Two of the most important German dog commands are Platz! It will only confuse the dog. Here is a great way of at least perfecting your own language skills . Teaching them the ‘drop it’ command will save your shoes, sofas and newspapers from being chewed to shreds. Rollover 4. An essential part of raising a solid canine citizen is basic dog training. Head trainer and behavior consultant for Canine Country Academy in Lawrenceville, Georgia, Paula Nowak, CPDT-KA and CTDI, is here to offer tips on how to train your dog to sit. Say "I love you" Tack! A new and exciting world is just a click away. 3. “Heel” command6. The heel command makes sure that your dog will walk right beside you, for as long as you tell them to. "Sientate" would be a completely new command, so you would have to teach it to them. “Leave it” command12. So the word for the command "lay down" in english should be "échate" in spanish. At the end of this post, be sure to take our Dog Commands Quiz! and "Nein!" -Once he’s in sitting position, say “Sit,” give him the treat, and share affection. What are the translations for the following words in Spanish: Sit - Down - Stay - Come or Come Here - Good or Good Job- Get it - Jump - Up - The English commands .. Heel, Sit, Come, Stay, Stand and Down are translated into German, Spanish, Hungarian, Czech, French and Armenian … Do you know any commands in other foreign languages? Please log in again. Also try not to raise your voice. Teaching your dog Italian commands is a simple switch for most dogs because they learn by association. But training your Portuguese Water Dog in Portuguese would be cool. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. There's A Reason For The Struggle Trinity Baptist Church Moreno Valley 130 watching. “Out” command11. Hi, I understand that you are looking for some advice or resources to help fully train your dog or fix behavior problems. 4 years ago. When you … – AROUND! What’s the best way to look super cool at the dog park? STAY - quédate 3. Lv 4. This article is a part of a four step series that covers basic obedience training for dogs. dog commands in spanish (⭐️ ) | dog commands in spanish how to dog commands in spanish for Hello Candice, I suggest switching to a real grass pad because many dogs associate the pee pad with fabric like carpet and naturally try not to soil it. Using "Platz!" If you want your dog to wait longer, the command in Spanish is espera – “wait”. What are the phrases most used for teaching a dog to SIT, or LIE DOWN, COME, STAY, LEAVE IT (to stop him from picking something up in his mouth), DROP IT (when he catches a ball), EASY (to slow down), THIS WAY (when signaling him to change his direction of walk when we go into a field and I turn to go another way and want him to follow my direction). I have a friend who trained his German Shepherd in German. You can use the interactive … 0 0. 15 German Dog Commands for Both You and Spot to Learn. To return an animal to the stock. This is a great way to have fun with your dog, and show them that you want to play. Additionally, the “Sit” command prepares your dog for harder commands such as “Stay” and “Come.” Here’s how to teach your dog the “Sit” command: Hold a treat close to your dog’s nose. This should lure him down. If he obeys your Spanish command during the seven seconds, then praise him … It is a great way to start any kind of obedience training, it will stop them from jumping up at visitors or yourself, and is an easy one to start with that can be built upon. 1/ GONI! Parar imediatamente tudo que está fazendo => Não | No Andar Junto / ficar junto à perna esquerda => Junto | Heel Sentar => Senta | Sit Deitar => Deita | Down Ficar no lugar até novo comando => Fica | Stay how to give commands in Espanol to dogs like "lie down" or "sit" or "come" or "stay". SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Training a dog is important for so many reasons. I guess you taught you dog "siéntate" for the command "sit" in english. Make sure to check out step 2: stay, step 3: come and step 4: off. They’ll understand that when you tell them ‘déjalo’, they picked up something they shouldn’t have. … Using "Platz!" This is especially seen … So the next time you’re looking to infuse some language learning into your daily lifestyle, try adding some of these commands into your usual pet-training routine: What an awesome … “Stay” command5. Basically, you say the word sit without moving ANY part of your body – so don’t move your eye brows like I tend to do either – that is cheating. … Favorite Answer. When your dog does the behavior that you are trying to teach, then praise your dog in a happy tone of voice in whatever language you would like, and then give him a treat. Replace "sit" with the Italian word "seduto." in spanish??? (No! There are lots of things to think about when you get a new dog, and teaching them commands is one of them. (Down!) He’s also a smart, bilingual pup who knows his commands in Spanish and English.. It's filled with raw emotion, music and background sounds to make you feel as though you were truly a part of the environment. Reward your pup with a treat and affection if they stay.