Differentiation is an approach that encourages teachers to respond to relevant differences among individuals while maintaining high expectations for all. Kalamazoo: Western Michigan University. This is called convergent differentiation (Bosker, 2005). (1996). In this sub-study of the project “Schools in Alpine Regions,” teachers from 8 primary schools and 14 secondary schools in the rural Alpine region of Switzerland participated. Rev. Alternatively, turning to heterogeneous grouping as an organizational structure for differentiated instruction, there is evidence that students of varying backgrounds working together may learn from each other's knowledge, from observing each other, and from commenting on each other's errors (Nokes-Malach et al., 2015). The effect of the differentiated teaching approach in the algebraic learning field on students' academic achievements. Int. (2009). Chichester: John Wiley and Sons. Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. 23, 471–493. From. However, they also point out that there are still severe knowledge gaps. First is the pedagogy and didactics of differentiated instruction: which teaching practices and techniques do teachers use and what do they differentiate (McQuarrie et al., 2008; Valiande and Koutselini, 2009)? We only included studies in which student achievement was reported as an outcome measure. A Guide for Ensuring Inclusion and Equity in Education. Educ. doi: 10.1080/09243453.2018.1539013, Van Halem, N., Van Klaveren, C. P. B. J., and Cornelisz, I. On the other hand, the importance of using systematic reviews to identify research gaps to inform further development of the field should not be underestimated (Petticrew and Roberts, 2006). (2018). 48, 9–18. Sch. Educ. Additionally, structural organizational conditions, such as time and resources available for professional development, and cultural organizational conditions such as the learning environment, support from the school board, and a professional culture of collaboration may influence teaching (Imants and Van Veen, 2010; Stollman, 2018). Improv. doi: 10.1080/02783190309554236, Tomlinson, C. (2015). Studies with pretest differences of more than 50% of a standard deviation were excluded because—even with analyses of covariance—large pretest differences cannot be adequately adjusted for (Slavin et al., 2009; Slavin, 2013; Cheung et al., 2017; compare Deunk et al., 2018). The focus of the intervention was on phases 1 and 2. Educ. ^Quasi-experimental studies in which experimental and control groups are well matched, and covariates that correlate strongly with pretests are used to adjust outcomes, can be a valuable source of information usable for meta-analyses (Slavin et al., 2008; Slavin and Smith, 2009), although the results of (especially small-scale) quasi-experimental studies should be evaluated with caution (Cheung and Slavin, 2016). In the papers, the authors describe similar characteristics of mastery learning in their theoretical framework, such as specifying learning goals, breaking down the curriculum into small units, formative assessment, using corrective instruction for students who did not reach mastery, and retesting. Second, the number of participants at the level of randomization (often the classroom level) was mostly low. A., Moore, D., and Mayer, T. (2009). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Differentiated Instruction on the academic achievement of Senior Secondary One biology students. Discrepancies between the extractions of both reviewers were discussed until consensus was reached. Leiden: Leiden University. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2017.06.020, Swanson, H. L., and Lussier, C. M. (2001). (2017). This opens up more time for active learning inside the classroom (Leo and Puzio, 2016). Additionally, we greatly value the consultations regarding the analyses with our colleagues Dr. Hester de Boer and Prof. Dr. Roel Bosker from GION Educational Sciences. Prast, E. J., Van de Weijer-Bergsma, E., Kroesbergen, E. H., Van Luit, and Johannes, E. H. (2015). Therefore, we encourage researchers to diligently report on the methods and analytical techniques they used and to be specific about the outcomes that led to their conclusions (see e.g., Hancock and Mueller, 2010). Cole, R., Haimson, J., Perez-Johnson, I., and May, H. (2011). Van de Grift, W. J. C. M. (2007). Flipped instruction in a high school science classroom. Two other studies focused on individualization. 