Rich learning environments are nurturing spaces that support the development of all young children. Finally, the curriculum provides guidance on how to scaffold infants' problem-solving skills. On the Homepage, go to Communicate and click Manage Family Invitations. Terms & Conditions (Corporate). All forms for communicating with families are translated into Spanish, but there is no further guidance on how to communicate with families from diverse cultures or who speak home languages other than English. Calendar Inbox Help Close. Additional courses cover a wide range of content, such as family engagement and how to plan age-appropriate activities in each domain. frog street for young learners ages 3 to 5 FREE Online Digital Learning Resources @ Home Launches Today! Some of these strategies are research-based teaching practices, such as inviting a child to participate partially if a complete activity is too challenging, or using visual representations to teach new concepts. We’re glad you landed here. This link is no longer active. Aquí están las instrucciones en como tener acceso a los libros electrónicos de Frog Street Pre-K. Acceso a los libros electrónicos de Frog Street Pre-K. The curriculum provides guidance on ongoing child assessment. However, the curriculum does not adequately discuss how teachers can build their schedule flexibly around children's routines, nor does it discuss how to effectively support children's development and learning during caregiving routines. Ongoing Observation and Documentation: Welcome to Frog Street Infant describes how ongoing assessment is a process of observing and documenting children's development for the purposes of planning activities to support the growth and development of an individual infant. This book coordinates with those songs and is meant to add a more balanced literacy approach to the songs. Suggested strategies include seating a child to optimize vision (e.g., consider lighting and glare); using line drawings with minimal background clutter; providing simple adaptive devices; and changing a child's position. Research studies on the curriculum have optimally included multiple, diverse groups of children and teachers. This process includes developing a plan, based on the languages of the teacher and family, to support a child's development of each language in the classroom as well as at home. Rich learning experiences support and extend children's knowledge, understanding of concepts, and skills across domains. Created by: Frog Street Support Modified on: Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 3:32 PM If parents have a paid account, the typical flow is for them to apply the code to their already existing account. For questions or help, please visit our support site. Teachers reflect on their observations of each child and then plan the most effective ways to support each child's learning and development. All materials from Frog Street Infant were purchased and reviewed in 2018. Making life easier and reducing workload through a single platform that you can build on over time, at your own pace. Supporting Physical Development: The curriculum consistently promotes research-based practices to support infants' perceptual, motor, and physical development. Standardized training procedures provide consistent content and delivery methods across training sessions. The curriculum also emphasizes the importance of giving children space to freely move. Cost of Professional Development. The curriculum provides guidance on how to set up rich learning environments and developmentally appropriate routines. All Rights Reserved. The curriculum is organized around age-appropriate Activity Cards, which can be used to create individualized plans for children. Communicating with Families: Welcome to Frog Street Infant provides some guidance on how to communicate with families (e.g., the parent bulletin board, sending home letters), but most of the suggested strategies describe unidirectional communication (from program to family). Similarly, to facilitate the development of emotional and behavioral self-regulation skills, the curriculum suggests setting up an environment that minimizes overstimulation (e.g., eliminating bright lights and loud noises) and provides strategies for soothing babies in distress. However, the curriculum lacks guidance on how to choose a standardized and structured assessment instrument that is valid, reliable, and individually, culturally, and linguistically appropriate. Frog Street Press is excited to help our parents by providing your school’s DIG™ Pre-K learning resources for you to use at home. At the time of this review, there are no available published research studies on Frog Street Infant. Frog Street Pre-K at Home is an interactive, online program that provides daily, intentional lessons to empower parents to be their child's best teacher. An easy way for parents to keep their personal details such as address and phone number updated. The Frog Street Infant Curriculum is comprised of 264 developmentally-appropriate, domain-based activities specifically created for children ages birth to 18 months. We believe that every child can be given a unique and personal education, and that this can be delivered by today’s teachers without increasing workload through the clever use of technology. For infants and toddlers, rich learning experiences take place within the context of an engaging play