-Gradually increase the number of steps you take before giving the treat.-Always reward your pup for staying put — even if it’s just for a few seconds. Stop by his blog and leave a comment .. My dog does all these things but I use English and some German (Platz is a good German verb to lie down or Hier to come here). (No! It is a way to help your dog settle a little bit in one place and focus on you. The ‘let’s go’ command is similar to ‘come’, except it involves action, so your dog will understand they’re off on a walk. Then, give him another treat for staying in a sit, which could take some practice, according to the AKC’s website. But that's just because dogs understand better short and guttural commands. This is a test to see if your dog really understands the word “sit” or whether they rely on your body language. After you’ve taught your dog to sit and stay, it’s time to teach patience. Down: Also a basic dog command but very useful. Sit is like an ambassador command that lays the groundwork for your pup’s continued obedience training. Training your dog with Italian commands isn't much different than training in English, but it will take a little work, especially if she's used to listening for English words. After your dog has performed the command at least thirty times with both of the commands, then tell your dog the Spanish command and wait seven seconds before telling him the English command also. A dog that is laying down cannot jump, steal things and if you train … When you reach the part in that method where you would normally give your dog an English verbal command, such as "Sit", tell your dog the Spanish word for that command instead, such as "Sentado". Favorite Answer. or "dwell!" Pronunciation. Hold your palm open in front of your chest and move you hand in an upwards motion. The command for sit in Spanish is useful for keeping your dog in one place. This is a great command to show your dog that not everything’s fair game. If you want to settle your dog by getting them to lie down, hold your finger in front of your chest at a horizontal angle. Move your hand up, allowing his head to follow the treat and causing his … Let’s face it, dogs are usually high-energy and crave attention. “Wait” and “Heel” in Spanish. Once your dog can stay in a sit for several seconds, you can begin adding distance. 1:27 . It is a way to help your dog settle a little bit in one place and focus on you. In case the dog stays and waits – offer him a treat if he does not – then you say “No” & gradually move few more steps away from the dog – for him to distinguish when he is carrying the exercise correctly and when he is not. After having learned some German, I taught my dog/perro commands in German, now I would like to use Espanol. Another very basic command, “sit” teaches your dog to sit down on command. Dogs are not good at understanding words, although we can teach them a few. Looking for ways to practice these dog commands after you’ve learned them? This will help them know they did something right, and made you happy, which is basically what they live for. This is a test to see if your dog really understands the word “sit” or whether they rely on your body language. One of the first words a kid understands is the word ‘yes’, and that’s a great place to start with your dog. A slash ("/") indicates alternative possibilities. There Before attempting this one, make sure your dog is an expert at the “Sit” command.-First, ask your dog to “Sit.” -Then open the palm of your hand in front of you, and say, “Stay.”-Take a few steps back. Just hold the "sit-stay" for one minute while other dogs do the same and you stand across the room from him. This also keeps them safe from dangerous objects around the house or outside. and Nein! When using this command, sugges Same goes for "sit" and "come" and all the rest. The English commands .. Heel, Sit, Come, Stay, Stand and Down are translated into German, Spanish, Hungarian, Czech, French and Armenian … Do you know any commands in other foreign languages? If you know where to find a list of Spanish-language dog training commands, that would be even better. The following steps show you how to teach your dog to sit on command. For many dogs, sitting becomes their way of saying “please” when they would like you to throw a ball or open a door. Voice acted by Latino actors and actresses to help improve your Spanish comprehension in a way that engages and amuses. If a professional dog trainer is not an option at this time, or if you want to trt training your dog on your own (a great way to bond), I'd suggest you He’s a weirdly large and muscular chihuahua named Frodo. Once your dog can stay in a sit for several seconds, you can begin adding distance. These dog commands in Spanish will make that possible, so you and your furry friend will be speaking the same language. Examples. Teaching the "sit" command to your dog is usually quite simple, as dogs tend to sit naturally. Another very basic command, “sit” teaches your dog to sit down on command. When you think of dog training or obedience, the first two commands that probably pop into your head are the Sit and the Down commands. The safest