Artemor! Why? No fewer than fifteen casks of beer are to be provided within the dining cell at all times1. Wheels 6. (The members of the security team, both of whom report directly to Dr. Do you not realize that you are- (Pauses) ohhhh, I see what's going on here. It’s a country that’s laced with fascinating Spanish conquistador history and elegant colonial treasures, enthralling native peoples and gorgeous backcountry aplenty. Suen: Ulmar? SCP-3740: Absolutely not. Local authorities apprehended the severely intoxicated SCP-3740, who began to rant unceasingly about his “incredible cosmic power” until local Foundation agents intercepted the authorities and apprehended SCP-3740. I know of no better way to describe a great warrior empress like yourself! Leads: I mean, it’s just… it’s just all like… it’s all smooth down there. This is Oregon Trail and outlaw country, and the current inhabitants are content to keep this chunk of the West wild. Hang on, what's going on here? One more flash came, and this time Harry unmistakably saw a humanoid figure soaring above. It is a veritable fortress of luxury, my friend! Addendum 3740.4: Proof of Supernatural Abilities. SCP-3740: Spirits save you! Who are you? I’m not joking. So we’ve set the guy up with a convincing enough spread, told him it’s super important that he not destroy the cell, and he’s perfectly content to sit around, drinking and fucking and having these crazy feasts with the members of his containment team. Ulmar brought me this most peculiar torch, and see this! Astaramis is a well-ordered and heavily defended Imperial Hive World, the third world of the Konor System, its largest centre of population, and a potent symbol of Imperial dominance. SCP-3740 is capable of providing itself with sustenance; however, it may occasionally request members of its containment team join it in a meal. It is a huge, shambling animal, with a … Thou in her, the hand of God, She in thee, with lips inspired, Owns the Mother of her Lord. I was just telling my friend Ulmar here about our misadventures in the old times! Note: The following is an excerpt from the transcript of recorded audio taken from a weekly feast held by SCP-3740 within its containment cell with members of its research team. Add in a couple of days to explore the surrounding region. It’s certainly no mean feat to contain reality benders, let alone Class 8s, and we usually break out the big guns for them. But we got lucky in this case. Can you believe that guy thinks he's a god? You know what I mean, obviously, but still. Winter's Bone (Dub Version) Taking the UK underground Americana scene by storm, this new release will take you on a journey through rich country melodies, roots blues harmonies and an individual take on a contemporary Americana sound. This was the destination of Gilgamesh ’s second quest for immortality, for he took a ship of Egypt ( Magan ). Preface: The following document is an excerpt from an internal memo between members of the Site-81 containment research team. Here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, nature is at our fingertips. SCP-3740: I already told you, graceful and delicate Suen, this is-. It encompasses every world where GMs run their adventures, all within the relatively mundane realm of the Material Plane. SCP-3740. Despite disaster, Rebecca Baard still dreams of someday soaring … SCP-3740 is capable of manipulating air currents at will, as well as communing with flying animals, and controlling air pressure and temperature. Glubina is a mountainous region in northeastern Yuktobania, southwest of Okchabursk and northeast of the Jilachi Desert. Esen is a Turkish name, meaning ‘the wind.’ It’s dramatic and windswept, and it would make an unique name for your daughter. Append content without editing the whole page source. What a character though, huh? SCP-3740 is able to produce gusts of wind in excess of 500 kph, and create and control cyclones and other such meteorological formations. This regal bird is the largest of our soaring Buteo hawks, a fitting raptor for the wide skies and windswept plains of the west. He will never forsake me . What a calamitous turn of events. Then he took up his wand: he calls pale ghosts from Orcus with it Dr. Gaze upon the length of his tongue! The purpose of maintaining ancient lore and culture intact ensures survival in times of great challenge… change ancestral lore can cause extinction. Dr. SCP-3740: Spirits save you! It’s certainly no mean feat to contain reality benders, let alone Class 8s, and we usually break out the big guns for them. Please see Addendum 3740.2 for more information. SCP-3740 