How many mm is your VTA set to? With a vast range of options available, from the more budget-friendly ATLP60X to the premium ATLP5XUSB, it might be difficult to know where to begin. Great table, and the adjustments really let you dial things in, but can be a headache if you don't know what you are doing. View and Download Audio Technica AT-LP120-USB installation and operation manual online. If you find yourself in a conversation that is moving toward personal differences and confrontation, please have the mindfulness to remove yourself from the situation. Just rest the arm on the scale, observe the readout, turn the counterweight as needed. Just make sure to get one that is sensitive down to a tenth of a gram, or better. Feel free to post them in the comments. [–]UpgradeTech 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (0 children). The AT-LP120 series has built its reputation on (4) key features: 1.1The LP120 series features a direct-drive motor which is unique in this price range. Either way, this is an amazing device and I'm glad to be another proud owner! This is a very well crafted copy of the popular Technics SL-1200 series of turntables made by Panasonic. If you are not technically savvy, it might be a bit scary to unbox and set up the LP120. Perfectly 90 degrees will kill bass depth and in my experience, make the highs overly sibilant. ), Forum Policies, Rules, and Terms of Service. The Audio-Technica AT-LP120-USB has been around for awhile now, and there's a reason you see it for sale at so many of your local record stores: at $299 (£279, AU$389), it … EDIT: the digital scale just takes the guess work out of setting the VTF. With a quartz speed control, push-button 33 and 45 RPM playback, and an integrated strobe light it is easy to get the LP120 setup correctly. Audio-Technica has been a leader in phono cartridge design for more than 50 years, and that expertise shows in the versatile, high-performance AT-VM95E cartridge, which comes with a 0.3 x 0.7 mil elliptical stylus, but is also compatible with any VM95 Series replacement stylus, offering a wide choice of options for every budget and application. Even a cursory tour through vinyl-related forums will turn up endless mentions of the LP120, which has become the go-to entry level turntable for people serious enough to get a real taste of what vinyl is all about. I read somewhere - though I cannot vouch for the accuracy - that the AT CW-1 is 136 grams and the one that came with my TT might be about 128 g. But once you set the tracking force and note the dial settings, it shouldn't change, correct? There's a hardware section which would be better for this. One of the advantages of the Audio Technica LP120 is that it is easy to set up. If you add height to the platter without compensating the tonearm height adjustment, you'll rob a little bit from your highs and bloat the bass a bit. The setup looks something like this. But it sounds like you have a digital scale already. So, the choice is between the Denon DL-110 and the Audio-Technica VM540ML. . The Audio-Technica AT120 is becoming popular because of its sound quality, … REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 19160 on r2-app-0f489719e06726faa at 2020-12-23 22:54:15.821636+00:00 running 6abf2be country code: FR. Please report harassment as such so that we can investigate. Dial back the counterweight (with the cue lever UP) until you see it start to balance. What kind of receiver/speakers are you running it to? best essentially one I'm considering myself. Adjusting the VTF without a stylus gauge is tricky, but I have found a few tricks. I am getting by with the needle barely touching the record at the 0 setting (before refining the weight to 2) for a suitable counterweight. We'll be glad to assist you within our Weekly Questions Thread. /r/PunkRecords - Anarchy in the Record Store! General Overview + Setup 2. What gave you that impression? /r/audiophile - Quality Audio Reproduction. LP120 Unboxed. I can't believe how much better the VM540ML sounds than the AT95E, the difference in SQ is almost night and day, and I honestly don't know what more I could possibly want from vinyl and record players right now. [–]mp29kAudio Technica[S] 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (0 children). I tried a calculated protractor, and ended up back to exactly where it was set from the factory. Digital scale to the rescue. (3) No meme or rage comic image posts. The Rega P1, Rega P2 are slightly better than the Audio Technica LP120 in sound, but the Regas were not worth the more expensive price. Ok, awesome. When adjusting VTA, you are looking for the stylus point itself to be nearly 90 degrees to the vinyl, maybe slightly slacked back. A list of album titles is not an adequate description. /r/Turntablists - Scratch, Juggle, and Flair. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. We’re very pleased to have started stocking renowned Japanese turntable manufacturer Audio-Technica at Smart Home Sounds. Not to be particular, but the manual doesn't share the hints of using the cue lever and a record on the platter to set it. The AT-LP120-USB is a direct-drive turntable, which means there’s a motor beneath its spindle turning its platter. Rendered by PID 19160 on r2-app-0f489719e06726faa at 2020-12-23 22:54:15.821636+00:00 running 6abf2be country code: FR. I love DIY fixes, and someone in another (closed) thread suggested the following: Just be careful that if you go this route, the tracking force dial on the counterweight will become inaccurate. Stupid question: I have audioengine speakers, this requires line not phono because the speakers have their own pre-amp? /r/uncommongrailz - Not Your Average Grailz. In my table, it manifested as distortion primarily in the mid-range, so it was dreadfully obvious. Is this to be expected? Put a record on your turntable. 7 reasons why the Audio-Technica AT-LP120XUSB is better than the AT-LP120. I'm finally fully in love with this hobby again, happy listening everyone! Add the sleek, black carbon-fiber tonearm and you have a turntable that certainly doesn’t look like it costs $299. I love Safe As Milk. [–][deleted] 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (1 child). The Audio Technica LP120 is a direct-drive turntable that features a USB and analog connection. For instance, you might have an extensive collection of old LPs or vinyl records, and you might have some of your favorite tunes on them, tunes which yo… I am using a NAD d'3020 amp (30 WPC) into Monitor Audio Bronze BX2 with a HSU STF-2 subwoofer to properly round out the bottom end. I have a different than standard turntable mat, so my VTA number isn't going to help you. How Do I Align the Cartridge on the AT-LP120-USB and AT-LP1240-USB Turntables? Put the tonearm back on the rest, and set the counter weight at exactly 2. The stylus should be replaced with a genuine Replace the headshell assembly on the tone arm and secure with Audio-Technica ATP-n2 stylus. Done. (5) Do not make a post to share download codes. So I actually just got a ATLP120 the other day and since you are the most recent post about it I've seen, I have a few q's if you don't mind: When you say with the proper counterweight, the needle will "hover," I have tried this, but the tone arm drifts away from the record. The Audio-Technica AT-LP120-USB is, as they like to say in the motor industry, fully loaded. Audio-Technica AT-LP120 Setup. Bought one of these recently. One more question; which protractor should I use? The Audio Technica AT-LP120-USB turntable is a direct-drive turntable modeled after the sadly discontinued Technics SL-1200. A direct-drive design, it has a stroboscope, target light, +/- 20% pitch control and a reverse switch. Using these setup tips has resulted in the best overall sound for me. For many, the turntable part is easy: The Audio-Technica LP120. I found that helped me a lot. /r/randomactsofvinyl - It's Worth a Shot!? . So a bit of assembling is necessary. [–]recordcouncilGarrard 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (1 child). Good overall tips for people like me that need a refresher, [–]Boner4StonersAudio Technica 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (0 children). Plus, you don't really have to worry about zeroing out the tone arm anymore. SETUP VIDEOS FOR AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-LP120 TURNTABLE 1. Also, I have the CW-1 heavier counterweight and it also has an inaccurate vtf nearly a half gram! The most common rookie mistake I've seen is failing to toggle the Line/Phono switch in the back when running the RCA cables to a separate receiver. AT-LP120-USB Turntable Company: Audio-Technica Price: $299.95, less at various online retailers. However, harassment against other users of any kind is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: (1) Questions regarding setups, equipment advice, or personal inquiries that primarily benefit the individual over the broader subreddit community should be submitted in the stickied Weekly Questions thread, also accessible from the Submit a New Question button above. If your post is removed you can still add a 300+ character comment with the description and it will be approved automatically. These belong in /r/downloadcodes! I have usually found it only drifts if your anti-skate is not set to zero when you try to set counterweight. Useful Links, Guides, and Threads - for new users and veterans alike, this is a community generated collection of our favorite resources pertaining to collecting, buying, selling, and anything relating to records. After reading this I decided to reset my VTF, and after playing around with it and realizing it wasn't making sense, I realized I had the VTF ring thingy on the BACK of the counterweight