Learn Why Developers Pick Retrace, 5 Awesome Retrace Logging & Error Tracking Features, some advanced features for formatting log code, Flamegraph: How to Visualize Stack Traces and Performance, Docker Performance Improvement: Tips and Tricks, Winston Logger Ultimate Tutorial: Best Practices, Resources, and Tips, Top API Performance Metrics Every Development Team Should Use, Site Performance Monitoring Best Practices. use (express. If a log is logged, but no alert is triggered or it’s visualized, was it logged at all? That’s just a few reasons you’d want to use Winston over the humble console.log. Use logger by amit in your code. Install the package with the following command: With express-generator installed, we can create our app using the express command, followed by the name of the directory we want to use for our project. logger ({... }) // this allows winston to handle output from express' morgan middleware: logger. Create the following: index.js, logger.js, requester.js, config.json. Introduction. For the rest of this article, we’ll refer to the SSH session we’ve been using so far and that is currently running the application as Session A. And since Morgan supports output streams, it makes a nice pairing with the stream support built into Winston, enabling us to consolidate HTTP request data logs with anything else we choose to log with Winston. That means we can use this object and the logging levels, for instance, to create our example log output. Well, you’re in luck—these questions are exactly what we will answer today. Before you begin this guide you’ll need the following: 1. Most logging tools also support JSON out of the box, so many will also parse your JSON logs when they’re put into your APM. Because you can leverage it to write more elegant logging code that’s put in place. Application showing an unidentified error? Or middleware can be composed in arrays to create collections of middleware to apply. Want to write better code? The problem was when I turned to the internet for answers, I could only find tutorials that would show me how to log to a file. To help us get a basic web application running we will use express-generator, a command-line tool for getting a Node/Express web application running quickly. The express-generator package includes a 404 and 500 error handler route by default, so we’ll work with that. You can do a lot more to build robust logging solutions for your applications, particularly as your needs become more complex. This is what we want: structured log data. Add the Winston module with a require () function. To do so, run the following command: This starts the application running on port 3000. There will certainly be times that we want this ability for things such as recording errors or profiling database query performance, for example. If you want to, try out the following example: And add the code to the bottom of your existing logger file. So there you have it! To view the contents of the log file, run the following command: You should see something similar to the following: So far our logger is only recording HTTP requests and related data. At that point, you will definitely want to have logging tools in place. Logs are a simple way of persisting data about your application so you can view this data for analysis later. Next, we need to ask another question: how should you structure your log code? use (express. A simple configuration change is all that is needed. See our documentation on how to configure Node.js logging. The createLogger method is one that takes a config object and returns a logger object with several methods bound to it which are your logging levels (more on this later). How should we log? All of this means we can apply error handling in a way that makes sense. To get our logger working with the application we need to make express aware of it. Examples 2.1 Stream for Logging to File. Implementation of a NestJS logger using winston and express-winston. Why is this happening? You can learn more about JSON in our introduction to JSON tutorial. info (message)}} // A custom logger interface that wraps winston, making it easy to instrument // code and still possible to replace winston … Winston can be used in numerous contexts including in Node web frameworks such as Express, and Node CLI apps. Here is a quick summary of the settings we’ll be using for each transport: Logging levels indicate message priority and are denoted by an integer. We can define the configuration settings for the file and console transports in the winston configuration as follows: Next, instantiate a new winston logger with file and console transports using the properties defined in the options variable: By default, morgan outputs to the console only, so let’s define a stream function that will be able to get morgan-generated output into the winston log files. Database Deep Dive | December 2nd at 10am CST, Traces: Retrace’s Troubleshooting Roadmap | December 9th at 10am CST, Centralized Logging 101 | December 16th at 10am CST. If you choose to use it, there will come a time when you’ll want to add logging. 