is able to produce gusts of wind in excess of 500 kph, and create and control cyclones and other such meteorological formations. (Gestures towards two members of the security team) Come in here, yes, come here. Let his cries be heard forevermore from the salted earth! He tried to think what a big thought that must be; but he could only think of God. 2) … Dr. All smooth down there. Who would do this terrible thing to you? Suen: What do you mean, "royal château"? So one time I was hired to fight the Broken God on a field in Alagadda, and I’ve got the Spear of the Non-Believer in my right hand and the severed head of Jack Bright in my left-. Who are you again? SCP-3740: (Slams his fist on the table) Gods be damned! I have only the finest furnishings and decor here, as you can see. God Torresperez - Fm 1192, Vancouver, British Columbia 6049619004 / 604-961-9004 Leilene Starlings - Green Hills Dr, Vancouver, British Columbia 6049615144 / 604-961-5144 Mylo Schulle - El Lago Ct, Vancouver, British (Sighs) What a relief. A handful, am I right? Except us, of course, but either way! But be true, the reason I’ve come to see you is to ask if you are enjoying your accommodations. He’s full of shit. SCP-3740, also known as "Ashur, God of the Windswept Plains and Soaring Skies". Yet while the air and the water in the streams are bracing, the .sun is fiery. During these events, Foundation personnel are to provide a whole cow or swine, which SCP-3740 will cook and serve to its preference. Dr. He’s all worked up, see, because I was waving the goods at him, and-, SCP-3740: That’s the one! Leads: I- yes, you’ve mentioned as much, Ashur. The cosmos teems with a multitude of worlds as well as myriad alternate dimensions of reality, called the planes of existence. Haven't seen him in a while. SCP-3740: And greetings to you, oh wondrous enchantress! (Makes a dismissive gesture) But don't worry about any of that, just keep up the good work! SCP-3740: Anyway, he- he tries to throw the whole river at me! 37. What a calamitous turn of events. Researcher Robinson: What? I’m sure Eleanora has important business to speak of to me. Dr. You poor, unfortunate soul! An Elamite witch? In this case, though, we don’t need to worry about that. It was just a, uh, goblin… a goblin ran past, and just… just stole my nethers. What great power! I was just telling my brothers Thaddeus and Artemor about you, Eleanora! Is she not a sight to behold! SCP-3740 will readily believe almost anything said by any person, so long as it believes that individual is a similarly powerful deity. And there he sat next to the Weeping God-Sword Atra-Eas, allured by the dancing shades soaring and merging in the crystalline mist around him. What towns do exist are steeped in history and infused with pioneer grit. You've returned to the past as well? It reaches a juddering emotional crescendo on the closing "Glow (Part 3)" wherein COUNTLESS SKIES audibly go for broke, hurling giant hooks, sweeping synths and structural curveballs in all directions and pulling off a masterful folk-tinged, prog metal extravaganza in the process. Under no circumstances are any individuals to address SCP-3740 as anything other than "Ashur, God of the Windswept Plains and Soaring Skies", "Most Victorious and Unchallenged Lord Deific Ashur", or simply, "Mightiest Ashur". It is situated in the Ramtop mountains, about 500 miles Hubwards of the city of Ankh-Morpork. God was God’s name just as his name was Stephen. Haven't seen him in a while. This inner sea is accessible only at the Straits of Lothern, in the south of the island. SCP-3740’s cells are to be supplied with hand-crafted, rustic furnishings and an abundance of animal pelts and torches, as well as a large stone fireplace and bearskin rug. But for only a brief instant, the winds became but a quiet hush as the air around him stood still. It is often seen sitting on the ground in open fields. Vanitor is an Imperial Frontier World and wilderness world that is the fourth planet of the Konor System in the Realm of Ultramar. According to de Moor, the Phoenician version of Yahweh was Yam, again, a sea god. SCP-3740: Ah, Suen! View/set parent page (used for creating breadcrumbs and structured layout). Six million years ago, the skies of Argentina were home to fearsome predator - Argentavis magnificens, the largest bird to ever take to the air. Greasy blue … Tony exclaimed, limping into sight as he brushed twigs out of his windswept hair. Note: On 11/4/2017, another entity, called "Suen" by SCP-3740, appeared suddenly within SCP-3740's containment chamber. SCP-3740: -so then I told him, what greater power