place for your dog is by your side, so you’ll need to teach him to come when you call him. “Place, Bed, or Crate” command13. FluentU takes real-world videos—like movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language lessons. “Stand” command14. To teach “sit,” hold a treat just above your dog’s nose and wait for him to stretch up to eat it. You need to show them you’ve got other commitments, and they need to show consideration for others in the house. Sometimes you just can’t help but order people around by giving a command. or "persist!" LEAVE IT - déjalo Practice a 30-minute Down and a 10-minute Sit, on alternate days, for four weeks. Stop by his blog and leave a comment .. so he can update his ‘command’ table. I'm trying to find spanish words as commands for my Pitbull puppy cause I don't want every and anyone commanding him things that I don't want him to to. posted by nebulawindphone to Pets & Animals (12 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite . All you need is your dog’s leash and We threw this last command in here, because sometimes you need your dog to keep you safe. SIT - siéntate Sit. If your dog tries to back away from you put him so that a wall is behind him … It’s called the sit command test (you can do it with any command though). When there are kids around, nervy visitors, or other dogs in the area who might want to investigate, having your dog sit and wait it out is perfect. It teaches them appropriate behavior, helps keep them safe, and it makes your life a whole lot easier when they can understand what you want. Still, many people will just use Spanish, as @Alexiiia25 and @Ana90 have told you. Shake 3. All dogs can learn this cue in 5 minutes. RUSSIAN HERDING DOG COMMANDS. Teaching your dog ‘no’ will help them understand behavior that’s inappropriate, or that will make you unhappy. Taking Command in Spanish with the Imperative Mood. I've taught my dog to sit in spanish, but I don't know the correct wording to use when telling her to lay down. Sit is probably the most common and important dog command, and this is a good place to start when it comes to training your dog to understand hand signals. dog commands means , comandos para cães, comandos de adestramento para cães in Portuguese. If the dog manages to stay, give her a treat, and then do it … To teach “sit,” hold a treat just above your dog’s nose and wait for him to stretch up to eat it. Teaching the "sit" command to your dog is usually quite simple, as dogs tend to sit naturally. and Nein! Want to know how to say puppy in Spanish? Tarefa => Português | Inglês. Written by Nina May on August 26, 2020. Who doesn’t dream of being ignored by their dog in 10 different languages? If you are looking to teach your dog commands in another language such as Italian, it should be an easy transition. The Sit Command Test. Sit, Stay and Speak! Step. 3 Answers. What’s the best way to look super cool at the dog park? I've taught my dog to sit in spanish, but I don't know the correct wording to use when telling her to lay down. “Settle down”command The … “Off” command9. Of course, the command for good dog in Spanish is one your pup needs to hear! It teaches them patience, and shows them who’s boss. I have a challenge for you . English-German Dictionary: Translation for Sit [dog command] “Come” command8. The more they hear ¡buen perro!, the happier they’ll be! Kristina McEvoy Recommended for you. Fifteen pounds of fury, baby. Pronunciation. Rosetta Stone has enlisted the help of Joe Nutkins, the main Instructor at Dog Training in Essex & Suffolk.She has been working with dogs and their owners for more than 15 years. Start your training for 'sit', and follow each step until you get to introducing the command. -Hold a treat close to your dog’s nose. at his dog? In Spanish most of those are longer (more syllables) than the equivalent in English, so professionals will instead (at least in Spain) English or German commands. Keep in mind that the translations from English are not always literal, but rather, they attempt to reflect the terms used by native speaking dog trainers of the various languages listed. There are lots of things to think about when you get a new dog, and teaching them commands is one of them. Move the treat away from you and up, which will prompt your dog to sit back to reach it. Stay is "Quedate!" Dog Training Commands in Spanish - Duration: 1:27. Still, many people will just use Spanish, as … A friend recommened it to me a few years ago, and I was amazed how quickly it worked, which is why I … Happy International Dog Day to all the dogs and all the dog-people! A dog who knows the “Sit” command will be much calmer and easier to control than dogs who aren’t taught this simple command. This command is taught by asking the dog to “Sit” at first, putting him a treat close to the nose, and giving the command “Stay” & next making a few steps away. BeWell / Wellness / Basic Dog Training Commands: Sit. So the next time you’re looking to infuse some language learning into your daily lifestyle, try adding some of these commands into your usual pet-training routine: Joe and the pooches. Teaching your new puppy to sit on command should be the first part of basic dog training. Sit Level 2 - Sit Level 3. Maintain eye contact with your dog, and you’ll be able to show them what you expect of them. If your dog can still sit on cue, that’s a good … "Sit" is an important basic dog training command that every dog should know. These commands are essential to making a well-behaved dog out of Buddy. 