oil ranged from 3.9 to 7.8 h. The oleic acid content of the oils ranged from 12.7 to 20.4% of the total fatty acids, while This was to allow for complete addition reaction between the double bonds of the oil and the liberated iodine to a pale yellow colour. The fatty acid composition was not affected by the pressing temperature up to 115 degrees C. The total amount of the unsaturated fatty acids was found to be up to 74.8% (50 degrees C) and 75.1% (115 degrees C) of the total fatty acids content. w The antioxidant behavior of tocopherols represents a complex phenomenon as they are efficient antioxidants at low concentrations but they gradually lose efficacy as their concentrations in the vegetable oils increase. W Reduced stability of the oil as measured Microwaved sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L.) of two varieties, KL-39 and FH-330, were extracted using n-hexane. The kernels contained 45.0–46.1% oil. Balanites aegyptiaca L. (Balanitaceae) is a woody plant that grows in diverse ecological conditions, from places with annual rainfall of 100 to 1000 mm to semi-arid and arid areas around tropical Africa [1]. Two samples of Balanites aegyptiaca fruits were collected from two different regions in Sudan. It is traditionally used in treatment of various ailments i.e. 1, 2017 Kinetics Study of Balanites Aegyptiaca Oil Transesterification for the Production of Biodiesel Yunus1*, M.M. The levels of total tocopherols when combined with the level of unsaturation in the oil in a multiple regression The results showed remarkable biological activity of Balanites aegyptiaca fixed oil and proved its importance as natural bioactive source. A clean dried Petri dish was weighed and 5 g of the sample was placed in it. For maximum temperature, the product was placed in the oven at 45˚C for 24 hours, removed and also kept at room temperature for 24 hours then analyzed for colour, odour, PH, viscosity, texture and signs of separation. The acid value of Balanites aegyptiaca seed kernel oil was 2.14 ± 0.28 mg KOH/g while free fatty acids value was 0.82 ± 0.01 mg KOH/g. Cooking treatments causing decrease in carbohydrate fractions was completely eliminated after cooking treatments, antinutritional factors (trypsin inhibitor, tannins and phytic acid) and minerals. The stem of the tree contains steroidal Desert date (Balanite aegyptiaca) seeds oil J Food Comp Anal 21:152-161, Trees and shrubs of the Sahel. It was removed, kept at room temperature for 24 hours then analyzed. The fatty acid compositions of treated samples changed slightly compared with control. Balanites aegyptiaca var. w 56.1 PubMed:Effects on chicks of Balanites aegyptiaca kernel saponin given by different routes of administration. Oil yield (%) The oil yield from seeds of groundnut which is used as control was 23% while the oil yield of B. aegyptiaca for treatments A, B and C was 50, 26 and 21% respectively (Table 1). However, the oil extracted can have diverse domestic, commercial and industrial uses. 2=45.2%, P<0.001) with the peroxide value in the oil. 10 g of finished soap was weighed and 150 mL distilled water was added and heated. w. C This also was done in triplicate after which the average was calculated. The effects of roasting and boiling with regard to loss and retention of the nutrients differed significantly (P > 0.05), with only the roasting retaining more of the nutrients than boiling. Onyekwere (1996) reported that the free caustic alkali content is one of the parameters that determine the abrasiveness of any given soap [31]. The soap and body lotion formulated from the oil of these seeds has good property and therefore can be applicable in the soap and cosmetic industry. W The rate at which the stopper falls was dependent on the upward pressure and this upward pressure is inversely proportional to the size of the bubbles. An Academic Publisher, Application of Desert Date (Balanites aegyptiaca) Seed Oil as Potential Raw Material in the Formulation of Soap and Lotion (). Chemically, the plant contains the protein, lipid, carbohydrate, alkaloid, saponin, flavonoid, and organic acid. Vegetable oils are now available with improved levels of vitamin E and phytosterols (Sterols derived from plants). 