Synonyms: Cynosurus indicus L.; Eleusine indica var. Goosegrass grows best in moist, fertile, cultivated soil in full sunlight. Eleusine indica Goose Grass. Habit: Annual to woody perennial herb; roots generally fibrous. Close-up of a flower spike during anthesis. Though crowsfoot grass (Eleusine indica) is primarily regarded as a weed of agricultural areas and habitation, it is also seen as an environmental weed in parts of Queensland and New South Wales. Eleusine indica est étroitement apparentée à Eleusine coracana (éleusine ou millet africain), espèce allotétraploïde, dont elle est probablement un ancêtre. Über die Verbreitung von Eleusine indica und E. tristachya (Gramineae) in Österreich Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, B 116: 181-190. vol 30, no. Once established it is difficult to kill. Les tiges (chaumes) sont lisses, comprimées, à port dressé ou prostré. Seed can stay viable for many years, creating secondary outbreaks when conditions are ideal. 1. Les méthodes de lutte font appel au travail du sol (labour) et à des traitements herbicides. Eleusine indica (crowsfoot grass) may also be confused with these Digitarias, however, Eulsine does not root at the nodes, has fewer hairs on leaves and sheath, fewer spikes and has ligule of a membrane with hairs. Culm-internodes elliptical in section. 12. Flower colour; life form. Eleusine indica NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Ligule an eciliate membrane; 0.6–1 mm long; truncate. In addition, users can learn about the location of vouchered specimens and see images to get a better visual for each plant. Grass, tufted from 15-100 cm tall. Adult. Feedipedia (2010), Lorenzi, Harri. Rumput Belulang (Eleusine indica L.) merupakan salah satu gulma tanaman budidaya yang mempunyai daya saing yang tinggi dan keluarga Poaceae atau termasuk dalam keluarga rumput-rumputan. Feedipedia. As a conclusion, we underline the likely future strong expansion of . vol 26, no. Habit: Herb Habitat: Wild Location: Dhaka City. vol 47, no. 1. 3. selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. because of the finger-like spikes of its inflorescence and its habit of growth, but it is actually quite different. Weed control : - Biological Natural enemies restricted to the genus Eleusine might well be considered for biological control of E. indica except in India or other regions where finger millet (E. coracana) is an important cereal. Credits: Nathan S. Boyd, UF/IFAS. (1991), Whistler, W. Arthur. home - common name index - scientific name index - database - picture key - weedy grasses - ornamental grasses - Ada Hayden Herbarium - ISU It is tolerant of drought, compaction and due to its prostrate habit even endures close mowing. Crowsfoot grass (Eleusine indica) is widely naturalised in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, the Northern Territory and Western Australia. E. indica. Attachments (2). Culms geniculately ascending, or decumbent; slender; 15–85 cm long. 2 umput belulang mempunyai banyak sebutan, seperti di Sumatra menyebutnya dengan rumput kumaranting, di jawa menyebutnya jukut jampang, … Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. Comments: Goose Grass (Eleusine indica) superficially resembles one of the crabgrasses (Digitaria spp.) Cribb, A.B. Six weed species, Alopecurus myosuroides, Avena fatua, Echinochloa crus-galli, Eleusine indica, L ... Nymphs are highly gregarious in habit, and often are found in association with adults. Contributors: Molur, S. Justification: Eleusine indica is common and widespread species. It includes cultivated crops, gardens and roadsides. Seeds germinate at temperature above 15°C to 18°C; when there is adequate moisture and light. Goosegrass is a major weed of all disturbed places. California county polygons can be turned off and on in the layer control box. from Assam KD Jul 02: 5 posts by 3 authors. vol 29, no. The species is monoecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but both sexes can be found on the same plant) and is pollinated by Wind. Eleusine indica est une plante herbacée annuelle cespiteuse, ramifiée à la base, pouvant atteindre 30 à 60 cm de haut. A common weed of lawns, gardens, parks, footpaths, disturbed sites, waste areas, pastures, crops and orchards. C'est une mauvaise herbe importante dans les champs cultivées, ainsi que dans les pelouses et terrains de golf. vol 49, no. (2003), Landscape Management. It also occurs in plantations and nurseries. Les graines d'Eleusine indica sont comestibles et sont parfois utilisées comme aliment de famine, mais les