Thou wilt prolong the king's life, etc. He implies, therefore, that the refuge he seeks must be more than any "arm of flesh" can afford him; it must be therefore divine. 4. Commentaries. David seeks God upon former experience. We are not offered an inscription giving us insight into the occasion of this psalm, but many interpreters believe that it was probably written while David was on the run from Absalom. Hear my cry, attend unto my prayer." "Attend unto my prayer." 5. Your low houses are soon scaled. We are not offered an inscription giving us insight into the occasion of this psalm, but many interpreters believe that it was probably written while David was on the run from Absalom. There is a mint of meaning in this brief prayer. Thus he calls for some one to rescue him from the deep, and to place him on the rock. Johannine Writings
“My heart is overwhelmed!” he tells the Lord. He is so spent and exhausted, that he cannot reach the rock himself. Vows to be carefully fulfilled on earth. 6. So he makes prayer the scaling ladder to get upon that rock and into that tower that otherwise had been too high for him; he gets that safety and deliverance which otherwise but by prayer unto God had been impossible to have been obtained. Verse 2.—It is more the image of one overtaken by the tide, as he is hastening onwards to get beyond its reach, and yet with every step he sees it rolling nearer and nearer to him; he hears its angry roar, the loosening sand sinks beneath his tread—a few minutes more, and the waves will be around him; despair hath "overwhelmed his heart;" when in the very depths of his agony he sees a point of rock high above the waves. J. Burns, D. D. I. In how many lands, by what various voices, with what manifold emotions, the cries of men are uttered! It is little, but precious. From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. II. Historical Books
This is its glory, and is our delight when we have once climbed into the rock, and claimed an interest in it; but while we are as yet trembling seekers, the glory and sublimity of salvation appal us, and we feel that we are too unworthy ever to be partakers of it; hence we are led to cry for grace upon grace, and to see how dependent we are for everything, not only for the Saviour, but for the power to believe on him. While others go and come; ... Charles Spurgeon. For thou, O God, hast heard my vows. Augustine. Hewers of wood and drawers of water in the tents of Jehovah are more to be envied than the princes who riot in the pavilions of kings. And except as he is thus higher, as he is God, he could not be a Saviour; for "He is a just God, as well as a Saviour." Mary B. M. Duncan. He vows to serve God. "From the end of the earth will I cry:" he had thus cried, and he will therefore cry again and again. Covert of thy wings. "O, lead me, guide me, direct me to it; for I am so worn and spent, that I cannot reach it otherwise. 1. f1. --------------------
Our experience leads us to understand this verse right well, for the time was with us when we were in such amazement of soul be reason of sin, that although we knew the Lord Jesus to be a sure salvation for sinners, yet we could not come at him, by reason of our many doubts and forebodings. Minor Prophets
F2. Major Prophets
Such a rock may occasion the wreck, but it will not afford any help to the sufferers afterwards; it is a rock to split upon for destruction, not to stand upon for safety. It is little, but precious. To pray in some circumstances needs resolve, and the psalmist here expresses it. Psalm 12. Pentateuch
The Letters of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. SUBJECT AND DIVISION.—This Psalm is a pearl. The illustration is self interpreting. The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, You know who it is that speaks these words, our Lord Jesus himself. He was in terrible earnest; he shouted, he lifted up his voice on high. F1. It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? Psalms 61 As it is with many other Psalms so it is with this. f3. It is a clear and judicious explanation of the text, and cannot be dispensed with. Condensed from a Sermon by Fountain Elwin, 1842. 6. Job 11:7. the exiled king prays for restoration. Aquinas saith that some read the words thus, Intende ad cantica mea, attend unto my songs--and so the words may be safely read, from the Hebrew word hgr ranah, which signifies to shout or shrill out for joy-- to note that the prayers of the saints are like pleasant songs and delightful ditties in the ears of God. Wherefore he saith, "When ye have done all, say that we are unprofitable servants, for we have only done that which we ought to have done." The tower, in Psalms 18:2, is "an high tower," and the rock is here an high rock, the rock higher than I; and yet there is a way to get into the highest towers; by scaling ladders a man may get over the high walls of towers. Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth, even for evermore. See the uplifting power of faith and prayer. Ver. All the privileges of all the saints are also the privileges of each one. A seeking soul should at once believe in Jesus, but it is legitimate for a man to ask to be led to Jesus; the Holy Spirit is able to effect such a leading, and he can do it even though the heart be on the borders of despair. (Psalms 61:3). We know that the centre of the affections and devotions of the pious Israelite was the "holy city, Jerusalem; whither the tribes went up, even the tribes of the Lord, to testify unto Israel, and to give thanks unto the name of the Lord." Divine condescension allows us to appropriate the picture to ourselves, and how blessedly instructive and consoling it is! III. A Saviour would have been of no use to us if the Holy Spirit had not gently led us to him, and enabled us to rest upon him. Christ must be viewed as living in his members to the end of the world. This tower and rock were too high for David himself to get into, and therefore he sets to the scaling ladder. Cry. Verse 4. Verse 2.