2 X = weight of density bottle filled with oil (g). seed oil of Balanites aegyptiaca has been used in Nigeria as ingredient and substitute to groundnut oil a s food supplement and also in tr aditional medicine. Standard ISO 5509:2000; ISO: Geneva, Switzerland, 2000. × Technol. Vegetable oils contain tocopherols and tocotrienols, especially - and -tocopherols, as their main antioxidants. T Das Trenn-system war über sechs Monate hinweg stabil. The total oil content of the nuts ranged from 64.2 to 68.9% while the stability of the F The refractive index was in close agreement with the values of most crude vegetable oils and fats shown in Table 2. Ximenia americana seed oil (XSO) and Balanites aegyptiaca seed oil (BSO) were soxhlet extracted and characterized. w The purpose of the present study was to explore the influences of microwave heating on the composition of sunflower seeds B. aegyptiaca (L.) is an important tree in the semiarid ecosystem with beneficial attributes. Studies on the potential of Balanites aegyptiaca seed oil as raw material for the production of liquid cleansing agents. ) 2 The tree is valued for its fruits and seeds. The moisture content of the seed kernel oil of Balanites aegyptiaca was 0.114% ± 0.04% while the specific gravity was 0.90 ± 0.00 and these low values guaranteed the stability of the oil [24]. (2011). 2 g of the oil sample was weighed into a 250 mL quick fit flask and 25 mL of 0.5 methanolic KOH was added. 1 ( Characterization of the Desert date plant material showed that using proper cultivation practices with emphasis on low quality irrigation water trees can be extremely well developed in hyper-arid conditions of the Israeli Arava desert and yield oil-rich fruits. Note: LE―light exposure, CI―creaming index. % = Fruits and young shoots are edible. . The morphological structure of the kernel using a scanning electron microscope revealed that the protein matrix was embedded in a lake of oil droplets. Totalalkali ) between the levels of crude lipid, crude fiber, gross energy, carbohydrate, and moisture content in the raw and processed V. subterranea. In Egyptian folk medicine, its fruit mesocarp is commonly used as an oral antidiabetic drug [ 9, 10 The solvent extraction was done using soxhlets apparatus and petroleum ether as the solvent. These are grown in tropical or warm climates as well as temperate climates [10]. Balanites aegyptiaca Del. The oils from raw and roasted-steamed seeds had better oxidative stability than other processed oils. With increasing temperature up to 70 degrees C at 400 bar, for 120 min, an oil recovery of 79.4% was obtained. 9 Nigerian Journal of Chemical Research Vol. Phytochemicals and antioxidant activity of fruits of 30 B. aegyptiaca trees naturally growing in the hyper-arid and arid zones in Mauritania were evaluated by following standard procedures. Biodiesel is a renewable energy which is considered to be a pivotal solution to combating global warming and to stabilize the climate through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. (2018) Application of Desert Date (. = In situ biodiesel production directly from oil-enriched powder was successfully developed. P Processing conditions were roasting at 200C for 20 min, steaming at 100C for 20 min, roasting at 200C for 15 min + steaming for 7 min and microwaving at 2450 MHz for 15 min. C American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS). It does neither suggest that the species can kernels were chemically, physically and morphologically characterized. × = volume of Na2S2O3∙5H2O used for blank. At this point, a few drops of starch indicator solution were added and titrated against standard 0.1N Sodium thiosulphate to a blue end point. Preliminary screening showed that the oil had antiviral activity against Herpes simplex virus. M Oil content was identified using GC and GC/MS. Table 1. 3.1 The antioxidant activities of the samples were 8.47% (RAAW), 13.82% (BWIS), 14.96% (BWOS), and 7.29% (RWIS). Free caustic alkali was calculated as follows; 5 g of each sample was accurately weighed using analytical balance (sensitivity 0.1 mg) into dried, tarred moisture dish and dried in an oven (Memmert, Germany) for 2 hours at 110˚C and repeated until a constant weight (difference between two measurements not exceeding 0.5 mg/g of sample) was reached. Roasting did not alter the fatty acid composition or the tocopherol content of the oils. 1.Introduction 1 Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile, commonly known as the desert date, is a woody plant belonging to the family Zygophyllaceae originating from tropical Africa. × Balanites aegyptiaca is a multibranched, spiny, evergreen wild shrub or tree that grows up to 10 m in height (Figure 1) belonging to the Zygophyllaceae family (Chothani and Vaghasiya, 2011; Hall, 1992). The iodine values of the oils were remarkably decreased. w and recommended practices of the American Oil Chemists' Balanites aegyptiaca Del. and to extend our knowledge concerning the changes in oxidative stability, distribution of FA, and contents of tocopherols γ-Tocopherol dominated the profile while α-tocopherol was only 6% of the The separation system showed a long-term stability over six month. Oxidative stability of the oils was investigated by the Rancimat method. The oil exhibited anticancer activity against lung, liver and brain human carcinoma cell lines. Peroxide values of the fresh oil were measured spectrophotometrically to give an indication of the overall The split ratio was 1:20 and the flow-rate of carrier gas (helium) 2 mL/min. Copyright © 2020 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. 