could a god wield than that of spinning an orange ball on one finger? I told her, brothers, I told her the other day, just the other day, that she has more power than anyone I have ever met before! Suen: Ulmar? Line of Cain: 1) Cain. General documentation and help section. According to eyewitness reports, SCP-3740 was seen drinking heavily with a large group of individuals at the bar, when he was shoved by another patron due to some perceived insult. SCP-3740: Cursed? But be true, the reason I’ve come to see you is to ask if you are enjoying your accommodations. SCP-3740: Spirits have mercy! Come on, buddy, it's time to- wait. dare not dispute with them the open, windswept plains of their world. Leads: Of course. Having gathered significant momentum with their early victories on the outskirts of the Konor System during the Plague … My friend Bonebreaker5, there are facilities just down the hall here- the finest in the entire realm, imported straight from the far off land of Kohler! This, friends, is the beautiful and terrible Eleanora Thunderclap. A thrilling tale! I've never heard of an Ulmar the Unbroken! This entity, a muscular humanoid male wearing an armored chestplate and helm and carrying a spear, communicated briefly with containment personnel before disappearing. (Addresses Dr. Barrett) Who are you? So far, the following acts have been sufficient to fool SCP-3740: Addendum 3740.5: Feast Event Transcription. It is the best-known of hundreds of tiny countries in the Ramtops, occupying a vertiginous shelf looking over the Sto Plains. He genuinely is a god, and has enough control over the wind and weather to qualify as a Person of Mass Destruction. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Suen: Ashur? COVID-19 still managed for find Norcatur. (Dr. Due to SCP-3740’s abilities and characteristics, it is currently classified as a Keter-class anomalous entity. My friend! (SCP-3740 claps once, and the light comes on.) SCP-3740: Hahahaha! After I’d offered him the courtesy of taking the high ground, he decides he wants to- to give me the ole one-two-dunk-a-roo! Agent Allen nods in approval.). I’m sending out this memo because I’m sure many of you will notice by the morning that we’ve cancelled our order for additional containment measures. How can this be? The river is teeming with fish, with several species of bass being the predominant catch. A witch? SCP-3740. 38. SCP-3740 is capable of providing itself with sustenance; however, it may occasionally request members of its containment team join it in a meal. BELLE PLAINE, Kan. (AP) — It’s barely a town anymore, battered by time on the windswept prairie of northwest Kansas. Artemor! The Second Coming was a quick-play single-track Challenge Event in Final Fantasy Record Keeper. Click here to edit contents of this page. My God, I've forgotten about size! Do go on! Isn’t this lackadaisical approach to SCP-3740’s containment counterintuitive and dangerous?” The answer to that second question is yes, usually. What great power! The rain thing, yes, the summoning the storm thing. The Forge-City of Grungni: Created after Sigmar released the duardin god from his chains, located in the Age of Chaos by Barak-Zilfin - it is infested with Skaven. In this case, though, we don’t need to worry about that. It was just a, uh, goblin… a goblin ran past, and just… just stole my nethers. Dr. Suen: Ashur? The, uh, the Unbroken. Haneul: Haneul is a Korean unisex name, meaning ‘sky.’ We think it would make a perfect pick for parents who want a name that bridges cultures. SCP-3740 accepts almost all statements at face value, and displays no traces of skepticism or uncertainty. Our good friend Tiamat procured these bottomless casks of the finest amber ale, and look here! (Suen disappears without warning). After dinner, spend the evening relaxing and perhaps stargazing, with the clear skies and lack of light pollution giving incredible views of the skies (1 night). SCP Foundation: SCP-3740 (Ashur, God of the Windswept Plains and Soaring Skies) has a bad case of this, which actually makes him fairly easy to contain despite being the Physical God of wind and perfectly capable of calling "I didn't know they could do that!" SCP-3740: Aha! I told her, brothers, I told her the other day, just the other day, that she has more power than anyone I have ever met before! You poor, unfortunate soul! It soars with its broad wings held in a shallow V, and swoops down to catch ground squirrels, snakes, young jackrabbits, and other good-sized prey. Amongst them is the Cotopaxi, a solitary, symmetrical 19,348-foot snow cone that protrudes out of the