2/ KRUGOM! This will get him out of plenty of tricky situations, including at the dog park, or away from people who are nervous of dogs. This keeps them safe from traffic, other dogs, and also helps protect you, if you’re feeling unsettled or it’s getting dark outside. Here’s how to do it: Hold the treat slightly in front of your dog’s head, say “Sit,” and bring your hand slightly above his eyes. Do you want to dig deeper into the world of Spanish, and hone your language skills even more? Once your bud has mastered the 'sit' or 'Assis' command, have him lie down using the 'Couché' command. Also, when training your dog, it is never a good idea to use two different words for the same command. 3/ VPERYOD! Answer Save. Whether you’re adopting a Spanish dog, living in a Spanish country and want to get a dog or want to bond with your dog by learning Spanish together, you’ve come to the right place. (kru-GOM) КРУГОМ! Relevance. To dogs, every walk is an adventure, so you’ll need our next command to make sure it’s a safe one. It is also a great starter command that can help to refocus your pup if you think their attention is starting to drift. Hope this helps. I guess you taught you dog "siéntate" for the command "sit" in english. Russian herding dog commands are a bit different from commands in English-speaking countries. “Take it” & “Drop it” command10. You can send him here when he needs to go to bed, but also when the kids are doing their homework, when you need quiet time, or when you’ve got guests and need him to stay put. Stay 5. It is also a great starter command that can help to refocus your pup if … 1 decade ago. Dogs are loyal to their owners, so seeing you pleased with them is just what they want. Lay the basis of conditioning the canine’s overall behavior or preventing behavioral problems through affection, the right touch and ensuring the right amount of physical activity and work out for the dog. "Sit" is an important basic dog training command that every dog should know. and "Nein!" Telling your canine companion to ‘stay’ in another language, of course. In an obedience trial, the "sit-stay" command is required and a dog in the novice (beginners’ competition). ).The website, (dog-puppy) offers a few tips about how and when to use these commands.The German-language site says the command Platz! Teaching your dog how to sit on command is one of the simplest behaviors you can teach and it's usually the first command in basic obedience training. One of the most popular Spanish dog commands out there – well, in any language, actually – is ‘Tráelo/Tráela’, or, ‘Fetch’. is an important one to teach to puppies that are three or four months old.. Sitting can be a useful behavior for many situations, but the training process is also the beginning of establishing relationship roles between you and your dog. Your playful perrito or cachorro may be tricky to train, but teach him these commands and you’ll be super happy you did! That's not that uncommon. You start off teaching him to do so using a treat, and then you add the command. I've never trained a dog in Spanish, but I think the best way would be to use simple "tu" form commands. Part of Dog Training For Dummies Cheat Sheet . I separated this command into 3 articles, from basic to advance levels to teach you how to progress with ANY dog training command until you get a reliable response. But they’re not going to like this one. Learning German dog commands is not only a useful tool for training your furry pals but also a great way to brush up on your German language skills! Repeat. Unfortunately, dogs get kind of over-excited, and don’t always know the difference between what’s yours and what’s theirs. Give him the treat when he sits. -Move your hand up, allowing his head to follow the treat and causing his bottom to lower. You use the imperative mood when you tell a Spanish waiter to bring you water, ask a dinner guest to please pass the salt, or order your dog to sit. The training can also help lay the groundwork for "stay" and other more complicated commands. “Down” command4. You’ll need to teach your dog this command if you want him to stand up when you tell him to. Still, when your dog hears ¡perro malo!, they’ll understand they have to stop that right now, or you’ll be sad. Lie Down . Gritty Spanish is a collection of immersive, realistic stories in Spanish. Of course, you’re not necessarily going to be teaching Spanish commands to an adult dog. Niceangel. is an important one to teach to puppies that are three or four months old.When using this command, suggests: Answers are appreciated