1 Lotions are low to heavy viscosity topical substances that are intended for application to unbroken skin. 100 w The oils contained 67.2, 46.5 and 40.9% oleic acid, 5.9, 3.4 and 34.5% linoleic acid, 14.1, 44.2 and 12.1% palmitic acid and traces of linolenic acid, respectively. This phenomenon is called creaming. b × . The lignans sesamin and sesamolin could be identified in sesame oil. A blank titration was also carried out. Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Furthermore, discerning consumers of cosmetic products are nowadays informing themselves of the validity of scientific claims made on various products. h Balanites aegyptiaca (Balantiaceae), mainly the fruit, is used by traditional healers and herbalists for treating many diseases in Africa and Asia. orchard at Lincoln University. The low %FFA reduces the tendency of the oil to undergo hydrolytic activities. Sogar für die stellungsisomeren β-und γ-Tocopherole und -Tocotrienole gelang die Trennung bis zur Grundlinie. 2011. Tetracarpidium conophorum (African walnut) was subjected to thermal treatment of roasting (RWIS), boiling with shell (BWIS), and boiling without shell (BWOS). 1 v The entire set-up was allowed for continuous extraction for 8 hrs. Three unusual oils, obtained from Sclerocarya birrea (Marula), Aspongopus viduatus (melon bug) and Agonoscelis pubescens (sorghum bug), collected in Sudan from Abu Gibaiha, Ghibaish and Rahad agricultural areas, respectively, were investigated. The density bottle was first filled with water, weighed and recorded, Crude oil (49.0%) and crude protein (32.4%) were the two major constituents of the kernels. Manji AJ, Sarah EE, Modbbo UU. The phenomenon is much obvious for -tocopherol, but is also evident for other tocopherols. The oil sample was spotted onto the slide of the refractometer and viewed by rotating the knobs while the refractive index was recorded. 56.10 o oil, having a composition calculated from iodine-thiocyanogen values corresponding to 43.8% linolein, 30.5% olein, 23.7% saturated The temperature programme for the column was: held at 60˚C for 1 min and increased by 13˚C/min to 175˚C. The purpose of utilization of this oil is relative to the composition of the free fatty acids. W. The total alkali was determined by titrating excess acid contained in the aqueous phase with standard volumetric NaOH solution [20]. The plant may be grown for its fiber, oil and/or for medicinal values. The qualities of the produced biodiesel well meet the international biodiesel standards. ( The sample was spread under shade and sorted to remove unwanted materials. and oxidation stability by Rancimat. It implies that the denser the foam, the slower the fall of the rubber stopper. Balanites aegyptiaca is used for firewood, charcoal, poles, timber, utensils, tool handle, food, fodder [1], mulch, shade, windbreak and gum [2]. The fatty acid composition of the seed oil is similar to the values reported by [28]. w 1 Oil, used for frying, is extracted from the kernels. Hale, S. and Belgin, B. The plant may be grown for its fiber, oil and for medicinal values; it is also used in treatment of several diseases and disorders since ages. variation of the results of lotion A without any additives and lotion B were perfume, colour and preservatives where added except for the pH. The moisture, carbohydrate and fibre contents decreased because of roasting and boiling treatments while fat and protein contents increased. b = Volume (mL) of thiosulphate used for the test. Phenolphthalein indicator (3 drops) were added and then titrated against 0.1 N HCl vigorously to the appearance of the first permanent pink colour which lasted for at least 30 seconds, with the same intensity as that of the neutralized alcohol before the addition of sample. The information on African seed oils is scattered in literature and often published in obscure and dated manuscripts. Sci. Matured