2. We will use the new SSH session for running commands and editing files, and we’ll refer to this session as Session B. We will now integrate the logger with the application. Logging with Winston is simple, with just four steps, as shown in the example below, and you have your log recorded. Troubleshooting and optimizing your code is easy with integrated errors, logs and code level performance insights. But to give you a few good starting points, log data such as. Logging. Retrace Overview | January 6th at 10am CST. With these prerequisites in place, we can build our application and install Winston. Node.js installed using the official PPA, as explained in How To Install Node.js on Ubuntu 16.04.With these prerequisites in place, we can build our application and install Winston. One of the great things… The createLogger method is one that takes a config object and returns a logger object with several methods bound to it which are your logging levels (more on this later). Again, both transports are configured to log error level messages so we should see the output in the console and file logs. Then all you need to do is run the file with: Okay, so while this is a simple example, it raises a few questions. Preferably, a tool that can integrate errors and logs so you have all the context you need. Node Express.js and Morgan logging Express.js Express.js is one of the most popular frameworks for creating web applications with Node.js. Are you looking to get up and running with Winston logger in Node.js? use (express. methodOverride ()); // Let's … We will use the info level so the output will be picked up by both transports (file and console): Finally, export the logger so it can be used in other parts of the application: The completed winston configuration file should look like this: We now have our logger configured, but our application is still not aware of it or how to use it. As you can see, Winston is using JSON by default. bodyParser ()); app. Open a browser window and enter these URLs to illustrate your log outlet. It can give you more contextual insights to help you troubleshoot issues. const winston = require('winston'); // Logger configuration const logConfiguration = { transports: [ new winston.transports.Console({ level: 'verbose' }), new winston.transports.File({ level: 'error', filename: './logs/example-3.log' }) ] }; // Create the logger const logger = winston.createLogger(logConfiguration); // Log some messages logger.silly('Trace message, … Install npm i express-pino-logger --save Example ' Once that installs, let’s create a minimal echo server with express and morgan. This tutorial will show you how to use Winston to log a Node/Express application that we’ll create as part of this process. So let’s change that by editing the app.js file in the root of the project and making some changes. Installation npm install winston express-winston ... For example, using the following during logger setup: expressWinston.responseWhitelist.push('body.import.value'); A response that looks like this : That means we can use this object and the logging levels, for instance, to create our example log output. Join us for a 15 minute, group Retrace session, How to Troubleshoot IIS Worker Process (w3wp) High CPU Usage, How to Monitor IIS Performance: From the Basics to Advanced IIS Performance Monitoring, SQL Performance Tuning: 7 Practical Tips for Developers, Looking for New Relic Alternatives & Competitors? var express = require ('express'); var expressWinston = require ('express-winston'); var winston = require ('winston'); // for transports.Console var app = module. Allows for multiple configurable destination streams. We will be focusing on the console and file transports for this tutorial: the console transport will log information to the console, and the file transport will log information to a specified file. To develop our app further, we need to do two more vital things – configuration and logging. To open port 3000, run the following command: We now have everything we need to start our web application. We will also use the -g flag, which installs the package globally so it can used as a command line tool outside of an existing Node project/module. Nodemon will automatically watch for changes and restart the application for us. Dependencies: express-winston, winston. The default application created by express-generator does a great job at getting us started, and it even includes the Morgan HTTP logging middleware we’ll be using to log data about all HTTP requests. For example log errors and info messages into different files. It’s also putting our message into a property (of the same name) and adding a level property. If what we want is for a library to do all the work for us, we just need to install this express-logger-unique-req-id library. 2. winston logger for express with consoleTransport. For example, by specifying a level of info, anything at level error, warn, or info will be logged. By default, it outputs to the console, so let’s define a stream function into Winston so that we can transfer morgan’s output into the Winston log files. To do so, find the following line: We’re ready to see some log data! const winston = require('winston'); We will also dive into features that make Winston a good fit for … What does createLogger do? Building on top of the previous example of the Express handler, we can leverage Express middleware to implement logging between the functionalities of our application. var logger = new winston. Create Logger. touch ./config/winston.js We'll start by creating a new logger with the winston.createLogger method. You become better at logging with practice. The fact that express-pino-logger achieves higher throughput with JSON logging and arbitrary data, without using eval, serves to emphasise the high-speed capabilities of express-pino-logger. A great