instead of in front of it. FYI it's a great table. /r/vinylcollectors - Buy, Sell, and Trade. Hope this is helpful to others! If I set it to barely hover, the needle can't find a groove. Here is what it looked like when I had gathered all the included items on my kitchen table. And when you eventually replace the cartridge, it will be super easy to get the new one set up. It also doesn’t look anything like a DJ turntable, which is the ubiquitous design favored by Audio-Technica for its various LP120 models (not to mention similar … /r/cd_collectors - CDs Are Also Pretty Neat! The S-shape… I got mine on eBay for like $10. [–]mp29kAudio Technica[S] 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (1 child). Direct-drive motors feature higher torque (motor power) and require less maintenance than belt-driven motors. [–]face_plain 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago* (0 children). My main setup is a Technics 1210 GR with a Nagaoka MP-200 cartridge. On my LP120, with stock cartridge, when the needle is perfectly perpendicular to the record (proper VTA setup) the tonearm is not level. On the AT-LP60 and AT-LP120, the RCA cable is hardwired to the back of the unit. Audio Technica have a great setup video on their YouTube page: [–]MarcyProjects 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (1 child). Please ask for help by using the Submit a New Question button above. Do you have a guess as to the difference between the counterweight that comes with the AT LP120 and the AT CW-1? Direct-drive turntables deliver fast start and stop times and excellent torque, and there’s no belt to worry about wearing out over the years.The traditional drawback in a direct-drive design is that vibrations produced by the motor can be transferred to the platter and record. Given how expensive these can be - $30-40 - is it worth it? I found that the cartridge came setup very close to aligned, so I wouldn't mess with it. Posts without adequate description will be removed automatically. A type of music I don’t see around here much — My American Primitive Collection, Picked these 1966 albums up. Dial the anti-skate back to 2. I have heard it pays to upgrade the tonearm counterweight. That mirror idea sounds good. Aside from that, while I am not a DJ, the aesthetics of the AT LP120 grew on me and with the extra features/lights it seemed like I was getting more for my money and made the Regas seem plain. [–]tomgi 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (0 children). You can use it with a standard audio device or attach it directly on your computer. Post get removed? The VTA, or height adjustment is MUCH higher with the standard cartridge (AT95E), than if you were to align it so that the tonearm/ cartridge body was level with the vinyl. Just connect the RCA cable of your turntable to the RCA input of the powered speaker. 5 years ago Not to be particular, but the manual doesn't share the hints of using the cue lever and a record on the platter to set it. (4) Posts specifically intending to buy, sell, or trade vinyl or stereo equipment are not permitted. Looking to buy a new table and this one has been really piquing my interest so thanks for the rundown! [–]mp29kAudio Technica[S] 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children). You want the needle to be almost 90 degrees, [–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children). Looking to buy a new table and this one has been really peaking my interest so thanks for the rundown! [–]Elder_JokerAudio Technica 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (0 children). This can lead to constructive, unique and enjoyable content and we sincerely encourage you to share your opinions based on experience. The AT-LP120-USB comes supplied with a high-quality Audio-Technica ATP-2 cartridge. Message us so that we can check it out for you. Please see the AT-LP120XUSB Direct-Drive Turntable.This professional stereo turntable features a high-torque direct-drive motor for quick start-ups and a … Good point. ATLP120 Setup hints (aka: avoiding rookie mistakes) (self.vinyl), submitted 5 years ago by mp29kAudio Technica. And it is a very close race indeed. (You must log in or sign up to reply here. Direct-Drive Professional USB and Analog Turntable System. The Audio-Technica AT-LP120-USB may be just what you are looking for. Setting up the AT-LP120-USB Turntable - Part 1, Setting up the AT-LP120-USB Turntable - Part 2, Free Cartridge Alignment Protractors - Vinyl Engine, Protractor User Guide - Aligning Cartridges with Baerwald, Loefgren & Stevenson - Vinyl Engine. Music and technology move on at a very fast pace these days, basically much like any technological advancement; if you stand still, you’re lost! Audio-Technica's AT-LP120-USB direct-drive, high-torque professional turntable is perfect for DJs and other music enthusiasts, especially in an era that many would call "postvinyl," when it's no longer the norm for audio/video receivers or even integrated amplifiers to offer a dedicated phono input. As a result, the sound has the RIAA equalization applied twice. As per the instructions, turn the anti-skate to zero. Direct-drive motors forgo belts and are directly connected to the platter. I grew up in the 1960s and 1970s, when the album, or LP, was the physical musical format. I have the standard AT95E cartridge and I'm definitely hearing very slight hissing/hazy highs at 0. Discussion in 'Audio Hardware' started by DBMartin, Oct 20, 2019. I found that helped me a lot. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. But the higher output level of the VM540ML and the fact that it is an Audio-Technica product that potentially will be easier to fit and align on my AT-LP120 are two small factors that make the VM540ML the one that I will choose. The simplest setup consists of directly connecting your turntable to a pair of powered speakers through a RCA cable. You absolutely have to keep the tonearm height "lock" button engaged when playing vinyl. Be sure to use the search bar to browse for your answer - you just may find what you're looking for! [–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (2 children). and join one of thousands of communities. This is an important step, and the line between hovering and barely touching is so small it will not make a difference. Step 3 is standard practice for counter-weighted tonearms and is outlined on page 6 of your owner's manual. /r/CollectionHauls - Records, Comics, and Memorabilia. Here's how I set my numbers: Just make sure you have a digital scale and use it every time you switch carts is what I say. Please visit /r/vinylcollectors in order to sell, trade, and seek albums. ATLP120 Setup hints (aka: avoiding rookie mistakes). © 2020 reddit inc. All rights reserved. Common stylus overhang distances are 15 mm (as is the case for our AT-LP1240-USB Turntable) and 16 mm (for our AT-LP120-USB turntable), but other lengths exist as well. Then, after you get the VTF dialed in, remember to raise the VTA back up so that the tone arm is level when resting on the surface of a record. Thanks for this. Note that on a turntable that includes a premounted cartridge/stylus the overhang has typically been preset at the factory. Fine tune the counter weight so that when you drop the cue lever (slowly), the needle will hover over the record, but not touch it. 1.2 The LP-120 series features a higher quality tonearm than most entry level turntables. So, I've had an Audio Technica LP120 for about two years now, and while the standard AT95E cartridge sounds okay to me, I've now decided to finally go for a serious upgrade: the VM540ML (/H, so with headshell). (2) Photo and image posts as well as gifs and short videos must also include a 300+ character description, story, or review of their content. That's a bold upgrade from the AT95E to a VM540ML . And when you use the scale, adjust your VTA so that the tone arm sits perfectly level when resting on the scale platform. ↳ For the most up to date info, visit the Product Page Many audiophiles prefer belt-driven turntables, … Harassment Policy: It is inevitable that users will appear from all walks and times in life, causing us to have disagreements. Leaving it unlocked introduces all kinds of vibration, and distortion (that I had a hard time finding), as a result of obvious tone arm slop when it is unlocked. AT-LP120-USB turntable pdf manual download. This model has been discontinued. For VTF, I'd recommend getting a digital scale. It looks very similar to the late, lamented Technics SL1200/1210 – and that's no bad thing. I know this is a day late so I hope you can answer my questions. The article here explains all the choices: It looks like AT have a protractor you can download as well: One more post, because I think everything is set up properly now, and all I can say is WOW! This is your proper setting for 0. Thanks a ton! /r/vinylreleases - Releases and Preorders. I had foolishly assumed that the assembly was "tight" and had left it unlocked since I was messing with the VTA (height adjustment) a lot to try to find the sweet spot. Have questions? If you have a small flat mirror that is about the thickness of a record, and you rest the needle on the mirror, you can easily see the angle the needle is resting on the mirror. I have had the AT-LP120 since Christmas, and have been messing with setup since then almost daily. Tonearm Setup / Balancing ↳ If you need further help, please do not hesitate to Contact Us. Album/Equipment Reviews - a collection of sub-generated discussion posts centered around a specific piece of equipment or album pressing. Or are you going to your laptop? Join in on the reviews to share your input or to suggest our next review. 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