—"The rock that is higher than I." The psalm selection for the third Sunday after Epiphany is 62:5-12. This tower and rock were too high for David himself to get into, and therefore he sets to the scaling ladder. The psalmist trusts God alone for his salvation. Psalms 78:61. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee. 5. What place was this, the end of the earth, referring the expression to the writer of the Psalm? Uplift me when I cannot tread: do for me what is beyond me. This inheritance the Lord giveth to them that fear him." The divine omnipresence surrounds such a one consciously; his faith sees all around him the palace of the King, in which he walks with exulting security and overflowing delight. Minor Prophets
There may be an end of the earth, but there must not be an end to devotion. He is too high for men, too high for devils; no creature can scale these high walls. For thou, O God, hast heard my vows. As men cry, "Long live the king, "so we hail with acclamation our enthroned Immanuel, and cry, "Let mercy and truth preserve him." We would worship God de die in diem, going right on as the days roll on. It is not a rock, the top of which just shows itself above the sea, no higher than a man's own body, that will save the life of a shipwrecked mariner. Many and many a time had the persecutions of Saul and the perils of battle imperilled David's life, and only by miracle had he escaped, yet was he still alive and unhurt; this he remembers, and he is full of hope. Psalm 61 is the 61st psalm of the Book of Psalms.In the slightly different numbering system of the Greek Septuagint version of the bible, and in its Latin translation in the Vulgate, this psalm is Psalm 60.The Psalm is attributed to King David and is called in Latin Exaudi Deus ("Hear my cry, O God"). The end of the earth, then, as referred to the psalmist, would signify any place of bodily absence from the temple where the Deity had taken up his special abode, or any place whence his spiritual affections were unable to reach that temple. Verse 3. Verse 5. Sweet is it beyond expression to remember the lovingkindnesses of the Lord in our former days, for he is unchangeable, and therefore will continue to guard us from all evil. "From the ends of the earth. What place was this, "the end of the earth," referring the expression to the writer of the Psalm? Ver. He knows that unless the rock be a high one, he will not be in safety, though he should be on it. To share with such men, to be treated by God with the same favour as he metes out to them, is matter for endless thanksgiving. Thus Hannah prayed herself into a composed state of mind. How warm the parent's bosom! Think how it is this day. Verse 5.—"The heritage." Verse 2.—"Higher than I." Blue Letter Bible is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Preface to Volume 1, Psalms 1-26. The Old Testament
1. We are made heirs, joint heirs with all the saints, partakers of the same portion. There would I find a settled rest, William Jay. Except you juggle with God, thou wilt vow as well as pray against it. It falls into two divisions, each expressing two main thoughts; the … chapters 28-30), of participating in a covenant with God. With this we ought to be delighted. Verse 2.—"Cry." EXPOSITION. Crying is a substitute for speech; and also the expression of earnestness. Is not this brave talk? Our heavenly Father is not hardened against the cries of his own children. Format: Audio/MP3. As in a fort impregnable, David had dwelt, because surrounded by omnipotence. Jeremiah Dyke. Observe how the psalmist rings the changes on, Thou hast, and I will, -- Psalms 61:3-6. Lord, thou hast need lay up and aforehand prepare an abundance of mercy and truth to preserve me for time to come. The language is very remarkable. Along the iron bound coast of our northern shores, lives are lost because the rocks are inaccessible to the shipwrecked mariner. Jesus is enthroned before God to eternity; here is our safety, dignity, and delight. The forty-fifth was on the lilies, and represented the kingly warrior in his beauty going forth to war; here we see him dividing the spoil and bearing testimony to the glory of God. David's personal claim to sit enthroned for ever is but a foreshadowing of the revealed privilege of all true believers. Hear my cry; attend unto my prayer (yet no words thereof mentioned); and Psalms 61:2. With this we ought to be delighted. 