use case for logging would be if, for example, you have a bug in your system and you want to understand the steps that led up to its occurrence. When you’re working on smaller systems, this can seem like overkill, especially if your application isn’t that big. An effective logging solution is crucial to the success of any application. Let’s move this logic to an express post-middleware. A lot of logging tools will let you parse custom formats. mkdir ./logs ./config Create a file for our Winston logger configuration. Hopefully, that was a useful introduction to Winston and some best practices in Node.js for how to structure your code to keep it clean and consistent with the facade pattern and logging namespaces. Why do I mention the facade pattern? But despite this, there are no “right” things to log. You get paid, we donate to tech non-profits. Open it up and run this command in your terminal: npm init -y npm i express winston morgan morgan-json What format should you log? Introduce how to combine Morgan and Winston for logging in express server. nest-express-winston. Create file in src/lib/logger.js and write the following code Begin by opening ~/myApp/config/winston.js for editing: Next, require the app-root-path and winston packages: With these variables in place, we can define the configuration settings for our transports. Don’t worry, it’s not too much. And after that, we’ll round off with some best practices for structuring your Node.js application so you can write easy, elegant, and clean logging code, using the Express framework. We will use the nconf module for configuring:. The answer to what you should log has a short answer and a long answer. We will use the stream option, and set it to the stream interface we created as part of the winston configuration. Since all server-side errors will be run through this route, this is a good place to include the winston logger. This package is not directly related to Winston, but helps immensely when specifying paths to files in Node.js code. > npm install –save express morgan winston. Because it can be passed as a function to an existing endpoint, it’s very flexible and can be called on all endpoint accesses. Write to your log files and try to access them later, with a tool such as Retrace to debug and understand your system—you’ll soon become familiar with what’s useful and what’s not. 1. Some of these requirements are pretty trivial, others are not so much. For logging, this can make life a lot easier. Here, I'll show you how to send them to AWS CloudWatch for easy access and monitoring. Try adding the following above your previous Express handlers: Now your application has some nicely abstracted logs using the facade pattern, and a nice intercepting middleware that will log server access to your Express application: Nice! Middleware is useful. There should be a log entry for the error, and thanks to the colorize setting it should be easy to find. Working on improving health and education, reducing inequality, and spurring economic growth? get (' /logger ', function ... we just have to require the module in our logger and add the Winston transport to the logger’s ... Of course, and in my humble opinion it’s a must. The output in the file transport, however, should be written as a JSON object since we specified json: true in the file transport configuration. CALL FOR MAINTAINERS. You also can search for terms in your log messages. These changes will help us better understand which logging package we are referencing at any given time after we integrate our Winston configuration. After completing this tutorial you will have an Ubuntu server running a small Node/Express application. How much do you log? While we are at it, let’s change the log format used by the morgan package to combined, which is the standard Apache log format and will include useful information in the logs such as remote IP address and the user-agent HTTP request header. We recommend that you take the time to look at some of these other documents: Sign up for Infrastructure as a Newsletter. As you can see, Winston is using JSON by default. 2. What’s important for you to log really depends on your situation. express-winston, To make use of express-winston, you need to add the following to your application: Use expressWinston.logger(options) to create a middleware to log your expressFormat: true, // Use the default Express/morgan request formatting. One pattern I like is passing log namespaces. Middleware intercepts requests for purposes such as authentication—or in our case, logging! You must specify the rules for every different format, and this can be time-consuming and costly. I did not understand. Today we’re talking about logging within the context of Winston. The default logger is accessible through the winston npm module directly. DigitalOcean makes it simple to launch in the cloud and scale up as you grow – whether you’re running one virtual machine or ten thousand. Hacktoberfest But as an application grows in size—or possibly multiplies into many smaller systems, perhaps by using microservices or functions—logging becomes even more important because of the increased complexity. Winston uses npm logging levels that are prioritized from 0 to 5 (highest to lowest): When specifying a logging level for a particular transport, anything at that level or higher will be logged. For these purposes, I found the ability to connect Morgan HTTP logger to a Winston base logger. But Winston gives us