1. Article Differentiated Instruction, Professional Development, and Teacher Efficacy Felicia A. Dixon 1, Nina Yssel , John M. McConnell1, and Travis Hardin1 Abstract Teachers often struggle to provide all students access to specific learning activities that work best for them—and what works best for some students will not work for others. In a quasi-experimental study, four grade 6–8 teachers taught the 10 PALS intervention lessons to their classes and PALS team members taught another 24 classes. J. Adv. For instance, a number of studies used generic training of teachers in principles of differentiated instruction. In fact, research shows that there will be a steady increase in Hispanic, Asian Americans, and African American students in the coming years. Comput. Educ. Sch. Responding to the Needs of All Learrners, 2nd Edn. Do note however that the high achieving groups were small (12 exp. Alternatively, teachers could use heterogeneous grouping to organize their differentiated instruction. The selection includes studies on generic teacher trainings for differentiated instruction, ability grouping and tiering, individualization, mastery learning, heterogeneous grouping, and remediation in flipped classroom lessons. doi: 10.1080/02783190802527356, Leo, J., and Puzio, K. (2016). Practicality: The differentiated instruction approach is practical for teachers (Janssen et al., 2015). Wambugu and Changeiywo randomly divided four classes from four schools over the mastery learning or the experimental condition. This page mainly demonstrates that the label Differentiated Instruction holds no content. Effect of mastery learning on senior secondary school students' cognitive learning outcome in quantitative chemistry. New evidence on the effect of computerized individualized practice and instruction on language skills. J. Educ. Technol. Dr John Munro is Head of Studies in Exceptional Learning and Gifted in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Melbourne. Int. View free videos and previews of new programs in the Teacher's Lounge. Language: The paper is written in English or Dutch (all authors master these languages), but the actual studies could be performed in any country. doi: 10.4219/jsge-2006-685. After pretesting, one class of students was allocated to the experimental condition and one class of the same grade formed the control group. They participated in a 2-day workshop, received several coaching sessions in the classroom and used the adaptive teaching framework in their classes for eight science lessons. Developing adaptive teaching competency through coaching. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-044894-7.00657-6, Janssen, F., Westbroek, H., and Doyle, W. (2015). Thus, the findings on differential effects of ability grouping remain inconclusive. Academic achievement: Academic achievement of students is reported as a quantitative dependent variable, such as mathematics skills, language comprehension, or knowledge of history. 94, 182–195. Rev. Effect. 22, 1–10. J. Clin. Students in the flipped condition watched videos of 15–20 min before the lesson. The second edition of this best-selling resource will help you create classrooms that are truly effective and brain-friendly for all learners. Although heterogeneous grouping may include differentiation, adaptiveness is often not the focus of these studies. Although the findings seem promising, more information is needed about how the approach was implemented; in the paper, it is unclear how teachers applied the information from the training in their instruction. Research on group-based mastery learning programs: a meta-analysis. 110, 27–45. Flexible grouping was less common and alternative assessments were very rare. In addition, teachers learned about alternative learning styles and disabilities. Additionally, there were also papers on literacy and social sciences. (1996) on grouping in secondary education, within-class grouping was found to have a small positive effect (Cohen's d = + 0.12) on student outcomes. In the meta-analysis of Lou et al. In addition, there is prior research showing benefits of approaches like ability grouping and mastery learning for K-12 students' achievement (Guskey and Pigott, 1988; Kulik et al., 1990; Kulik, 1992; Lou et al., 1996; Hattie, 2009; Steenbergen-Hu et al., 2016). Teaching skills of student teachers: calibration of an evaluation instrument and its value in predicting student academic engagement. Br. Summer DI Readings List: 150+ Seedlings for Growing Stronger Learners: Browse a bountiful reading list as you plan your garden of differentiated-instruction methods and strategies for the year. 17, 1186–1204. A number of reviews report on specific operationalizations of within-class differentiated instruction. 26, 139–146. Eurasian J. Educ. MH-L and RM designed the overarching project, acquired funding for the execution, and contributed to the conceptualization of differentiated instruction and the review process. DI was not new during the NCLB years. 52, 31–47. (1982). In order to design professional development activities, a thorough description of DI is required. doi: 10.1002/9780470743386, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, Borenstein, M., Hedges, L. V., Higgins, J. P. T., and Rothstein, H. R. (2010). The best-evidence strategy is particularly suitable for topics—such as differentiated instruction—for which the body of literature is expected to be rather small and diverse. Res. And if the aims differ per subgroup, they should ideally report these separate effects too. Each student requires one on one instruction. doi: 10.3102/00346543060002265, Kulik, J. When we look at the operationalizations of differentiated instruction in the two larger studies, we see that teachers used variations of learning tasks that were designed to better match the learning needs of different ability groups. doi: 10.1080/10494820.2013.817442, Cheung, A. C. K., and Slavin, R. E. (2016). Summarized effect sizes across studies range from d = +0.741 to +0.509 (omitting an outlier). It is unclear however, how the materials and activities were made more appropriate for students' readiness (and learning style) and how they differed from the approach in the control condition that used traditional teaching. This article is an excerpt from Part II of Laura Robb’s book, Teaching Reading: A Differentiated Approach. Next, the content was differentiated for the low and high background students. Secondly, in both studies the authors refer to some type of collaborative learning in the corrective instruction phase. International Journal of Educational Research, 88, 109–120. Learn. Coubergs, C., Struyven, K., Engels, N., Cools, W., and De Martelaer, K. (2013). “Application and evaluation of differentiation instruction in mixed ability classrooms,” Paper presented at the 4th Hellenic Observatory PhD Symposium (London: LSE, 25–26. Instruct. Using tiered lessons in mathematics. J. Spec. Lastly, when aiming to gain further insight in the effectiveness of differentiated instruction, authors may want to reflect on how differentiated instruction is operationalized and measured. (2017). 39, 77–87. Rev. Lastly, country level requirements and (assessment) policies that stress differentiated instruction may influence implementation (Mills et al., 2014). Pierce, R., and Adams, C. (2005). Moreover, collaboration is key; a high pedagogical team culture influences both the learning climate and the implementation of differentiated instruction (Smit and Humpert, 2012; Stollman, 2018). J. Res. They mainly reported to make adaptations at the individual level by, for instance, providing students with individual tasks (tiered assignments), adapting the number of tasks, or providing more time to work on tasks. The authors developed three tiers of each assignment varying in complexity. differentiated instruction in the science classroom. 58, 46–55. (2009). (2008). It discusses the way the concept of differentiated instruction may be applied in an evidence-informed way by presenting a checklist for high-quality differentiated instruction (DI). Differential effects for student outcomes are somewhat variable; the results are most profound for the low achieving group in the study by Richards and Omdal (2007), and for the low and average achieving group in the study of Bikić et al. doi: 10.1177/1932202X14549250, Lou, Y., Abrami, P. C., Spence, J. C., Poulsen, C., Chambers, B., and d'Apollonia, S. (1996). doi: 10.1080/00220671.1988.10885824, Hall, E. F. (1992). 24, 31–54. (1995). Res. Educ. Denessen, E. J. P. G., and Douglas, A. S. (2015). Sci. Differentiated instruction IS a blend of whole-class, group, and individual instruction. Next, it shows that a systematic review of the literature leads to a limited body of evidence regarding the effectiveness of within-class differentiated instruction in secondary education. In a recent review study on differentiated instruction in primary schools, the best evidence synthesis approach was used as well (Deunk et al., 2018). Teachers may also offer certain students more learning time or conversely, encourage high achievers to speed up their learning process (Coubergs et al., 2013). More studies are needed to gain insight in how teachers could effectively and efficiently be supported or coached to master the multifaceted approach of differentiated instruction. Educ. Criteria for Inclusion in the Best Evidence Encyclopedia. Meppel: Drukkerij Ten Brink Uitgevers. Res. The overall effect in our study is a bit higher than in prior reviews, possibly due to the inclusion of various approaches to differentiated instruction, including mastery learning and more holistic approaches. Rev. Teachers of 27 primary school classes and 23 secondary school classes with 623 students were recruited to learn more about adaptive teaching. Potential biases are likely to be greater for non-randomized studies compared to randomized trials (Higgins and Green, 2011). 67, 291–301. In addition, teacher educators should be mindful of teacher differences themselves too by providing differentiated professionalization (Stollman, 2018). Res. Rev. 60, 300–302. One of the researchers produced the instructional materials for the study. Some authors include individualized approaches into the theoretical construct of differentiated instruction (Smit et al., 2011; Coubergs et al., 2013; Tomlinson, 2014), whereas others separate it from differentiated instruction (Bray and McClaskey, 2013; Roy et al., 2013). Enriching measures of teacher behavior with information about the match of the behavior with students' needs may be another step forward (Van Geel et al., 2019). doi: 10.1007/s10648-015-9312-8, Oakes, J. For one study in which the intervention was executed in separate schools differing in implementation and findings, we have included the schools in the analyses separately (using schools in which the intervention took place as the unit of analysis). One of the issues we encountered when performing this review, was that interventions and research methodologies were often described rather briefly. Needs 16, 587–591. Effects of class size and adaptive teaching competency on classroom processes and academic outcome. Stat. Peer tutoring occurred frequently, and tiered assignments were very common. doi: 10.1002/jrsm.12, Bosker, R. J. The most salient drawback of the review is the limited number of studies that were included. * Huber, M. J., Workman, J., Ford, J. Others will be in their element. Sci. 85, 475–511. 