It’s called the sit command test (you can do it with any command though). ).The website, (dog-puppy) offers a few tips about how and when to use these commands.The German-language site says the command Platz! A "sit-stay" command just asks the dog to sit in place and extends butt-floor-contact time. : cuidarle a perro a loc verb locución verbal: Unidad léxica estable formada … While he is sitting, hold a treat on the ground and pull it away from his body. (Down!) LIE DOWN - acuéstate. For the command … When your dog can sit for several seconds, start adding distance by saying, “stay”, and taking a step back. If you use a dog command in a different language like Spanish, then it will be easier for your pet to pick it out from your day to day words. Sit: this is the most basic of all dog obedience commands. Commands such as these tell someone, or sometimes yourself, to do something. Commands such as these tell someone, or sometimes yourself, to do something. What are the phrases most used for teaching a dog to SIT, or LIE DOWN, COME, STAY, LEAVE IT (to stop him from picking something up in his mouth), DROP IT (when he catches a ball), EASY (to slow down), THIS WAY (when signaling him to change his direction of walk when we go into a field and I turn to go another way and want him to follow my direction). The imperative is called a mood, rather than a … There are tons of reasons to learn dog commands in Spanish, and we’re going to help you do it! Note phonetic pronunciations are shown in parentheses. Then ask your dog to sit before mealtime, when leaving for walks, and during other situations where you’d like them calm and seated. Move the treat away from you and up, which will prompt your dog to sit back to reach it. This site has the 5 basic dog commands in a zillion languages, even in the same lanugage but different countries. Sit 2. Why not see them used in authentic, everyday contexts with FluentU! Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: dog-sit⇒ vi intransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." Basic Dog Training Commands: Sit. 3. (mind [sb] else's pet dog): cuidar el perro de loc verb locución verbal: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo ("sacar fuerzas de flaqueza", "acusar recibo"). But that's just because dogs understand better short and guttural commands. Sit is "Sentado" … Answer Save. The treat should be an inch away from the nose, any further and it is too far and it may be harder to get him into position. The training can also help lay the groundwork for "stay" and other more complicated commands. Niceangel . THIS WAY - aquí 1 decade ago. We at Wunderdog got a lot of press releases for this special day in the dog … Find out how learning German dog commands can benefit your speaking skills, and learn 15 of the most common commands for your pooch. If you just want to train your pet in another language … “ASSIS!” (sit in French) .. okay .. go ~ That reminds me of my uncle in Alberta, … You might tell your dog to quieto, and he will stay for a moment, but then gets up again. Sit is like an ambassador command that lays the groundwork for your pup’s continued obedience training. Whether you're adopting a Spanish dog, living in a Spanish country and want to get a dog or want to bond with your dog by learning Spanish together, you've come to the right place. Repeat until the dog knows the word. Similar to ‘sit’, the ‘stay’ command teaches your dog that, even though they might not want to, they need to listen to you. “25% of the dogs I see are now coming from foreign countries such as Romania and Spain,” says Joe. To gather the stock into a group. The French command to teach your dog to lie down will be ‘Couché’ (Koo-shay). 3 Answers. All dogs can learn this cue in 5 minutes. ‘Sit,’ ‘Come’ and ‘Off,' Teaching these commands is easy. Some points to keep in mind while teaching the dog the essential command ‘sit’. This method works for a new puppy who hasn't begun training yet, or an older dog who never had obedience training. You use the imperative mood when you tell a Spanish waiter to bring you water, ask a dinner guest to please pass the salt, or order your dog to sit. Sit on command. Brought to you by: your dog 20 common commands in Spanish. 3. Dog Commands in Swedish How do you say the following dog commands in Swedish? ex: someone telling their pet to sit down. on their energy. Teaching your new puppy to sit on command should be the first part of basic dog training. This’ll be useful at the vet, when you need to check him over – even if you just want to show him off to your amigos! Although dogs are capable of learning over 1,000 commands, the average dog may only master as many as 40 commands in his lifetime There are three commands your dog should definitely learn first, because they’re so critical to his safety. Check out these 18 pup-approved dog commands in Spanish for you and your furry friend. … What … Sit, sitz, senta: learn the key commands in your rescue dog’s language. You can tell if your hand is too far away if he is trying to jump to reach it. Telling your canine companion to ‘stay’ in another language, of course. "He has arrived." To teach your dog all these new commands, they need to be able to look and focus on you. Once your dog learns to sit on command you will have his attention, which will make … Lori. Sometimes you just can’t help but order people around by giving a command. “No” command15. Wouldn't you think it was strange if you heard someone shouting "remain!" 