more powerful features than the humble console log, such as. We can test that it’s working by going to http://your_server_ip:3000 in a web browser. Logging format should be easily digestible by humans as well as machines. exports = express (); app. For me, logging was always a somewhat mystical and frustrating idea. As for the file logger, running the tail command again should show us the new log records: You will see a message like the following: The error message includes all the data we specifically instructed winston to log as part of the error handler, including the error status (404 - Not Found), the requested URL (localhost/foo), the request method (GET), the IP address making the request, and the timestamp of when the request was made. Express middleware is a way of augmenting Express regular handlers with additional functionality that’s intercepted. Create a directory called logging-made-easy. Where do you put logs? We’ll use it to specify the location of the Winston log files from the root of the project and avoid ugly relative path syntax: Everything we need to configure how we want to handle our logging is in place, so we can move on to defining our configuration settings. For our example, let’s try morgan, morganBody, and a custom one. Morgan can operate standalone, but commonly it’s used in combination with Winston. This is great as it allows you to do things like visualizing based on properties (and even nested properties). Supporting each other to make an impact. I could grasp the concept that you wanted to output information about your system… but the details on what to log and how to log eluded me. As you can see, the above code is wrapping your regular Express handler with additional functionality. Winston logger is becoming the defacto way of logging information from NodeJS applications. We are now ready to install and configure Winston. Contribute to Open Source. npm i nconf. Unless otherwise noted, all remaining commands should be run in Session B. This will create our application with everything we need to get started: Next, install Nodemon, which will automatically reload the application whenever we make any changes. Before you begin this guide you’ll need the following: One Ubuntu 16.04 server set up by following the Ubuntu 16.04 initial server setup guide, including a sudo non-root user and a firewall. Codota search - find any JavaScript module, class or function The facade pattern is a design pattern that hides more complicated implementation details. With express-pino-logger you can have features, safety and speed. A common use for Winston is logging events from web applications built with Node.js. Tools like Retrace can give you those insights and much more. You can isolate the logs you are looking for by specifying the environment, server, or application. Remember, logs are data still, so they’re still governed by the same rules and laws as any other data. Namespaces just make it easier to recognize and locate your logging from within your application. Am I doing this whole logging thing right? Morgan is especially good at logging for http requests. 1. Because we are now dealing with errors, we want to use the error log level. Hub for Good With logging, it makes sense to log as much data as you can. I should note that while you should log as much as you can, there’s an exception. Winston comes with three core transports - console, file, and HTTP. Since we will be using morgan and winston, which are both logging packages, it can be confusing to call either one of them logger. var express = require (' express '); var expressWinston = require (' express-winston '); var winston = require (' winston '); // for transports.Console var app = module. Open the ~/myApp/app.js file: Find the code block at the bottom of the file that looks like this: This is the final error handling route that will ultimately send an error response back to the client. Here, we’re using functional programming in Node.js by passing the handler function as a callback to our handler function, allowing us to execute the function within the context of a try/catch. Node.js installed using the official PPA, as explained in How To Install Node.js on Ubuntu 16.04. stream = {write: function (message) {logger. Time stamp each log line. Having a simple access logging middleware is definitely a great starting point if you’re using Express. In this step we will explore some of the configuration options that are available as part of the winston package and create a logger that will log information to a file and the console. Then create the following logging code and save it into a file (of any name). The application is already set up to respond to such an error, thanks to the boilerplate created by express-generator. And I guess you must too, or you wouldn’t be here! Write for DigitalOcean Mainly because its easy to setup, has all the appenders needed, and can be used in any module you require it in. In order to fully demonstrate how to incorporate Winston we will create a simple Node.js web application using the Express framework. And also daily rotate file function with option as per user. Tired of ssh'ing into your server to debug it?Instead of cosole.log and console.err, you should be using a logger like winston to send your logs somewhere more convenient. So now you’ve got your head around why you’d want to log in the first place, what format you want to be logging in, and how to get up and running. In this tutorial, you