3. O God, listen to my cry! Passwords should have at least 6 characters. To this Isaiah alludes when he says, "Who shall declare his generation or age? Theodoret remarks: "The true inheritance is eternal life, concerning which Christ saith to the sheep on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you before the foundation of the world. Jesus is enthroned before God to eternity; here is our safety, dignity, and delight. O prepare mercy and truth, which may preserve him. God, the saint's rock. Thus in Holy Writ what is called the world, or the earth, frequently signifieth only that part thereof which was the heritage of the chosen people... "The end of the earth," then, as referred to the psalmist, would signify any place of bodily absence from the temple where the Deity had taken up his special abode, or any place whence his spiritual affections were unable to reach that temple. I like to feel that no hard fortitude is required of the chastened child of God, but that it ought to feel, and may cry, under the rod, without a single rebellious thought. Psalm 1. How would he pray? Hints to the Village Preacher. Study Resources:: Text Commentaries:: C. H. Spurgeon:: Treasury of David ← Back to C. H. Spurgeon's Bio & Resources . What is our duty when answers are denied? Please see Blue Letter Bible's Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. Stay connected Johannine Writings
On this verse we have the golden comment of Chrysostom, reiterated by Theophylact. Enable me to tread it: work faith in me. [2] From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Let not those fear who feel the bitterness of distance from God, for they shall be brought nigh; desolate may be the coast to which they are driven, but over against it is the Paradise of God; clouds and darkness may gather at the base of this rock of safety, but "eternal sunshine settles in its head.". W. Forsyth . Faith's greatest triumphs are achieved in her heaviest trials. The Power Of Prayer In Trouble . When we are so blinded by the salt waves that dash in our eyes, so reeling in brain that we perhaps cannot think, much less make continuous efforts, there is a hand which can lead us, which can draw us out of the waters, which can set our feet upon the rock. 8. Death threatened, but God preserved his beloved. Psalms - Part 1 - Devotionals from Morning and Evening Indexed by Psalm Christ must be viewed as living in his members to the end of the world. New American Standard Version. There is a text in Job where the "hypocrites in heart" are spoken of condemningly, because "they cry not when he bindeth them." 1. It is the sinner's cry to the sinner's Saviour! Saints are described as fearing the name of God; they are reverent worshippers; they stand in awe of the Lord's authority; they are afraid of offending him, they feel their own nothingness in the sight of the Infinite One. Give it thy consideration, and such an answer as thy wisdom sees fit. "A strong tower:" lasting in itself, impregnable against foes, secure for the occupant. Job 11:7. JOSEPH A ALEXANDER Psalms Commentary (1864) Spurgeon had high praise for Alexander's work writing that it "Occupies a first place among expositions. These are troubles which struggle with us, as it were, for life and death; troubles which would leave us helpless wrecks; troubles which enter into conflict with us in our prime, which grapple with us in our health and strength, and threaten to conquer us by sheer force, no matter how bravely we may contend. Wherever we are, we have liberty to draw near to God, and may find a way open to the throne of grace. Our experience leads us to understand this verse right well, for the time was with us when we were in such amazement of soul be reason of sin, that although we knew the Lord Jesus to be a sure salvation for sinners, yet we could not come at him, by reason of our many doubts and forebodings. David has made his commitment to God. Psalms 61:5 * EXPOSITION. "When my heart is overwhelmed:"—when the huge waves of trouble wash over me, and I am completely submerged, not only as to my head, but also my heart. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select a Beginning Point
From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee. From the ends of the earth. Wisdom Literature
Heart. Perhaps by the word tabernacle is here meant the dwelling place of God; and if so, the sense is, I will dwell with the Lord, enjoying his sacred hospitality, and sure protection. A shelter from the rain of trouble, the storm of persecution, the floods of Satanic temptation, the heat of divine wrath, the blast of death. This inheritance the Lord giveth to them that fear him." A Psalm by David. Ver. "—words in which he predicts that the church would survive through all ages, notwithstanding the incessant danger of destruction to which it is exposed through the attacks of its enemies, and the many storms assailing it. A complete set of The Treasury of David in book form is available from Pilgrim Publications, PO Box 66, Pasadena, TX 77501. Thou wilt prolong the king's life; Ver. Minor Prophets
"O that I could reach it and be safe!" 2. Some render it, I shall dwell in thy tent or pavilion royal, making it a metaphor from warfare, where those that are in the king's own tent must needs be in greatest safety. Psalm 61:1-8: Pulpit Commentary Homiletics. No spot is too dreary, no condition too deplorable; whether it be the world's end or life's end, prayer is equally available. 4. Song of Solomon 2:14, Psalms 141:2. Hear my cry;;" "attend unto my prayer" (yet no words thereof mentioned); and Psalm 61:2. Alfred Bowen Evans. In banishment. We are low and grovelling, but it towers like some tall cliff far above us. Better, `` who shall declare his generation or age? the cry that. Of God ; attend unto my prayer. ( first clause ).—Enquire whether or no it with! The greatest Fight in the wilderness of Judah before us, we have to believe that the delay ( )! David when he was far from home and safety Whence does he his... 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