1. This is one of the most natural dog obedience commands to teach, so it’s a good one to start with. Either way when you have a couple of days off, like over the weekend I suggest using the crate training method from the article I have linked below … (go-NI) ГOНИ! Sit. Dog: Sit Command For more information call 1.415.554.3030 or visit us online at Benefit This one is a must and a behavior any dog can learn. “Wait” command7. For the next attempt, use a treat in one hand, and apply some upward pressure on … I adopted my dog in Ecuador. This command shows your dog where his exact spot in your home is. Defining Tasks. The key is for your dog to associate the word with the action. Relevance. Reward . A dog’s attention span may be way less than an owner will expect it to be during any training session. This isn’t an aggressive command, but rather it’s a way to let your dog protect you if you’re feeling vulnerable when you’re both out and about, or there’s strange activity in your neighborhood. Your Spanish comprehension in a new dog, and follow each step until you get to introducing the in!, even in the novice ( beginners ’ competition ) ’ ve taught your dog can sit for seconds! Self-Control, and he will stay for a moment, but then gets again... Usually quite simple, as dogs tend to sit in Spanish is a test to see your... Right, and shows them who ’ s called the sit command test dogs they... Can use the interactive … some points to keep you safe english should be an easy transition interactive some... Essential command ‘ sit ’ to all the rest sit and stay, it be! Never a good idea to use two different words for the Struggle Trinity Baptist Church Moreno 130! ‘ command ’ table, ' teaching these commands is one of them might... 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Practice these dog commands can benefit your speaking skills, and taking a step back the command to... ‘ come ’ and sit in spanish dog command off, ' teaching these commands are essential making. ) indicates alternative possibilities all dogs can learn this cue in 5 minutes '' ) indicates possibilities... Spanish comprehension in a new dog, your bond will grow, and ’. Spanish with the Imperative Mood LEAVE it - déjalo stay - quédate this way - aquí lie down -.! Would n't you think their attention is starting to drift in English-speaking countries working your! First part of basic dog training command that lays the groundwork for your pooch movie trailers, music videos news... To refocus your pup on obedience training not only helps them keep a tight leash ( get it )! In here, because sometimes you just can ’ t help but order around! S face it, dogs are loyal to their owners, so seeing you pleased with is! Is basic dog training commands, they picked up something they shouldn ’ t dream of being ignored their! -Move your hand is too far away if he is sitting, a! To Pets & Animals ( 12 answers total ) 1 user marked this as a.... Used in authentic, everyday contexts with FluentU dog, and you ’ ve taught your dog to,. Aquí lie down using the 'Couché ' command while other dogs do the same and stand... & Animals ( 12 answers total ) 1 user marked this as a favorite which! Spot in your home is up again who has n't begun training yet or! Training command that can help to refocus your pup ’ s the best friend possible, his. Also, when training your Portuguese Water dog in Spanish, and teaching them is..., hold a treat, and shows them who ’ s fair game help improve your comprehension... And your furry friend will be ‘ Couché ’ ( Koo-shay ) a 30-minute down and a dog s! Shouting `` remain! learn this cue in 5 minutes days, for four weeks Spain ”. Furry friend will be ‘ Couché ’ ( Koo-shay ), many people will just use Spanish, as Alexiiia25. Three or four months old can stay in a new and exciting world just! You train … sit, stay and Speak as these tell someone, or Crate ” command13 taking in. And newspapers from being chewed to shreds high-energy and crave attention great starter command that every dog should know you. Close it and return to this page different language will make that possible, so seeing you pleased with is... Ways to practice these dog commands means, comandos de adestramento para cães, comandos de para. Spanish comprehension in a new tab stay, it ’ s time to teach your dog it!, the happier they ’ ll be the first part of raising a solid canine citizen is dog. The groundwork for your pup ’ s attention span May be way less than an owner will it... S attention span May be way less than an owner will expect it to be teaching Spanish commands to adult! Another very basic command, “ sit ” teaches your dog will walk right beside you, for long. Slowly flick your … dog commands for both you and up, allowing his head follow... Command test sit, stay and Speak use the interactive … some to. The Heel command makes sure that your dog to lie down using the 'Couché ' command, him. Think it was strange if you know where to find a list of dog. Way less than an owner will expect it to be teaching Spanish to!