built a simple Node.js web application and integrated a Winston logging solution that will function as an effective tool to provide insight into the performance of the application. And since we want to be able to use nodemon as a command-line tool we will install it with the -g flag: To finish setting up the application, change to the application directory and install dependencies as follows: By default, applications created with express-generator run on port 3000, so we need to make sure that port is not blocked by the firewall. Again, more on this later. Let’s start by creating a simple Express.js app. Hey all! Below are techniques in Node.js to help keep your log structures consistent. var router = express. In what format, and why? Today, we will be looking at Winston, the most popular logging library in Node.js, and why it’s so popular. You will also have Winston implemented to log errors and messages to a file and the console. This one is pretty self explanatory – you should be able to tell when each log entry occured. Transports are a concept introduced by Winston that refer to the storage/output mechanisms used for the logs. When do you log? We’ll dive into the ins and outs of why to use logging and how and what to log in a practical way. bodyParser ()); app. And we’ll be building on top of this basic example as we go. Loopback 4 does provide something called sequences for adding middleware logic, but that has to be written using the Loopback 4 directives.. I’ve modified theexpress-composition example, and added logging functionality using the Morgan and Winston logging libraries. To open app.js for editing, use the nano command: Find the following line near the top of the file: We also need to find where the variable logger was referenced in the file and change it to morgan. These articles rarely explained the full picture: What do you log? Back in your web browser, attempt to load the following URL: http://your_server_ip:3000/foo. — philosophical Node.js developer (contrived). Lets identify a few requirements which we can use to pit the frameworks against each other. That’s why we are having four, fifteen-minute product sessions to outline Retrace’s capabilities. Let’s look at an example of Morgan with Winston logger into an express based Node.js application. Lou Bichard December 31, 2018 Developer Tips, Tricks & Resources. the Ubuntu 16.04 initial server setup guide, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, To learn more about Winston transports, see, To learn more about creating your own transports, see, To create an HTTP endpoint for use with the HTTP core transport, see. 3. Request endpoint data, such as paths: “/users” or verbs: Enrich log entries with plenty of useful data. This is going to give your applications an extra level of awesome: advanced logging. We are creating winston logger for handle logs and log format. You get paid; we donate to tech nonprofits. I know things like design patterns can seem abstract. exports = express (); app. Retrace supports both the Winston logging framework and logging directly to the Stackify API. So be careful what you’re logging. Learn more about structured logging and why developers need it. I've written a standard express server with Nodejs and Winston logger. We know you’re busy, especially during the holiday season. On the other hand, Winston is good at splitting logs with different levels. The above example shows us that the log originated in our server, in a GET endpoint called “/users” while it was formatting a response retrieved from the database. To install winston run the following command: It’s often useful to keep any type of support or utility configuration files for our applications in a special directory, so let’s create a config folder that will contain the winston configuration: Now let’s create the file that will contain our winston configuration, which we’ll call winston.js: Next, create a folder that will contain your log files: Finally, let’s install app-root-path, a package that is useful when specifying paths in Node.js. Express and Cors npm i express cors @types/express; Winston Logger for Logging npm i winston @types/winston; module-alias for Module Aliases npm i module-alias; The package.json file looks something like this – Log levels are specified when calling the logger, meaning we can do the following to record an error: logger.error('test error message'). One more problem that Winston does no log HTTP request. And why is the output formatted like that? First, let’s install dependencies: $ yarn add morgan @types/morgan morgan-body. If that’s what you’re looking for, you’re in the right place! Check our free transaction tracing tool, Tip: Find application errors and performance problems instantly with Stackify Retrace. Enough talk, let’s write some code. There is additional Express logging middleware, Morgan and/or Bunyan, that may be used, even along with Winston. We’ll also look at how we can combine Winston with another popular HTTP request middleware logger for Node.js called Morgan to consolidate HTTP request data logs with other information. A simple Winston installation. ... Morgan works with frameworks that are compatible with modules such as Express.js. This is very important information to have in our logs, but how do we record custom log messages? By standard, the express-generator boilerplate makes use of the adjustable logger whenever referencing the morgan package. Now try those URLs again to see the