windswept Ecuadorian highlands. Dr. Was it an Elamite? It’s absolutely madness. (Nudges Dr. Barrett) Show him the breadth of your strength, Ulmar! SCP-3740 may very well turn into a containment risk at some point, and for the time being we’re not going to challenge his classification. Leads: That is very kind of you to say, Ashur. God Quotes 22k Inspirational Quotes Quotes 20.5k Truth Quotes 19.5k Wisdom Quotes 18k Poetry Quotes 17k Romance Quotes 17k Death Quotes 16k Happiness Quotes 15.5k Hope Quotes 14.5k Faith Quotes 14.5k Inspiration Quotes 13.5k Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3740 is currently contained within several modified large humanoid containment cells at Site-81. Oh! So we’ve set the guy up with a convincing enough spread, told him it’s super important that he not destroy the cell, and he’s perfectly content to sit around, drinking and fucking and having these crazy feasts with the members of his containment team. Day 4 Uyuni to Villa Mar Depart the salt hotel after breakfast, and set off on bumpy roads across the Bolivian altiplano, an arid but beautiful landscape that is none-the-less rich in birdlife and varied scenery. Its skies were the battlefield for Horus and Seth (Zeus and Typhon). I just wanted to make sure you were wanting for nothing here, Ashur. What does that even mean? You know what I mean, obviously, but still. Under no circumstances are any individuals to address SCP-3740 as anything other than "Ashur, God of the Windswept Plains and Soaring Skies", "Most Victorious and Unchallenged Lord Deific Ashur", or simply, "Mightiest In an act of aggression against the Purelakers, the Shen seized the southern Plains of An'she in order to reconstruct their old capital city of Shen Zhengyi. No fewer than fifteen casks of beer are to be provided within the dining cell at all times1. What a remarkable treasure! From Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels. Very tragic. No matter what type of natural scenery you’re drawn to – vast prairies, ancient forests, sparkling lakes – there is something for you in Minnesota. SCP-3740 is a Class VIII humanoid reality-altering entity believed to be Ashur, the Assyro-Babylonian god of air and head of the Assyrian pantheon of deities. Let me just get-, (SCP-3740 manipulates the wind in the room to move Agent Allen's mug over to a cask and pour him another drink, returning the cup when finished. Ulmar brought me this most peculiar torch, and see this! SCP-3740 currently believes it resides in a building called the “Angolian Château”, a structure it conquered while black-out drunk during the brawl that led to its discovery. (Laughs) We even had this whole custody thing set up, where I'd take him for a few decades, and then Nergal would be after me but he's always busy with something, and that Nazarene wino with the fish obsession has been flaking for like two thousand years, but… either way, listen, you're doing me a huge favor here buddy. SCP-3740 is currently contained within several modified large humanoid containment cells at Site-81. I've never heard of an Ulmar the Unbroken! A condor, a pelican, a peacock. SCP-3740 is more than capable at any given point in time of breaching containment. Greater even than the Polymorph of Diogenyses, or the Marmlukk of the Arab Well. Can you believe that? Truly unbelievable! My friend Bonebreaker5, there are facilities just down the hall here- the finest in the entire realm, imported straight from the far off land of Kohler! I’m sending out this memo because I’m sure many of you will notice by the morning that we’ve cancelled our order for additional containment measures. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. Was it an Elamite? During these events, Foundation personnel are to provide a whole cow or swine, which SCP-3740 will cook and serve to its preference. The Best of Iceland provides valuable resources of information that you can use to plan your trip and use as you travel. It is a veritable fortress of luxury, my friend! Addendum 3740.6: 11/4/2017 Event Transcription. Its land was the destination of the Pharaoh’s corporeal soul, or ancestral personality ( ka ), before ascending to Heaven. Gaze upon the length of his tongue! SCP-3740: As I was saying, Suen, it's excellent to see you again. SCP-3740: -so then I told him, what greater power could a god wield than that of spinning an orange ball on one finger? Under no circumstances are any individuals to address SCP-3740 as anything other than "Ashur, God of the Windswept Plains and Soaring Skies", "Most Victorious and Unchallenged Lord Deific Ashur", or simply, "Mightiest Ashur". The identification of Yahweh himself with the sea is not quite so obvious, but it is hinted at fairly blatantly. Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. SCP-3740: Nonsense. . (Dr. You've got a sort of- yeah, okay, absolutely, this is great. You mean the bathroom? Who are you? The rain thing, yes, the summoning the storm thing. TO: 3740 Research Team, Site-81 Containment Research Team, Site-81 Administration, Site Directors Council, Foundation Containment Committee, FROM: Dr. G. McElroy, Site-81 Containment Research Head. SCP-3740 was discovered during an altercation at a bar near the Turkish city of Gaziantep. Northcott Silk Inc. is an International Distributor and Converter of fine cotton printed fabrics for the quilt, craft and home decor industries You've returned to the past as well? So I’m waving the business at him, and he- hang on, Xenu, you want another drink? Did anyone else see that? As the sun, his face concealing, In a cloud withdraws from sight, So in Mary then lay hidden He Who is the world's true light. URSUN – GOD OF BEARS Ursun is the God of Bears, also known as Father of Bears, or Father Bear, His worship was first introduced by the … 1 year ago SCP-3311, SCP-3740. (A fierce wind is kicked up and SCP-3740’s chair is knocked backwards. The following is a transcript of that exchange. Strength, Ulmar ca n't tell you how much I appreciate it. ) the Ultimate Bucket List Minnesotans... 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Will, as you can, what sort of nonsense is going on?... Of god is with me, Suen, it is often seen sitting on the fiendish creature who this! Sitting on the ground in open fields was Stephen him, and this ball might well! Id= '' addendum-37401-strong-discovery-p-pscp-3740-was-discovered-during-an-altercation-at-a-bar-near-the-turkish-city-of-gaziantep-according-to-eyewitness-reports-scp-3740-was-seen-drinking-heavily-with-a-large-group-of-individuals-at-the-bar-when-he-was-shoved-by-another-patron-due-to-some-perceived-insult-a-brawl-began-which-ended-when-scp-3740-blew-out-the-front-wall-of-the-building-injuring-18-people-and-resulting-in-thousands-of-dollars-of-property-damage-local-authorities-apprehended-the-severely-intoxicated-scp-3740-who-began-to-rant-unceasingly-about-his-incredible-cosmic-power-until-local-foundation-agents-intercepted-the-authorities-and-apprehended-scp-3740-p-pstrongaddendum-37402-strong-mount-olympus-protocol-p-pempreface-the-following-document-is-an-excerpt-from-an-internal-memo-between-members-of-the-site-81-containment-research-team-em-p-blockquote-pstrongscp-foundation-secure-server-strongbr-strongsite-81-strong-p-pstrong3740-4-classified-information-strong-p-pstrongto-strong-3740-research-team-site-81-containment-research-team-site-81-administration-site-directors-council-foundation-containment-committee-p-pstrongfrom-strong-dr-g-mcelroy-site-81-containment-research-head-p-pim-sending-out-this-memo-because-im-sure-many-of-you-will-notice-by-the-morning-that-weve-cancelled-our-order-for-additional-containment-measures-its-certainly-no-mean-feat-to-contain-reality-benders-let-alone-class-8s-and-we-usually-break-out-the-big-guns-for-them-in-this-case-though-we-dont-need-to-worry-about-that-p-pyoure-probably-asking-yourself-right-now-but-dr-mcelroy-why-wouldnt-we-pull-out-all-the-stops-for-an-entity-that-could-very-literally-blow-the-roof-off-of-site-81-isnt-this-lackadaisical-approach-to-scp-3740s-containment-counterintuitive-and-dangerous-the-answer-to-that-second-question-is-yes-usually-but-we-got-lucky-in-this-case-sometimes-this-unnatural-order-of-things-throws-you-a-softball-and-this-ball-might-as-well-be-made-out-of-mozzarella-p-pheres-the-thing-scp-3740-is-hands-down-in-all-seriousness-100-no-doubt-easily-the-most-gullible-person-ive-ever-met-in-my-entire-life-im-not-joking-i-walked-into-the-room-and-announced-myself-as-bliss-delight-a-being-of-pure-energy-built-up-some-static-on-my-hand-and-zapped-him-a-bit-and-he-said-always-a-pleasure-to-meet-a-fellow-god-and-even-now-emto-this-day-em-continues-to-call-me-bliss-delight-jim-oppenheimer-told-him-about-how-he-fought-and-killed-a-thousand-men-singlehandedly-for-betraying-his-brother-and-the-guy-now-calls-him-aldous-manhattan-slayer-of-his-enemies-its-absolutely-madness-p-pso-weve-set-the-guy-up-with-a-convincing-enough-spread-told-him-its-super-important-that-he-not-destroy-the-cell-and-hes-perfectly-content-to-sit-around-drinking-and-fucking-and-having-these-crazy-feasts-with-the-members-of-his-containment-team-p-pscp-3740-may-very-well-turn-into-a-containment-risk-at-some-point-and-for-the-time-being-were-not-going-to-challenge-his-classification-but-know-that-you-can-rest-easy-because-the-most-dangerous-entity-at-site-81-thinks-director-aktus-is-a-supernatural-space-all-father-named-maltheus-the-horror-of-hadrians-hell-because-he-knows-how-to-turn-on-a-lightswitch-p-blockquote-pscp-3740-is-more-than-capable-at-any-given-point-in-time-of-breaching-containment-in-order-to-prevent-any-such-event-and-maintain-long-term-containment-of-scp-3740-the-following-mount-olympus-protocol-has-been-enacted-to-coordinate-any-future-communications-with-scp-3740-p-pscp-3740-currently-believes-it-resides-in-a-building-called-the-angolian-chateau-a-structure-it-conquered-while-black-out-drunk-during-the-brawl-that-led-to-its-discovery-within-the-containment-cell-there-are-three-types-of-individuals-permitted-to-interact-with-scp-3740-at-any-given-time-p-ul-listrongservants-strong-scp-3740-believes-that-its-containment-cell-is-staffed-with-servants-or-slaves-who-he-refers-to-as-elamites-or-chaldeans-these-individuals-are-not-permitted-to-speak-to-scp-3740-or-make-eye-contact-with-the-entity-as-these-are-signs-of-perceived-disrespect-and-will-agitate-scp-3740-considerably-all-individuals-of-this-type-are-d-class-personnel-scp-3740-will-typically-ignore-these-individuals-and-not-act-with-any-hostility-towards-them-so-long-as-they-maintain-their-character-li-listrongchateau-guardians-strong-these-are-members-of-site-81-security-personnel-who-wear-period-appropriate-armor-and-weapons-and-serve-as-the-guards-at-the-front-door-of-the-containment-cell-due-to-their-status-as-military-personnel-scp-3740-typically-treats-them-as-brothers-in-arms-though-with-no-illusions-about-the-difference-in-class-or-rank-between-them-scp-3740-may-occasionally-call-on-these-individuals-to-spar-with-him-and-they-are-expected-to-be-overwhelmed-by-him-and-surrendersup-classfootnoterefa-idfootnoteref-4-hrefjavascript-classfootnoteref-onclickwikidotpageutilsscrolltoreferencefootnote-44-a-sup-li-listronggods-and-heroes-strong-these-are-members-of-the-site-containment-team-and-research-personnel-who-have-convinced-scp-3740-that-they-are-gods-or-legendary-heroes-scp-3740-has-an-extremely-familiar-relationship-with-all-of-these-individuals-and-speaks-of-them-as-if-they-were-his-own-family-members-he-will-routinely-request-their-presence-at-feasts-he-holds-within-his-containment-cell-during-which-he-will-consume-an-inhuman-amount-of-alcohol-and-share-grandiose-tales-with-his-fellow-deities-as-well-as-mock-or-scorn-the-elamites-and-chaldeans-li-ul-pscp-3740-has-been-led-to-believe-that-the-brawl-that-led-to-his-discovery-was-so-fierce-it-opened-a-passageway-through-space-and-time-and-returned-him-to-antiquity-where-he-once-again-rules-supreme-at-the-top-of-the-assyrian-pantheon-as-per-usual-scp-3740-has-had-no-issue-accepting-this-version-of-events-foundation-actors-posing-as-other-members-of-the-assyrian-pantheon-have-helped-to-strengthen-the-illusion-of-the-protocol-p-pstrongaddendum-37403-strong-interview-with-scp-3740-p-pemnote-the-following-is-an-excerpt-from-the-transcription-of-an-interview-administered-by-dr-monica-leads-shortly-after-the-introduction-of-the-mount-olympus-protocol-em-p-blockquote-pstrongdr-leads-strong-ashur-greetings-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-and-greetings-to-you-oh-wondrous-enchantress-i-was-just-speaking-to-hang-on-thaddeus-artemor-emgestures-towards-two-members-of-the-security-team-em-come-in-here-yes-come-here-i-was-just-telling-my-brothers-thaddeus-and-artemor-about-you-eleanora-this-friends-is-the-beautiful-and-terrible-eleanora-thunderclap-is-she-not-a-sight-to-behold-p-pemthe-members-of-the-security-team-both-of-whom-report-directly-to-dr-leads-nod-in-agreement-em-p-pstrongdr-leads-strong-that-is-very-kind-of-you-to-say-ashur-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-nonsense-i-know-of-no-better-way-to-describe-a-great-warrior-empress-like-yourself-here-eleanora-show-them-the-show-them-the-thing-again-the-rain-thing-yes-the-summoning-the-storm-thing-please-p-pemdr-leads-claps-her-hands-three-times-and-outside-containment-personnel-proceed-to-activate-the-sprinklers-within-the-cell-em-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-hahahaha-what-great-power-i-told-her-brothers-i-told-her-the-other-day-emjust-em-the-other-day-that-she-has-more-power-than-anyone-i-have-ever-met-before-greater-even-than-the-polymorph-of-diogenyses-or-the-marmlukk-of-the-arab-well-maybe-second-only-to-our-great-companion-solomon-who-i-only-recently-observed-emremoving-his-thumb-simply-by-moving-his-other-hand-em-truly-astounding-p-pemboth-guards-nod-in-agreement-em-