rendements sont faibles. Les glumes sont plutôt inégales, la glume inférieure est étroite, oblongue obtuse, à une nervure, la glume supérieure, longue de 3 mm, plutôt aiguë, est lancéolée ou ovale-lancéolée, parfois pliée en forme de carène, et compte trois nervures. We present their biology and their ecology and finally report the localization of the populations found in and around the city of Lyon. Parts Shown: Habit, Leaf Photo Lorenzi, Harri. (2004), Landscape Management. Except for non-irrigated desert regions, it is found throughout California to about 660 feet (200 m). Goosegrass (Eleusine indica) Click on images to enlarge . Both males and females occur in each form. This plant loves light and is a weed problem mainly in crops grown in the warm and wet regions of the world. Across from Fraser dam, Boone county. (1996), Grounds Maintenance. Yard Grass (Eleusine indica). La sous-espèce africana est tétraploïde, de plus grande taille, avec des épillets plus grands et une ligule à frange nettement ciliée[2]. It is hardy to zone (UK) 9. In India, E. indica has a wide distribution (3300 kilometres from east to west, as well as north to south) due to the species’ wide ecological amplitude. Les espiguetes de 3 a 7 mm de llarg, compostes de 4 a 9 flors, densament agrupades en un raquis estretament alat o sense ales; 1a gluma de 1,5-1,8 mm de llarg, la 2a de 2 a 3 mm de llarg; lema de 2,5-4 mm de llarg, amb nervadures laterals … HABIT Annual; caespitose. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. The appearance of the inflorescence is more clumped (less spreading). Eleusine indica is a short-lived tufted perennial that branches from the base and can have erect, decumbent or prostrate habit. Photo: Anna Gardner. Baliousis, E. (2014). Plant Life of the Great Barrier Reef... (1985), Grabandt, Kees. Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn, Poacae, common wild weed in the roadside and cultivation area of Coonor, Nilgiri hills, Tamilnadu Grass ID from Bangladesh SM131: 3 posts by 2 authors. Eleusine indica is a ANNUAL growing to 0.5 m (1ft 8in) at a fast rate. Eleusine indica. There are no related plants for species Eleusine indica. Habit of crowsfoot grass (Eleusine indica) from above. Leaf: alternate, 2-ranked, generally linear, parallel-veined; sheath generally open; ligule membranous or hairy, at blade base. Habit. Seeds of E. indica are edible and are sometimes used as a famine food, but yields are low. Leaves mostly basal. (1991), Grounds Maintenance. lemmas with awns, pubescent on the marginal veins and callus, and spikelets with usually 2 or 3 florets (vs. E. indica, with lemmas without awns, glabrous, and spikelets … Plantas Daninhas do Brasil. Eleusine indica is closely related to Eleusine coracana (finger millet or African finger millet), and the diploid E. indica is likely an ancestor of the allotetraploid E. coracana. Présentation de Eleusine indica (Éleusine des Indes) : noms scientifiques et vernaculaires, statut de protection (listes rouges, réglementations), statut biologique en France Métropolitaine, données historiques et contemporaines. C'est une herbe annuelle de petite taille, présente dans les régions tropicales et subtropicales dans la zone des 50 degrés de latitude. Habit Hierba Conservation Preocupación Menor According to Useful Plants of Boyacá Project ... Wallnöfer, B. Identify a weed; List of all weeds; Key to weeds in turf; Goosegrass, also called wiregrass, is an annual summer grass and occasionally, a perennial. Inflorescence with spikes digitate to subdigitate, usually 2-10. File size: 63212 bytes - Views: 494. Les graines d' Eleusine indica sont comestibles et sont parfois utilisées comme aliment de famine, mais les rendements sont faibles. Habit. Leaf-sheaths keeled; outer margin hairy. The foliage of Goose Grass is rather shiny, while the foliage of crabgrass is more dull-colored. (2010) p 40 (Adv.) Eleusine indica. Animal feed resources information system. Starr-150401-1142-Eleusine indica-habit with squid parts-West Beach Sand Island-Midway Atoll (25154710282).jpg 4 608 × 3 456 ; 7,44 Mio. Selon Tropicos (4 janvier 2016)[1] (Attention liste brute contenant possiblement des synonymes) : Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. It grows in many moist areas and is tolerant of heavy human disturbance. 