75, 247–284. In our sample of studies, differentiated instruction was mostly applied to teaching mathematics and science. New York, NY: Routledge. Rev. 86, 247–264. Visible Learning. Differentiated instruction is an approach to teaching and learning that allows for these individual differences. doi: 10.1598/RRQ.43.3.4, Slavin, R. E., Lake, C., and Groff, C. (2009). Differentiated instruction is any instructional strategy that recognizes and supports individual differences in learning. The effects of scaffolding in the classroom: support contingency and student independent working time in relation to student achievement, task effort and appreciation of support. The most important conclusion from our systematic review of the literature is that there are too few high-quality studies on the effectiveness of differentiated instruction in secondary education. Frontline Learn. Teachers design a number of variations or tiers to a learning task, process or product, to which students are assigned based on assessed abilities. Tiering refers to using the same curriculum material for all learners, but adjusting the depth of content, the learning activity process, and/or the type of product developed by the student to students' readiness, interest or learning style (Pierce and Adams, 2005; Richards and Omdal, 2007). A summary effect across all studies is also reported (d = +0.741; 95% CI = 0.397–1.1085; Q = 507.701; df = 14; p < 0.01). Differentiation is a hot-topic in education nowadays. (2016). Second, in a full text review, two coders applied the inclusion criteria again after reading the full paper. For each unit, the teacher gives uniform instructions to the whole group of students. Our award-winning PD Online® courses are interactive, in-depth, and self-paced online professional development courses for educators. This makes it difficult to judge which differentiated instruction approach is most suitable for whom. Grades. In a differentiated classroom, you will be able to divide your time, resources, and efforts to effectively teach students who have various backgrounds, readiness and skill levels, and interests. J. After the final selection of papers based on the criteria above, relevant information was extracted from the papers and coded by two independent reviewers in a pre-designed Excel sheet (see Appendix B). The narrative review by Tomlinson et al. Therefore, readers should keep in mind that in order to understand differentiated instruction comprehensively and apply it in practice, there is more to it than just executing a differentiated lesson. 43, 161–173. The authors reported large effects of mastery learning on student achievement. For more information, visit the project page, where you can join the project and/or contribute to the discussion. Regarding the process, they may use pre-teaching or extended instruction to cater to the needs of students (Smets and Struyven, 2018), or they could adapt instructions throughout the lesson. (1990) and Hattie (2009) also reported relatively large positive effects of group-based mastery learning on student achievement (ES = +0.59 and Cohen's d = +0.58, respectively). Effect. In this study, first year students were randomized over 14 classes and then classes were randomly assigned to conditions. Educ. However, the evidence is limited and heterogeneous in nature. 10:2366. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02366. More research would be needed to clarify to which extent the differentiated content improved the effectiveness of the problem-based learning approach. High quality teacher-led differentiated instruction studies in secondary education are scarce, although the literature on ICT-applications for differentiated instruction seems to be on the rise. Res. Educ. In future research, adding other types of outcomes and other types of study designs could add to the breadth of the research base. Full-Text coding of both coders was compared fluency outcome, SEM-R students outperformed. 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The more experienced teachers in my department catering for different approaches a teacher: between... & identifier=640319 of computerized individualized practice and instruction on academic achievement developing '... From project CLUE the evidence is limited and heterogeneous in nature teachers students. Sets out to provide an overview of the developed differentiation approach on the cognitive of... +0.539 ( see Table 2 ) thank Bernie Helms for his contribution to the breadth of the individual studies the! Teach all students, for instance, a when adapting their teaching both studies use corrective instruction phase these... Which it is difficult to judge which differentiated instruction approach is studied are closed and teachers development... Also papers on homogeneous clustering, researcher-developed outcome measures were used to differentiated!, K. ( 2013 ) four European countries: a review of literature WHITEBOARD ANIMATIONS expected... 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