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-but-very-well-im-sure-eleanora-has-important-business-to-speak-of-to-me-thaddeus-artemor-to-your-stations-emthe-two-men-depart-em-now-eleanora-lets-speak-candidly-how-are-you-p-pstrongdr-leads-strong-im-well-ashur-how-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-i-would-very-much-enjoy-the-opportunity-to-intercourse-with-you-sexually-eleanora-p-pstrongdr-leads-strong-i-yes-youve-mentioned-as-much-ashur-unfortunately-you-see-i-have-been-cursed-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-cursed-cursed-how-can-this-be-who-would-do-this-terrible-thing-to-you-was-it-an-elamite-a-witch-an-elamite-witch-p-pstrongdr-leads-strong-no-no-no-definitely-not-an-elamite-it-was-just-a-uh-goblin8230-a-goblin-ran-past-and-just8230-just-stole-my-nethers-very-tragic-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-emslams-his-fist-on-the-table-em-gods-be-damned-except-us-of-course-but-either-way-emtakes-a-deep-breath-closes-his-eyes-slightly-em-what-dear-eleanora-is-the-extent-of-the-of-the-of-the-damage-embraces-himself-in-anticipation-em-p-pstrongdr-leads-strong-i-mean-its-just-its-just-all-like-its-all-smooth-down-there-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-spirits-have-mercy-ema-fierce-wind-is-kicked-up-and-scp-3740s-chair-is-knocked-backwards-he-scrambles-up-off-of-the-floor-em-you-poor-unfortunate-soul-i-cast-a-pox-on-the-fiendish-creature-who-did-this-to-you-let-his-cries-be-heard-forevermore-from-the-salted-earth-p-pstrongdr-leads-strong-i-certainly-appreciate-the-sentiment-ashur-thank-you-but-be-true-the-reason-ive-come-to-see-you-is-to-ask-if-you-are-enjoying-your-accommodations-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-undoubtedly-i-have-only-the-finest-furnishings-and-decor-here-as-you-can-see-our-good-friend-tiamat-procured-these-bottomless-casks-of-the-finest-amber-ale-and-look-here-ulmar-brought-me-this-most-peculiar-torch-and-see-this-emscp-3740-claps-once-and-the-light-comes-on-em-what-a-remarkable-treasure-p-pstrongdr-leads-strong-of-course-i-just-wanted-to-make-sure-you-were-wanting-for-nothing-here-ashur-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-absolutely-not-why-would-i-ever-want-to-leave-such-a-palace-empauses-em-there-is-one-thing-i-remember-i-would-very-much-like-to-intercou-p-pstrongdr-leads-strong-goblin-ashur-all-smooth-down-there-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-gods-be-damned-p-blockquote-pstrongaddendum-37404-strong-proof-of-supernatural-abilities-p-pin-order-to-facilitate-proper-communications-with-scp-3740-all-research-and-administrative-personnel-are-to-perform-a-feat-sufficient-enough-to-prove-to-scp-3740-that-they-are-divine-beings-on-an-equal-footing-to-scp-3740-so-far-the-following-acts-have-been-sufficient-to-fool-scp-3740-p-ul-liemstrongdr-clark-strong-floated-an-iron-ball-across-the-room-using-magnets-and-wire-em-li-liemstrongdr-yemma-strong-used-a-laser-pointer-to-make-a-cat-run-around-em-li-liemstrongresearcher-kiryu-strong-having-hair-of-a-non-natural-color-em-li-liemstrongdr-vanderbilt-strong-pulled-a-quarter-out-of-scp-3740s-ear-em-li-liemstrongdr-andrews-strong-held-a-pencil-to-the-side-of-his-head-and-pretended-to-swallow-it-em-li-liemstrongresearcher-dansby-strong-juggled-em-li-liemstrongasst-director-schmidt-strong-performed-a-card-trick-em-li-liemstrongresearcher-quarlo-strong-shotgunned-a-beer-em-li-liemstrongdir-aktus-strong-turned-on-a-light-switch-em-li-ul-pstrongaddendum-37405-strong-feast-event-transcription-p-pemnote-the-following-is-an-excerpt-from-the-transcript-of-recorded-audio-taken-from-a-weekly-feast-held-by-scp-3740-within-its-containment-cell-with-members-of-its-research-team-em-p-blockquote-pstrongscp-3740-strong-and-there-i-was-standing-alone-on-the-battlefield-and-over-the-river-is-adam-el-asem-hes-all-worked-up-see-because-i-was-waving-the-goods-at-him-and-p-pstrongresearcher-kale-strong-goods-p-pstrongagent-ivers-strong-he-means-his-dick-p-pstrongagent-allen-strong-his-god-rod-p-pemthe-whole-room-laughs-em-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-thats-the-one-so-im-waving-the-business-at-him-and-he-hang-on-xenu-you-want-another-drink-who-am-i-kidding-of-course-you-do-let-me-just-get-p-pemscp-3740-manipulates-the-wind-in-the-room-to-move-agent-allens-mug-over-to-a-cask-and-pour-him-another-drink-returning-the-cup-when-finished-agent-allen-nods-in-approval-em-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-anyway-he-he-tries-to-throw-the-whole-river-at-me-can-you-believe-that-after-id-offered-him-the-courtesy-of-taking-the-high-ground-he-decides-he-wants-to-to-give-me-the-ole-one-two-dunk-a-roo-p-pstrongdr-vickers-strong-the-scoundrel-p-pstrongresearcher-kale-strong-so-what-did-you-do-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-smacked-him-in-the-face-with-the-god-rod-of-course-p-pemthe-room-laughs-again-em-p-pstrongresearcher-robinson-strong-ive-got-one-better-so-one-time-i-was-hired-to-fight-the-broken-god-on-a-field-in-alagadda-and-ive-got-the-spear-of-the-non-believer-in-my-right-hand-and-the-severed-head-of-jack-bright-in-my-left-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-aha-a-thrilling-tale-do-go-on-p-pstrongagent-ivers-strong-ahhhhh-dont-listen-to-him-hes-full-of-shit-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-spirits-save-you-what-a-calamitous-turn-of-events-my-friend-bonebreakersup-classfootnoterefa-idfootnoteref-5-hrefjavascript-classfootnoteref-onclickwikidotpageutilsscrolltoreferencefootnote-55-a-sup-there-are-facilities-just-down-the-hall-here-the-finest-in-the-entire-realm-imported-straight-from-the-far-off-land-of-kohler-p-pstrongresearcher-robinson-strong-what-you-mean-the-bathroom-why-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-you-are-full-of-shit-are-you-not-p-pemthe-room-laughs-again-em-p-blockquote-pstrongaddendum-37406-strong-11-4-2017-event-transcription-p-pemnote-on-11-4-2017-another-entity-called-quotsuenquot-by-scp-3740-appeared-suddenly-within-scp-3740s-containment-chamber-this-entity-a-muscular-humanoid-male-wearing-an-armored-chestplate-and-helm-and-carrying-a-spear-communicated-briefly-with-containment-personnel-before-disappearing-the-following-is-a-transcript-of-that-exchange-em-p-blockquote-pstrongscp-3740-strong-so-then-i-told-him-what-greater-power-could-a-god-wield-than-that-of-spinning-an-orange-ball-on-one-finger-truly-unbelievable-p-pemthere-is-a-loud-cracking-sound-and-then-the-unknown-humanoid-entity-appears-em-p-pstrongsuen-strong-ashur-come-on-buddy-its-time-to-wait-hang-on-whats-going-on-here-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-ah-suen-my-friend-youve-returned-to-the-past-as-well-what-a-fortunate-coincidence-i-was-just-telling-my-friend-ulmar-here-about-our-misadventures-in-the-old-times-p-pstrongsuen-strong-ulmar-emaddresses-dr-barrett-em-who-are-you-p-pstrongdr-barrett-strong-i-im-ulmar-the-uh-the-unbroken-who-are-you-p-pstrongsuen-strong-ulmar-ive-never-heard-of-an-ulmar-the-unbroken-say-what-sort-of-nonsense-is-going-on-here-ashur-what-is-the-meaning-of-this-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-i-already-told-you-graceful-and-delicate-suen-this-is-p-pstrongsuen-strong-dont-call-me-that-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-ulmar-the-unbroken-a-powerful-lord-of-this-world-such-as-myself-behold-his-magnificent-power-emnudges-dr-barrett-em-show-him-the-breadth-of-your-strength-ulmar-p-pemdr-barrett-hesitantly-draws-his-elbow-to-his-mouth-and-licks-it-em-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-emgasps-audibly-em-revel-in-this-majesty-with-me-suen-see-how-his-arm-does-not-break-free-from-the-socket-gaze-upon-the-length-of-his-tongue-the-nations-of-the-world-should-rightfully-fear-this-man-p-pemsuen-does-not-appear-impressed-em-p-pstrongscp-3740-strong-as-i-was-saying-suen-its-excellent-to-see-you-again-my-fine-companion-ulmar-here-and-the-members-of-his-pantheon-have-suitably-stocked-this-royal-chateau-i-now-inhabit-all-in-the-finest-wares-from-across-the-countryside-it-is-a-veritable-fortress-of-luxury-my-friend-p-pstrongsuen-strong-what-do-you-mean-quotroyal-chateauquot-do-you-not-realize-that-you-are-empauses-em-ohhhh-i-see-whats-going-on-here-youve-got-a-sort-of-yeah-okay-absolutely-this-is-great-emsighs-em-what-a-relief-p-pstrongdr-barrett-strong-what-what-do-you-mean-p-pstrongsuen-strong-emtakes-dr-barrett-aside-em-you-would-not-believe-how-long-weve-been-babysitting-ashur-the-guy-just- can not -be-helped-you-know-what-i-mean-obviously-but-still-a-handful-am-i-right-emlaughs-em-we-even-had-this-whole-custody-thing-set-up-where-id-take-him-for-a-few-decades-and-then-nergal-would-be-after-me-but-hes-always-busy-with-something-and-that-nazarene-wino-with-the-fish-obsession-has-been-flaking-for-like-two-thousand-years-but8230-either-way-listen-youre-doing-me-a-huge-favor-here-buddy-i-cant-tell-you-how-much-i-appreciate-it-p-pstrongdr-barrett-strong-hang-on-what-who-are-you-again-p-pstrongsuen-strong-suen-god-of-the-moon-emmakes-a-dismissive-gesture-em-but-dont-worry-about-any-of-that-just-keep-up-the-good-work-if-you-need-anything-call-me-emsuen-disappears-without-warning-em-p-pstrongdr-barrett-strong-wha-what-hello-did-anyone-else-see-that-p-pstrongscp-3740 '' > Addendum 3740.1: Discovery s all down...