7 July 2002. Red List Category & Criteria: Least Concern ver 3.1 Year Assessed: 2010 Assessor/s: Watve, A. Reviewer/s: Juffe Bignoli, D., Kumar, V.S., Narasimhan, D., Ravikumar, K. & Rao, M.L.V. Taxonomie de Eleusine indica (Éleusine des Indes) : noms scientifiques et vernaculaires, classification, synonymie, arbre taxonomique. Jump to a section: Subspecies and Varieties | Synonyms | Specimens and Distribution; Classification: Flowering Plants: Family: Poaceae: Family (Traditional) Poaceae: Genus: Eleusine: Species: Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. Le péricarpe, persistant, très lâche et membraneux, renferme une graine rugueuse[2]. We stress the fact that those species have only recently appeared in this area, so that they are still badly known to local botanists. Culm-internodes elliptical in section. 9. The culms are geniculate at the base, slender and compressed. It settles down mainly in the rich and deep, muddy to sandy-muddy soils, well drained and being able to be compacted. Animal feed resources information system. It is an important weed of cultivated crops, lawns, and golf courses. Common Name(s): Goosegrass; Wiregrass; Phonetic Spelling el-YOO-sy-nee IN-dih-kuh Description. Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. 2nd ed. ... finger millet Eleusine indica Indian goosegrass Eleusine tristachya threespike goosegrass Legal Status. home - common name index - scientific name index - database - picture key - weedy grasses - ornamental grasses - Ada Hayden Herbarium - ISU Culms geniculately ascending, or decumbent; slender; 15–85 cm long. (1990), Landscape Management. Attached images may be Eleusine sp.. Basal innovations flabellate. 2. Geographic subdivisions for Eleusine indica: GV, SnFrB, SCo, SnGb : MAP CONTROLS 1. Certaines populations ont développé une résistance à des herbicides, notamment ceux à base de glyphosate. Indian Goosegrass is closely associated to Elesine coracana (African finger millet or finger millet). (1985), Grounds Maintenance. Feedipedia The New York Flora Atlas is a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state, as well as information on plant habitats, associated ecological communities, and taxonomy. Tends to form a low-growing rosette with outward radiating stems that have white colored leaf sheaths at the base (Figure 2). Attachments (7). It is in flower from July to August, and the seeds ripen from August to October. Eleusine indica. (2008), Landscape Management. It grows well in open ground and … Both tillage and … Weeds of Crops and Gardens in Southern Africa. rumput belulang berkembang biak dengan menggunakan biji. Biology and Management of Goosegrass (Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.) Botanical description: Eleusine indica thrives in the disturbed soils of cities and can be found growing out of cracks in asphalt, along roads, parking lots or in the relatively lush habitat that tree pits and park lawns provide. It thrives in disturbed areas with compacted soils in full sun. The inflorescence after the seeds have fallen (disarticulated) showing the bracts (glumes) that remain on the stem. Le système racinaire, fibreux, est particulièrement résistant et difficile à arracher. habit prior to flowering (Photo: Sheldon Navie) habit in flower (Photo: Sheldon Navie) stems and leaves (Photo: Sheldon Navie) seed-head (Photo: Sheldon Navie) Weeds of Australia - Biosecurity Queensland Edition Fact Sheet Eleusine indica Scientific Name Eleusine indica (L.) … (1991) p 201 Parts Shown: Flower, Leaf Photo (1995), Grounds Maintenance. It is a prolific seeder that can produce up to 50,000 seed per plant. Elle prospère dans les zones perturbées aux sols compacts et bien ensoleillées. Eleusine indica, l'éleusine des Indes ou « pied-de-poule », est une espèce de plantes monocotylédones de la famille des Poaceae (graminées). Feedipedia. lemmas with awns, pubescent on the marginal veins and callus, and spikelets with usually 2 or 3 florets (vs. E. indica, with lemmas without awns, glabrous, and … 12. vol 30, no. The root system is particularly tough and difficult to pull out (Ecocrop, 2019). Mauvaises herbes résistantes au glyphosate, HYPPA (HYpermédia pour la Protection des Plantes - Adventices),, Taxobox utilisant la classification APG III, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Portail:Agriculture et agronomie/Articles liés, Portail:Protection des cultures/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Mature seeds on the inflorescence of crowsfoot grass. Cette plante basse est capable de produire des graines, même lorsque qu'elle est tondue à ras. Stem: generally round, hollow; nodes swollen, solid. Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertner. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) Hàbit d’Eleusine indica. The seeds are edible and also consumed as a famine food but have low … 11. The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the University of South Florida and other herbaria. The Plants Database includes the following 3 species of Eleusine . (1995), Grounds Maintenance. vol 42, no. Ces derniers, sessiles, de 3 à 4 mm de long, comptent de trois à quinze fleurs. 2nd ed. The Atlas of Florida Plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. Photo: Anna Gardner. Habit - Buy this stock photo and explore similar images at Adobe Stock (1999), Grounds Maintenance. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 30 décembre 2019 à 14:56. Les feuilles ont un limbe linéaire, de 3 à 8 mm de large, parfois plié, et une gaine foliaire lisse. En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l’utilisation de cookies pour vous proposer des contenus et services adaptés et réaliser des statistiques de visites. Habit. Eleusine sp. E. indica invades disturbed habitats in natural areas and the margins of natural forests and grasslands, marshes, stream banks and coastal areas. Foto n. 129745 - pé-de-galo (Eleusine indica) Habit at Mokeehia, Maui - Credit: Forest and Kim Starr - Plants of Hawaii - Image licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, permitting sharing and adaptation with attribution. 2. Goosegrass growing in a tomato field in central Florida. vol 34, no. vol 39, no. vol 31, no. The culms grow to a height of 30-130 cm (Ecocrop, 2019; Welsh, 1998; Stone, 1970). Le rachis des épis est nettement aplati, et les épillets lâchement imbriqués. It is listed in the top 200 environmental weeds in south-eastern Queensland and also appears on environmental weed lists in the wider Sydney and Blue Mountains region in New South Wales. Each spike approximately 4-15 cm long. (2014). Plantas Daninhas do Brasil. Growth Habit Tufted grass with prostrate or upright growth. 2. Goosegrass, in the family Poaceae, is a summer annual grass that has a flattened, whitish base, leading to the common name silver crabgrass. Basal innovations flabellate. 7 July 2002. This species generally invades disturbed habitats in natural areas and the margins of conservation areas. Spikelets overhanging on the underside of the rachis. Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertner. Common name(s) Crowsfoot Grass. In some areas, it might intrusive areas. 1. You can change the display of the base map and layers by clicking on the layer control box in the upper right-hand corner. Leaf-blades conduplicate; 5–35 cm long; 2.5–6 mm wide. Distinguishing features. Eleusine indica. It is a small annual grass which is distributed all over warmer areas to about 50 degrees latitude. Leaf-sheaths keeled; outer margin hairy. Ligule an eciliate membrane; 0.6–1 mm long; truncate. Indian Goosegrass also known as Eleusine indica, is a grass species of family Poaceae. Across from Fraser dam, Boone county. C'est une mauvaise herbe importante dans les champs cultivées, ainsi que dans les pelouses et terrains de golf. The adults occur in short-winged (brachypterous) and long-winged (macropterous) forms. (1995). In India, E. indica is a principal weed infesting cultivated soils of upland rice and cotton and vegetable farming’s. Crowsfoot (Eleusine indica) is a summer annual that can tolerate low mowing. monostachya F.M. Fo… Habitat. Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. Eleusine indica. Les inflorescences sont des panicules à ramification digitée, comptant de deux à six épis sessiles, sans arête, de 4 à 15 cm de long, dont un est souvent inséré plus bas sur la tige. HABIT Annual; caespitose. Elle se comporte comme une espèce envahissante dans certaines régions. It is also a common weed along roads, pavements, and powerline corridors (Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, 2011). Wayside Plants of the Islands. 3. Figure 1. Leaves mostly basal. Images to get a better visual for each plant nettement aplati, et gaine! ( labour ) et à des traitements herbicides growth, but yields are.. On images to enlarge used as a famine food, but yields are low feedipedia habit... Adults occur in short-winged ( brachypterous ) and long-winged ( macropterous ) forms staffs local offices all! 50,000 seed per plant and Management of goosegrass ( Eleusine indica, 1970 ) of E. is... More clumped ( less spreading ) Project... Wallnöfer, B images be! Comprimées, à port dressé ou prostré photo Lorenzi, Harri, E. invades! Their biology and Management of goosegrass ( Eleusine indica ( L. ) Gaertn. explore similar images Adobe! 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