environment, interactions and conversations with caregivers and peers, and daily caregiving routines. Rich learning experiences should be culturally and linguistically responsive and inclusive of children with disabilities, suspected delays, or other special needs. It includes brief descriptions of written observations, anecdotal records, and work samples. Cost of Curriculum. Frog Street is a proud supporter of employee and supplier diversity programs, supplier partnerships, and/or agreements with Minority/Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE). How do my students use ABCmouse at home? However, these teaching practices and interventions are not embedded throughout the Activity Cards, and they are limited to only three kinds of disabilities. If you do not see your school in the drop-down list, please click on Need Help to send a request to add your school.… Additionally, the curriculum's Literature Library includes books with photos of children and families from diverse cultures and ethnicities.         Find on Google Maps, Sitemap However, there is minimal guidance for teachers on how to start a back-and-forth exchange based on the child's focus or interest. Teaching Practices and Interventions: Welcome to Frog Street Infant includes general strategies to support children with visual challenges, hearing challenges, and delayed motor development. Dean Clough Mills, Halifax HX3 5AX In addition, the curriculum helps teachers embed math language and concepts throughout learning experiences (e.g., the "Your Hands, My Hands" activity includes prompts to count fingers and compare the size of hands). Specifically, it promotes interactions, teaching practices, and learning experiences that research has shown to be effective in supporting children's development and learning. Therefore, they lack the comprehensive support a teacher needs to provide routines and learning experiences that are fully accessible to a child with a disability, suspected delay, or special need. Frog Street Pre-K At Home – Resources for Parents (4 days ago) Contact frog street to learn more about frog street pre-k at home and to obtain subscription pricing for your early childhood program.. frog street has been creating intentional content for young learners (ages 0-5) for over 30 years. Welcome to Frog Street Infant describes how learning a second language can be beneficial for all children, with some general scaffolding strategies for children who are DLLs (e.g., keeping language simple, using actions and illustrations, using visual aids). Please complete our short form and we'll be in touch! Contact Frog Street to learn more about Frog Street Pre-K at Home and to obtain subscription pricing for your early childhood program.. Frog Street has been creating intentional content for young learners (ages 0-5) for over 30 years. Contact us, Cookies Policy Call or visit the early childhood program you are interested in your child attending, contact the Pre-K department at 504-349-7696 or email However, it lacks concrete guidance on how to create an indoor and outdoor environment for active physical play and exploration. Both Welcome to Frog Street Infant and an introductory video in the online portal provide an overview of the curriculum materials, such as Activity Cards, CDs, manipulatives, and books for children. The curriculum provides guidance on how to design developmentally appropriate schedules, routines, and indoor and outdoor opportunities for choice, play, exploration, and experimentation. For example, many of the Activity Cards provide specific suggestions to make eye contact, provide physical affection, spend time with individual children, and talk with children. Exploring the Head Start Program Performance Standards, View the Latest Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Updates from the Office of Head Start », Criteria for Infant and Toddler Curricula, How to Navigate the Curriculum Consumer Report,, Offers sequences of learning experiences that progressively build infants' concepts and skills in all domains, Specifies developmentally appropriate learning goals throughout the curriculum activities, Offers comprehensive standardized training and materials to support implementation, Promotes some research-based teaching practices to support infants' development and learning in all Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (ELOF) domains, Gives some strategies and resources to support family engagement, Offers some opportunities for active exploration and interactions that extend infants' learning, Includes limited guidance in the areas of Creativity, Imitation and Symbolic Representation and Play, and Health, Safety, and Nutrition, Lacks comprehensive guidance on ongoing child assessment, Lacks comprehensive guidance on designing indoor and outdoor environments, Lacks direction on how to effectively support infants' development and learning during caregiving routines, Provides limited guidance on how to fully integrate children's and families' cultures and home languages into interactions, the learning environment, and learning experiences, Offers limited support on how to ensure the learning environment and experiences are accessible for infants with disabilities, suspected delays, or other special needs, Lacks ample opportunities for child-initiated play based on children's interests, Additional Classroom Resources (e.g., wall posters, CDs, manipulatives, children's books).