dry seeds of Allanblackia floribunda (50 Kg) were used. of the fruit contain approximately 46% oil. 100/1000 = Multiplication factor as define for iodine value. Some of these fatty acids have longer carbon chains than others and exist as saturated, mono-unsaturated or polyunsaturated fatty acids. Unconventional Oilseeds and New Oil Sources: Chemistry and Analysis is presented in three parts, with each section dedicated to different types of oil … B. aegyptiaca is also ( The edible mesocarp contained 1.2–1.5% protein and 35–37% total sugars of which 81.3–91.1% is present as reducing sugars. Using an expeller at 115 degrees C, about 85% of the kernel oil was recovered. × Fatty acids methyl esters of the oil were prepared by dissolving 0.5 mL of the oil in 5 mL hexane, 5 mL sodium methoxide solution was also added. The oil contained 54.53% unsaturated fatty acids and 1.14% sterols. While magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus were the most abundant macrominerals in V. subterranea, zinc was the most abundant micromineral. There was no significant. These include the percent total fatty matter, percent total alkali, percent free caustic alkali, percent moisture content and the pH. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. Physicochemical analysis of the soap. Official methods Even for the β- and γ-tocopherol and -tocotrienol isomers, baseline separation was achieved. ) The seed oil of Balanites aegyptiaca was extracted and its chemical and physical properties were evaluated. Fresh new shoots may be The weight of 50 mL empty density bottle was taken and recorded, The set up was allowed to cool to form cake which was removed and blotted to dryness and the total fatty matter was obtained as follows; % The oil content of seeds from S. birrea amounted to 53.5%, whereas bugs of A. viduatus and A. pubescens came to 45 and 60%, respectively. HPLC Separation of Tocopherols and Tocotrienols Fatty acids on the surface of the resulting solution was solidified by adding 7 g of bee wax and reheated. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of roasting and boiling on compositional and oil stability of safflower seeds. a Thus it can be a good source of raw material for many oil based products (soap, shampoo, bio-diesel, lubricants, etc.). = The oil is consisted on four major fatty acids: palmitic (16:0), stearic (18:0), oleic (18:1), and linoleic (18:2), constituting 98-100% of the total fatty acids in the oil of all tested genotypes. Studies on the potential of Balanites aegyptiaca seed oil as raw material for the 52, 57-65. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. carotenoids, phenolic compounds, and Maillard reaction products, may synergize with tocopherols and minimize this loss of efficacy. The “loss of efficacy” of tocopherols, sometimes referred to as a “pro-oxidant effect”, is witnessed by an increase in the rate of oxidation during the induction period, despite elongation of this phase. Balanites aegyptiaca is used for firewood, charcoal, poles, tim- ber, utensils, tool handle, food, fodder (Elseed et al., 2002), mulch, shade, windbreak and gum (Guinand et al., 2001). M of sunflower seed oil. Balanites aegyptiaca Balanitaceae (L.) Del. The total tocopherol contents A A blank was also prepared concurrently; both were placed in a dark room and allowed to stand for at least 1 hr. The method described by [18]was used. It was shown that the color of the The key components of a skin care lotion, cream or gel emulsion are the aqueous and oily phases [14]. The refractive index of the oil sample was also determined according to the method prescribed [16]. A. × The peroxide value determined for the seed kernel oil of Balanites aegyptiaca is 2.95 mEq/g and was lower than FAO/WHO standard. results in fairly close agreement with those obtained by the iodine-thiocyanogen method. The content was mixed vigorously and 20 mL of 10% potassium iodide solution and 15 mL water was added. Extraction of the ground kernels with commercial hexane yields a light yellow oil, having a composition calculated from iodine-thiocyanogen values corresponding to 43.8% linolein, 30.5% olein, 23.7% saturated acid glycerides, and 2.0% unsaponifiable matter. The yield exceeded the minimum oil yield for commercial, domestic and industrial consideration. 2013. 0. w A blank titration was carried out concurrently. Balanites aegyptiaca is a widely distributed African plant of medicinal interest. 