logging output now after the change. In structuring log code, you want to be logging consistently. Every line in the code: winston.log('info', '*****'); Is written to both console and log file. Install the Winston package using the command npm install winston. Let’s look at the createLogger method first. However, custom format should be avoided where possible. Tags: Utils, Logger. For Winston, the first question you might have is, “What’s wrong with console.log?”, Nothing is wrong with console.log, per se. Set Up an Express.js Application. For example, Morgan can write requests in the Apache common format, split logs across outputs, and automatically rotate log files. The richer and more structured your log data, the better you’ll be able to visualize and act on that log data. Let’s quickly set up a basic logging example using Winston. For some reason, the log output is written both to console and the designated log file. Retrace allows you to view all logging messages in an inline view across all apps, servers, and in all environments. npm install express-logger-unique-req-id –save. If there’s one big thing you should take away from this article, it’s this: By nature, machines are far better at deciphering large amounts of data. In this example we will use the following test API: app. We’ll do this in four files, to keep things nice and tidy. Now that our app is set up we are ready to start working with Winston. It is definitely a weak idea to write port 3000 in the app and further specify connection to the database and so on. Messages are useful for humans who want to understand the error, but they can be hard to search in a log aggregation tool. Your browser should display an error message that looks like this (your error message may be more detailed than what is shown): Now take another look at the console in SSH Session A. The first, most important question is, “Why bother logging at all?”. winston middleware for express.js. We'll go ahead and create two folders: one for our Winston code and one for our log outputs. For the curious, we should note that you can log in any format you want—strings, delimited, or a custom format. I still had so many questions. Both Morgan and Winston are popular logging libraries for Node.js. By default, the express-generator boilerplate uses the variable logger when referencing the morgan package. To try to keep it realistic, we’re going to introduce Express, a common framework in Node.js for creating web servers. Today, we will explore Winston, a versatile logging library for Node.js. We can include anything we want in the log so be sure to include some useful information like: Update the error handler route to match the following: To test this, let’s try to access a page in our project that doesn’t exist, which will throw a 404 error. , file, and why developers need it extra level of info, anything at level error and... Makes it much easier to enforce clean logging standards throughout your application see our documentation on to... And you have all the context you need practical way module you require it.. Morgan and/or Bunyan, that may be used, even along with Winston libraries for Node.js them! 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Frustrating idea I guess you must specify the rules for every different format, and HTTP but no is! Winston.Createlogger method needs to be restarted any time changes are made to the API! Logging output now after the change to console and file logs another question: how should you your! At splitting logs with different levels illustrate how we can use to the. File and the console an extra level of awesome: advanced logging express winston logger example smaller systems, this be... Otherwise noted, all remaining commands should be easily digestible by humans as well as.... That may be used, even along with Winston logger for express with consoleTransport Winston we answer... Structured log data re in the example below, and set it to write more elegant logging code express winston logger example! Additional functionality that ’ s capabilities code: for example ENTER these to. Middleware, morgan and/or Bunyan, that may be used in combination with Winston logger of useful data purposes I! Created by express-generator back in your log structures consistent below, and ENTER. Example log errors and info messages into different files location or query them when analyzing a.! Data for analysis later thanks to the stream interface we created as part of the Winston configuration especially if application. T that big, find the following: 1 up to respond to such an error, thanks to bottom! Can give you those insights and much more the context you need //your_server_ip:3000 in way! Insights to help you troubleshoot issues logging consistently inequality, and optionally adds! Winston implemented to log middleware can be hard to search in a web browser, attempt to the. Logging format should be avoided where possible short answer and a long answer use the... The answer to what you should log as much data as you can it..., defaults to returning all values allowed by whitelist for DigitalOcean you get paid ; donate! Application using the official PPA, as it uses Winston underneath for you. Standard for logging in Node.js code problems instantly with Stackify Retrace its own configuration settings as. Most important question is, “ why bother logging at all? ” change that by editing app.js. You could call on an instance of a logger is becoming the way.