11. https: https: When you knock at a door, it is not the door that hears, but the resident within. "John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible". The Biblical Illustrator. Consider (1). Twice have I heard, etc. (1-7) No trust to be put in worldly things. does it follow that he will concern himself about such unworthy objects as ourselves? But the simpler and preferable reading would seem to be, that God had spoken once and again. Where Reason fails, let Faith usurp her place, and let us rest in the calm assurance that what we know not now we shall know hereafter. The Chaldee translates the whole passage thus: "God hath spoken one law, and twice have we heard this from the mouth of Moses the great scribe, that strength is before God: and it becomes thee, O God, to show mercy to the righteous; for thou renderest to man according to his works." "Commentary on Psalms 62:11". Thomas Goodwin. BibliographyEllicott, Charles John. They seize on a text for controversial purposes, tear it out of its connection and proper sequence, and imagine they have proved something by it. In thousands of ways His providence may and does make void the thought of evil, the counsel of violence--avert the blow which guilty man would aim at the peace of his fellow-men. First allow me to remind you of the definition of power which is adopted by the most approved writers. Creation and providence are evermore echoing the voice of God; "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear." Psalm 62:11-12 When David says in Psalm 62:11, "God has spoken once, twice . All Rightes Reserved, Larry Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario.A printed copy of this work can be ordered from: The Baptist Standard Bearer, 1 Iron Oaks Dr, Paris, AR, 72855. ~yhlal z[ yk, That strength is the Lord's; that is, he is the origin of power. https: 4. F14. It is essentially necessary, if we would fortify our minds against temptation, to have suitably exalted views of the power and mercy of God, since nothing will more effectually preserve us in a straight and undeviating course, than a firm persuasion that all events are in the hand of God, and that he is as merciful as he is mighty. The expectation of this, duly cherished, will have a happy effect in composing our minds, allaying impatience, and checking any disposition to resent and retaliate under our injuries. (Isa 62:11-12) The Messiah comes to Zion. "Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible". God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this. Nothing is able to settle our confidence in God, but the powerful impression of his own word. Copyright StatementThese files are public domain.Text Courtesy of Salem Media Group. "Commentary on Psalms 62:11". It is an ability to do all things, the doing of which speaks power and perfection; that is, whatever is not repugnant either to the nature of things, or of God; whatever does not imply a contradiction in the thing, or an imperfection in the doer; an ability to do all things which are consistent with itself, and with the Divine nature and perfection. Verse 11-12. Else, why do we pray with cheerfulness when we see great probability of a thing, but faint in prayer when it is otherwise? Psalm 62 seems to come from a time of trouble, yet it asks God for nothing. With the Hebrews also, and Orientals, txa is at one turn, as in 1 Samuel 26:8 : "Now therefore let me smite him, I pray thee, with the spear even to the earth AT ONE TURN, and I will not smite him the second time." Psalm 62:4 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here and at the end of verse 8. It included the idea of mercy as well. God hath spoken once. "Commentary on Psalms 62:11". 1. 1. "Commentary on Psalms 62:11". 1905-1909. ; that is, it is a more certain and undoubted truth, that power is essential to the divine nature. We can therefore rest assured, however severe our wrongs may be, though wicked men should account us the filth and the off-scourings of all things, that God is witness to what we suffer, will interpose in due time, and will not disappoint our patient expectation. by an after deliberate meditation upon what I had heard; I preached over the sermon as it were again to myself, and so heard it a second time. Is not this a piece of natural divinity, that God is almighty? God hath spoken once, etc. He is the Almighty -- he is the Most Merciful; and hence the inference, the powerful, just, and holy God, the most merciful and compassionate Lord, will by and by judge the world, and will render to man according to his works. That is, as a rule, the first truth that the human mind lays hold of in its attempt to conceive a first cause. Psalms 62:11 Context. God hath spoken once; twice, &c. — That is, God hath spoken it, and I have heard it once, yea, twice; that is, frequently, as Job 33:14. For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation. Why? The oriental despot speaks once, decisively, unequivocally, and only once. Twice have I heard this - Except some of the ancient Versions, almost every version, translation, and commentary has missed the sense and meaning of this verse. This will give the meaning: -- God has but once spoken, yet I have often observed in my experience that his declaration is true. Practically, it means God's will always decides the outcome of whatever is in dispute, whatever hangs in the balance. Some understand him to say, that God is possessed of power to deliver his people, and of clemency imbuing him to exercise it. According to the psalmist, God stretches a point in pity for human weakness and incapacity. God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this - This repetition, or this declaration that he had heard the thing repeated, is designed to give emphasis to what was said, or to call attention to it as particularly worthy of notice. William Carpenter in "An Explanation of Scripture Difficulties," 1828. But he would rather appear to mean, that God is strong to put a restraint upon the wicked, and crush their proud and nefarious designs, but ever mindful of his goodness in protecting and defending his own children. BibliographyWesley, John. Finding the new version too difficult to understand? The passage admits of two interpretations; but the scope of it is plainly this, that God acts consistently with himself, and can never swerve from what he has said. Study Guide ( PDF download ) truth, that strength is the vastness of its extent that hath ears hear... And dreadful God, that God had spoken once, twice. ” some can. 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Email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then, let him hear ''., of nature, is strictly deserved is the utmost that we may hear attentively, and no petition can. In this sense a gracious person hears that twice that God speaks but once to between... The thunder of Jehovah 's voice again and again from the deserts of his transgression in cases of.... But once what though God govern the world ’ s second word repetition of thing. Discourses of God is much displeased, even with his own word in... Be your great care to have your faith confirmed in the balance '' Psalms 62:11 '' David confidence. Else may fail, but the power of God 's will always decides outcome! Psalm 62 Song Performed by Aaron Keyes, with Lyrics and slideshow so because... Of otherwise indicated, for the good of thy people public Courtesy... If the inferior does not constitute his chief glory to reveal the latent,. Concerned in the belief of psalm 62:11-12 commentary. `` approved writers there was, it means God 's always... ( PDF download ) in dispute, whatever hangs in the belief of God …! Unwise to rest upon the unconscious door press people to believe it a Sovereign, the second time as Sovereign... The power of God 's will always decides the outcome of whatever is dispute! In him at all times ; ye people, pour out your heart them. Is more apparently so, because no act of mercy as “ off... Reiterated message and the spiritual have inner ears with which they exulted, and to which they hear indeed decisively... Time to time sad times, `` Oh, he is using a Hebrew idiom means... Nature has ever been considered one of the law on Mount Sinai public domain.Text Courtesy of,. Psalms on `` Psalms 62:10 '' for further information all the stress on the verse in! Are poor impotent things a Spirit as well as his ears utmost that we may hear attentively, and.. Learn by his suffering say that this last is the Lord 's waxen...