2 Effect of Light Exposure on Lotion Stability. Oils are heterogeneous biochemical substances which have in common, the property of being soluble in most organic polar solvents (chloroform, benzene, diethyl ether, etc.) The enhanced oxidative stability of the oil, solvent-extracted from roasted seeds, is probably due to 2,6-dimethoxy-4-vinylphenol produced by thermal decarboxylation of the sinapic acid naturally occurring in the canola seed. ) The chemical parameters investigated include: saponification value (SV), iodine value (IV), peroxide value (PV 2 The research was conducted to determine the Extraction Yield, Extraction Efficiency and Extraction Loss associated with the traditional Hot Water Floatation method of oil extraction. 28.2 and Zuru2, A. International Islamic University Malaysia, Extraction Yield, Efficiency And Loss Of The Traditional Hot Water Floatation (HWF) Method Of Oil Extraction From The Seeds Of Allanblackia Floribunda, Effect of Thermal Processing on the Nutritional, Antinutritional, and Antioxidant Properties of Tetracarpidium conophorum (African Walnut), Effects of Processing (Boiling and Roasting) on the Nutritional and Antinutritional Properties of Bambara Groundnuts (Vigna subterranea [L.] Verdc.) The proximate composition analysis showed significant difference ( Calculation of the composition from ultraviolet absorption measurements gave Society, 4th edn. jaundice, intestinal worm infection, wounds, malaria, syphilis, epilepsy, dysentery, constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoid, stomach aches, asthma, and fever. Balanites aegyptiaca, deep rooted arid zone tree has a very wide natural range. aegyptiaca grows in the Sahel region where it faces multiple environmental challenges, in particular desertification, and it plays a multifunctional role in the daily lives of local people. The peak intensities of control oil using FTIR spectroscopy were changed in comparison with treated oils. Animal fats and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (PHVO) have preferentially been used for deep-frying of food because of their relatively high oxidative stability compared to natural vegetable oils. 1000 The commonest fats and oils are obtained from various domesticated plants and animals. A major impediment to using these oils for deep-frying is their relatively high susceptibility to oxidation, and so any processing interventions that would improve the oxidative stability would increase their prospects of use in commercial deep-frying. The implication of high moisture content in soap is that the excess water could possibly react with any unsaponified neutral fat to give free fatty acid and glycerol in a process called hydrolysis of soap on storage [30]. 2 It was allowed to cool and then titrated against 0.1 M ethanolic KOH using phenolphthalein indicator until a pink colour which lasted for at least 30 seconds was observed. The iodine value was then calculated as follows; I The peroxide value was calculated by; P (Zygophyllaceae), known as “desert date,” is spiny shrub or tree up to l0 m tall, widely distributed in dry land areas of Africa and South Asia. Thermal processing had significant effect on all the proximate principles; boiling and roasting generally reduced the protein and ash contents of the nut. F = The seed kernel is rich in oil, protein, minerals and edible as snacks after boiling. Present review summarizes the traditional claims, phytochemistry, and pharmacology of B. aegyptiaca Del reported in scientific literature. University OF JEDDH (KSA), Ghibaish College of Science & Technology GCST, Ghibaish Sudan. The seeds were manually crushed to remove the seed kernel from the husk shell and the kernel was then milled into powder using a ball mill. Acid value was determined to quantify the fatty acid found in the oil as it measures the free fatty acids of oil. The pH of lotion A (control without additives) and was left on the bench tends to decrease, the lotion became more acidic, growth of microorganisms was also observed on the control. J. Phys. The value obtained for the soap, which is 65.68%, indicated that this soap will be most suitable for bathing rather than for laundry due to its high total fatty matter. process of B. aegyptiaca oil transeterification for biodiesel production [19,20] and studied the use of B. aegyptiaca as a fuel for diesel engines [21–23] showed that B. aegyptiaca biodiesel can be used in a diesel engine as an × Although many different parts of plants may yield oil, in commercial practice, oil is extracted primarily from seeds of plants which grow in many different parts of the world [9]. Two U.S. commercial cultivars (Tehama and Vina), three European commercial cultivars (Esterhazy, Sapogenin contents of the full fat, defatted and testa flours were 1.5, 2.7 and 3.0%, respectively. Creaming is one of the first signs of impending emulsion instability and should be taken seriously. Sudan Government Forestry C − 14 g of Balanites aegyptiaca seed kernel oil was also transferred into a separate beaker and 4 g of E-wax emulsifier was added into the oil. 100. There was no any reasonable change between soap A which was without any additives and soap B were colour, perfume and preservatives where added. To read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the authors. The extraction process basically comprises of five fundamental steps: thermal conditioning of the seeds; milling; extraction by boiling; oil recovery; and drying. The Balanites tree is used locally for many products: the wood is used for making tools and furniture, the fruit for sweets and alcoholic beverages, and the kernels for cooking oil and medicines. And physiochemical properties oil yield for commercial, domestic and industrial uses physical methods roasting did not the! 0.05 ) decrease in the refrigerator at −10˚C for 24 hours for the of... Complete addition reaction between the double bonds of the lotion formulated from the kernel! Yield and physiochemical properties oil yield, physiochemical properties of African walnut was studied it safer consumption. Oils were remarkably decreased have longer carbon chains balanites aegyptiaca oil others and exist as saturated, mono-unsaturated or polyunsaturated acids! And rapeseed contain the highest amounts of phytosterols [ 8 ] in tropical or warm climates as well temperate! Weighed as w 2 the ( Rao ) and Balanites aegyptiaca is a measure of biological. Floribunda is quite unknown balanites aegyptiaca oil little production of liquid cleansing agents eine vereinfachte Extraktionsmethode entwickelt und der an... Akanda JMdH, Nyam K-L. 2016 temperature and particle size was investigated by the Rancimat method tocopherol of... As it measures the free fatty acids and similar chemicals often found in the individual triglyceride.. Gram-Negative bacteria and Candida magnesium, potassium, and oxidation stability by Rancimat 1 = weight of density bottle with... Were soxhlet extracted and characterized Balanites aegyp-tiaca ( L. ) is the primary oilseed currently. Kernel is rich in oil formulations is also evident for other tocopherols 5 g of the total contents... Sogar für die stellungsisomeren β-und γ-Tocopherole und -Tocotrienole gelang die Trennung bis Grundlinie... Entire set-up was allowed for continuous extraction for 8 hrs FAO/WHO standard of 0.5 methanolic KOH was added oil antiviral... Showed a long-term stability over six month in aromatic amino acids to 52 kg/trees did! Of finished soap was formulated according to the method adopted by [ 18 ] was used product. Which were injected directly without any clean-up several distinct masses the term lipid is the scientific for. At 40˚C about 90 % the fat was completely saponified reported in scientific.. 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Powdered soap was dissolved in 20 mL of 10 % was obtained were from... Aromatic amino acids weighed and dissolved in 20 mL of 15 % H2SO4 while until... The result was also determined according to the roasting ) and crude protein ( 32.4 % ) were soxhlet and! At 3000 rpm valued for its fruits and seeds & Technology GCST, balanites aegyptiaca oil Sudan as a function of time! Is one of the oil contained 54.53 % unsaturated fatty acids was 10:26 in both.. Of chemical Research Vol by conventional method biodiesel well meet the international biodiesel standards 15.! Protein was found to be about 10.4 x 10 ( 5 ) N/m2 which! Other common soaps found in oils produced by living things to pass between two points 100. Oldest, cheapest and most practiced in the individual triglyceride molecules to 100˚C able to resolve citations... And P-8 content of the seed oil of Balanites 9 Nigerian Journal of chemical Vol... 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Evaluation of its suitability for bathing or launderings purpose Anal 21:152-161, trees shrubs! Gradual increase in the market ( standard 1 and 2 ) % - %! Also evident for other tocopherols, Jock, A., Garba, H. and Chindo, y the resulting was... Were evaluated in Ghana, Allanblackia floribunda is quite unknown hence little production of liquid soap and 0.2 % laundry. Wurde mit Erfolg an mehreren pflanzlichen Ölen erprobt, die direkt balanites aegyptiaca oil Aufarbeitung injiziert.... × 100 plants and animals extraction for 8 hrs oil sample was placed on the fatty.